isolate_manager 5.1.0 copy "isolate_manager: ^5.1.0" to clipboard
isolate_manager: ^5.1.0 copied to clipboard

Create multiple long-lived isolates for the Functions, supports Worker on the Web (with the effective generator) and WASM compilation.

5.1.0 #

  • Stable now.

5.1.0-rc.1 #

  • Improve README.

5.1.0-rc #

  • Add IsolateManagerShared to be able to compute the multiple Functions.

  • Generate the shared Workers by using the @isolateManagerSharedWorker annotation.

  • Able to generate a custom Worker from a customFunction by using the @isolateManagerCustomWorker annotation.

  • Improve the README.

  • Various improvements and optimizations.

  • The generator:

    • The default dart run isolate_manager:generate command will generates both single and shared Workers.
    • Use dart run isolate_manager:generate --single to generate only the single functions (@isolateManagerWorker and @isolateManagerCustomWorker annotations).
    • Use dart run isolate_manager:generate_shared --shared to generate only the shared functions (@isolateManagerSharedWorker annotation).
  • This is an rc version because the various improvements may affect some edge cases so I want to make sure it's fully backward-compatible

5.0.5+1 #

  • Improve README.

5.0.5 #

  • Avoid using static function for the log printer.

5.0.4 #

  • Update the log printer to increase the performances.
  • Update benchmark.

5.0.3 #

  • Improve pub score.

5.0.2+1 #

  • Update some comments and fix some TYPO.
  • Rename from benchmarks to benchmark.

5.0.2 #

  • Change the default generated js to level O4 (Default level when using flutter build web).
  • Remove try catch to avoid unknown issues.
  • Add more test cases and improve tests.
  • Update the Worker base code.
  • Update missed types.
  • Update README.

5.0.1+1 #

  • Re-organize the README.
  • Update the description.

5.0.1 #

  • Add --omit-implicit-checks flag when compiling to js to avoid type check issues.
  • Add comments to the IsolateException.
  • Update README.

5.0.0 #

  • Bump sdk to ^3.3.0.
  • Add a generator to generate the Web Worker by adding the IsolateManagerWorker and isolateManagerWorker annotations (See more in README).
  • Implement the call method to the IsolateManager.
  • Improve the IsolateManager.create behavior (use a new custom function).
  • Improve the type of the customFunction and workerFunction.
  • Remove autoInitialize parameter.
  • Remove deprecated methods.
  • Bring the isolate_contactor to this package to make it lighter and easier to maintain.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: All isolate functions MUST be updated and all Workers MUST be recompiled. See the migration guide at the bottom of the README or at the changelog of the version 5.0.0-rc.1.

5.0.0-rc.11 #

  • Implement the call method.
  • Able to generate to WASM with --wasm flag (But unusable right now).

5.0.0-rc.10 #

  • Fix issue with null initialParams in createCustom.
  • Remove unused variable autoMarkAsInitialized and related code in the base.
  • Update tests.

5.0.0-rc.9 #

  • Able to generate static functions (Classs.function => Class.function.js).
  • Improve the generator (only generate the needed files to reduce time).
  • Improve the generated logs.

5.0.0-rc.8 #

  • Add a generator to generate the Worker JS by adding the IsolateManagerWorker and isolateManagerWorker annotations.
  • Update README.

5.0.0-rc.7 #

  • Update to improve the score.

5.0.0-rc.6 #

  • Update the CHANGELOG to show the migration guide.

5.0.0-rc.5 #

  • Export the IsolateState.
  • Update the CHANGELOG to show the migration guide.

5.0.0-rc.4 #

  • Bring the isolate_contactor to this package and make it lighter and easier to maintain.
  • Update the tests.
  • Remove unneeded platforms in the example.

5.0.0-rc.3 #

  • Remove deprecated methods.
  • Improve the IsolateManager.create behavior (use a new customFunction).
  • Improve the type of the customFunction and workerFunction.

5.0.0-rc.2 #

  • Update README.
  • Update homepage for beta version.

5.0.0-rc.1 #

  • Bump sdk to ^3.3.0.
  • Remove autoInitialize parameter.
  • Remove deprecated methods.
  • MIGRATION: All isolate functions MUST be update and all Workers MUST be recompiled:
    • If you're using the IsolateManagerFunction.workerFunction, you need to re-generate the JS for the Web Worker (compile from Dart to JS). The IsolateManagerFunction.customFunction will be automatically applied.
    • If you're using the old method, you need to send a initialized signal from an Isolate and a Worker:
      • Custom function of an Isolate: add the controller.initialized(); to the end of the function.

        • Before:

          void customFunction(dynamic params) {
            final controller = IsolateManagerController(params);
              // ...
        • After:

          void customFunction(dynamic params) async {
            // Do something sync or async here
            final controller = IsolateManagerController(params); 
              // ...
            controller.initialized(); // <--
      • On the Web Worker: add jsSendMessage(IsolateState.initialized.toJson()); to the end of the main method.

        • Before:

          void main() {
            callbackToStream('onmessage', (MessageEvent e) {
              return js_util.getProperty(e, 'data');
            }).listen((message) {
              // ...
        • After:

          void main() async {
            // Do something sync or async here
            callbackToStream('onmessage', (MessageEvent e) {
              return js_util.getProperty(e, 'data');
            }).listen((message) {
              // ...
            jsSendMessage(IsolateState.initialized.toJson()); // <--

4.3.1 #

  • Export the IsolateState.

4.3.0 #

  • Support WASM.
  • Add benchmark tests.
  • Deprecate the IsolateFunctionHelper in favor of the IsolateManagerFunction.
  • Improve the IsolateManagerFunction.workerFunction.
  • [Experiment and Optional] Able to send an initialized signal from the isolate to the main app to ensure that the isolate is ready to receive the messages from the main app. The Migration Steps:
    • Step 1:
      • If you're using the IsolateManagerFunction.workerFunction, you need to re-generate the JS for the Web Worker (compile from Dart to JS). The IsolateManagerFunction.customFunction will be automatically applied.

      • If you're using the old method, you need to send a initialized signal from an Isolate and a Worker:

        • Custom function of an Isolate: add the controller.initialized(); to the end of the function.

          • Before:

            void customFunction(dynamic params) {
              final controller = IsolateManagerController(params);
                // ...
          • After:

            void customFunction(dynamic params) async {
              // Do something sync or async here
              final controller = IsolateManagerController(params); 
                // ...
              controller.initialized(); // <--
        • On the Web Worker: add jsSendMessage(IsolateState.initialized.toJson()); to the end of the main method.

          • Before:

            void main() {
              callbackToStream('onmessage', (MessageEvent e) {
                return js_util.getProperty(e, 'data');
              }).listen((message) {
                // ...
          • After:

            void main() async {
              // Do something sync or async here
              callbackToStream('onmessage', (MessageEvent e) {
                return js_util.getProperty(e, 'data');
              }).listen((message) {
                // ...
              jsSendMessage(IsolateState.initialized.toJson()); // <--
      • Step 2: Update the create and createCustom method:

        • Before:
        final isolate = await IsolateManager.create(
          workerName: 'function',
        • After:
        final isolate = await IsolateManager.create(
          workerName: 'function',
          autoInitialize: false, // <--

4.2.2 #

  • Bump isolate_contacter to v4.1.0.
  • Add a class IsolateFunctionHelper contains customFunction and workerFunction.
  • Deprecate the createOwnIsolate in favor of the createCustom.
  • Deprecate the isolateWorker in favor of the IsolateFunctionHelper.workerFunction.
  • Improve README.

4.2.1+1 #

  • Fixed the issue that causes the sendMessage to be unable to throw the Exception when the callback is set.
  • Easier to create a Worker by using isolateWorker method (Detail in README).
  • Remove unused methods of the IsolateManagerController.
  • Improve README.
  • Improve tests.
  • Improve the code coverage.

4.1.5+1 #

  • Improved README.

4.1.5 #

  • Add fetchAndDecode example.
  • Update README to fetchAndDecode.

4.1.4 #

  • Add more complex examples (also for Worker).

4.1.3 #

  • Add example for Worker.
  • Update README.

4.1.2 #

  • Update homepage URL.

4.1.1 #

  • Add queuesLength to get the number of the current queuing elements.
  • Add ensureStarted to able to wait for the start method to finish when you want to call the start method manually without await and wait for it later.
  • Add isStarted to check if the start method is completed or not.

4.1.0 #

  • Add callback parameter to compute method to fully control the final result (Useful when you need to send something like the progress value before sending the final result in the same compute).
  • Mark isolateManager.onMessage as deprecated.
  • Add example that uses callback parameter to build a progress bar before getting the final result.

4.0.0 #

  • Add sendResultError to IsolateManagerController to make it easier to send the Exception from the Isolate to main app.
  • IsolateException parameters are now Object and StackTrace.
  • Add parameter type as P and change return type to R.
  • Add return type as void to onDispose method.
  • Change isolateParams from dynamic to Object?.
  • Update tests.
  • Update example.

3.0.1 #

  • [Fixes]: The compute method will be failed if user tap on a button that calling it multiple times continuously.
  • Improves tests.

3.0.0 #

  • Bumped Dart sdk to >=2.18.0 <4.0.0.

2.2.0+5 #

  • Add isolates_helper to README.

2.2.0+4 #

  • Improves README.
  • Add IsolateManager.debugLogPrefix to set the prefix debug logs.

2.2.0+2 #

  • Improve worker.dart imports.
  • Use new worker.dart in testing.

2.2.0+1 #

  • Improve function descriptions.
  • Improve README for catching exception with createOwnIsolate.

2.2.0 #

  • Support try-catch block for all platforms including Worker on Web.
  • Update worker.dart to support try-catch block.
  • Change all the debug logs prefix to [Isolate Mangager].
  • Add test for try-catch.
  • Increase min SDK to 2.15.0.

2.1.2+1 #

  • Improve pub scores.

2.1.2 #

  • The method .start() is now optional, the plugin will automatically call this method when using .compute for the first time, so you have 3 way to create the instance:

    1. Basic usage:
    IsolateManager<int> isolateManager = IsolateManager.create(
      concurrent: 4,
    await isolateManager.start();
    1. Use start without await:
    IsolateManager<int> isolateManager = IsolateManager.create(
      concurrent: 4,
    1. Use start when creating the instance:
    IsolateManager<int> isolateManager = IsolateManager.create(
      concurrent: 4,

2.1.1 #

  • On Flutter >3.3.0 - @pragma('vm:entry-point') annotation must be added to all methods that you want to use for isolation. Read README for more information.

2.1.0 #

  • [BREADKING CHANGE]: Change the parameter name from numOfIsolates to concurrent.
  • Update dependencies.

2.0.2+3 #

  • Improve README.

2.0.2+2 #

  • Changes the name from function_name to worker.
  • Improves worker.dart form.
  • Improves README.

2.0.2 #

  • Fixes issue in restart and stop methods.

2.0.1+3 #

  • Improve function headers.

2.0.1+2 #

  • Update function headers.
  • Update README.
  • Update dependencies.

2.0.1+1 #

  • Update base function_name.dart to make it works with FutureOr function.
  • Add function_name.js to example and create example for it.

2.0.1 #

  • Remove useless await in README.
  • Downgrade Dart SDK min version to 2.12.0.

2.0.0 #

  • Add Worker for Web platform (real Isolate on Web). Read README for more details.

1.0.0+1 #

  • Update README

1.0.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Change isolateFunction parameter of createOwnIsolate method from named to required parameter.
  • Added initialParams parameter to createOwnIsolate method.
  • Added initialParams getter to IsolateManagerController.
  • Bring to stable version.

0.1.0 #

  • Update example

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release
pub points



Create multiple long-lived isolates for the Functions, supports Worker on the Web (with the effective generator) and WASM compilation.

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analyzer, args, path, stream_channel, web


Packages that depend on isolate_manager