isolate_contactor 1.5.1+1 copy "isolate_contactor: ^1.5.1+1" to clipboard
isolate_contactor: ^1.5.1+1 copied to clipboard


An easy way to create a new isolate, keep it running and comunicate with it. It supports sending values between main and child isolate multiple times via stream.

Isolate Contactor #

An easy way to create a new isolate, keep it running and comunicate with it. It supports sending values between main and child isolate multiple times via stream, so you can build your widget with StreamBuilder and always listen to the new value from your isolate.

This package is different from the compute method, IsolateContactor allows the isolate to run, send, receive data from creating until you terminate it. It'll save a lot of starting time.

How to use it #

There are multiple ways to use this package, the only thing to notice that the function have to be a static or top-level function to make it works.

Create IsolateContactor instance #

IsolateContactor isolateContactor = await IsolateContactor.create(<function>);

Listen to the result of the isolate #

Like the above example, the result will be passed into stream listener, so you need to make sure that the stream has been called before sending message to the isolate for computing.

isolateContactor.onMessage.listen((message) {
  print('Result from isolate: $message');

Send data to isolate for computing #


Basic example #

main() async {
    // Just for waiting till the result has come
    bool valueExit = false;

    // Create IsolateContactor
    IsolateContactor<int> isolateContactor =
        await IsolateContactor.create(fibonacci);

    // Listen to the result
    isolateContactor.onMessage.listen((event) {
      print('isolate 1: $event');
      expect(event, 55);

      valueExit = true;

    // Send 10 to fibonacci isolate function

    // Only for waiting the result in Console app. Don't need to use in your real app
    while (!valueExit) {
      await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 10));

    // Dispose

int fibonacci(dynamic n) {
  if (n == 0) return 0;
  if (n == 1 || n == 2) return 1;

  return fibonacci(n - 2) + fibonacci(n - 1);

Easy build-in function #

I have implemented a build-in static function to make you easier to create an isolate as fast as possible. You just need to create a function of this form:

dynamic function(dynamic param) {
  // do something
  return something; // <-- This result will be sent back to your `onMessage` in main isolate.

// Or specify the return type. Ex:
int function(dynamic param) {
  // do something
  return something; // <-- This result will be sent back to your `onMessage` in main isolate.

or a Future function:

Future<dynamic> function(dynamic param) async {
  // do something
  return something; // <-- This result will be sent back to your `onMessage` in main isolate.

// Or specify the return type. Ex:
Future<int> function(dynamic param) async {
  // do something
  return something; // <-- This result will be sent back to your `onMessage` in main isolate.

The param can be anything even a List of variable like this (but its type must be dynamic):

dynamic subtract(dynamic n) => n[1] - n[0];

// Or specify the return type. Ex:
double subtract(dynamic n) => n[1] - n[0];

And create the instance with IsolateContactor.create(function) or IsolateContactor.create(subtract).

This is a test example:

void main() {
    bool value2Exit = false;

    IsolateContactor<double> isolateContactor2 =
        await IsolateContactor.create(subtract);

    // Listen to f20
    isolateContactor2.onMessage.listen((event) {
      print('isolate 2: $event');

      expect(event, 10.0);

      value2Exit = true;

    // Send 20 and 10 to [subtract]
    isolateContactor2.sendMessage([10.0, 20.0]);

    // Only for waiting the result in Console app. Don't need to use in your real app
    while (!value1Exit && !value2Exit) {
      await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 10));


// multi parameters as a dynamic
double subtract(dynamic n) => n[1] - n[0];

Create your own function #

This is also not too complicated to use, you're completely control your isolate function with this method. You just need to create a function of this form:

// Create your own function here
void isolateFunction(dynamic params) {
  final channel = IsolateContactorController<double>(params, onDispose: () {
    print('Dispose isolateFunction');
  channel.onIsolateMessage.listen((message) {
    // Do your stuff here
    // Send value back to your main process in stream [onMessage]
    channel.sendResult(add(message[0], message[1]));

And use IsolateContactor.createOwnIsolate(isolateFunction) and the package will do anything else for you. Please remember that you need to create exactly the same form of the function to make it works. This is an example:

main() async {
  IsolateContactor<double> isolateContactor = await IsolateContactor.createOwnIsolate(isolateFunction, debugMode: true);
  // Listen to the results
  isolateContactor.onMessage.listen((event) {
    print('isolate 2: $event');

    expect(event, 30.0);

  // Send 10 and 20 to [isolateFunction]
  isolateContactor.sendMessage([10.0, 20.0]);

// Create your own function here
void isolateFunction(dynamic params) {
  final channel = IsolateContactorController<double>(params, onDispose: () {
    print('Dispose isolateFunction');
  channel.onIsolateMessage.listen((message) {
    // Do your stuff here
    // Send value back to your main process in stream [onMessage]
    channel.sendResult(add(message[0], message[1]));

// multi parameters as an dynamic
double add(dynamic a, dynamic b) => a + b;

Flutter Example #

Create an expensive to calculate function:

/// This must be a static or top-level function
/// This function is very expensive to calculate, so I can test for un-blocking UI feature
Future<dynamic> fibonacciRescusiveFuture(dynamic n) async {
  if (n == 0) return 0;
  if (n <= 2) return 1;

  // Magic code: This is only for non-blocking UI on Web platform
  await Future.delayed(;

  return await fibonacciRescusiveFuture(n - 1) +
      await fibonacciRescusiveFuture(n - 2);

Create IsolateContactor instance:

IsolateContactor<double> isolateContactor3 = await IsolateContactor.create(fibonacciRescusiveFuture, debugMode: true);

Use StreamBuilder to rebuild the Widget:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Multi Isolate Fibonacci'),
          centerTitle: true,
        body: SingleChildScrollView(
          child: Center(
            child: Column(
              children: [
                const SizedBox(height: 8),
                /// Rebuild the widget when isolateContactor3 receives data
                  stream: isolateContactor3.onMessage,
                  builder: (context, snapshot) {
                    if (!snapshot.hasData) {
                      return const Center(
                        child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
                    return Text(
                        'Isolate3: Fibonacci at F$value3 = ${}');

                /// You can also listen to the state of this isolate
                    stream: isolateContactor3.onComputeState,
                    builder: (context, snapshot) {
                      return ListTile(
                        title: ElevatedButton(
                          onPressed: () => calculateValue3(),
                          child: Text( != null &&
                         == ComputeState.computing
                              ? 'Computing F$value3..'
                              : 'Calculate new Fibonacci'),

Limitation #

Support web platform with limited features. The package use Future to provide the same features to Isolate.

Contributions #

If you encounter any problems or feel the library is missing a feature, please feel free to open an issue. Pull request are also welcome.

pub points



An easy way to create a new isolate, keep it running and comunicate with it. It supports sending values between main and child isolate multiple times via stream.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




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