isbn 1.0.4 isbn: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard
A library for parsing, validating, and generating ISBN codes easily. Supports ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 formats.
import 'package:isbn/isbn.dart';
/// This example illustrates the main features of the library
/// For more examples, look at /tests
void main() {
/// Initialize the main object
Isbn isbn = Isbn();
/// Check if a string is in ISBN-10 format
print(isbn.isIsbn10('ISBN 4-19-830127-1'));
/// Check if a string is in ISBN-13 format
print(isbn.isIsbn13('ISBN 97818nope4677'));
/// Convert a string into ISBN 10 format
print(isbn.toIsbn10('isbn 0-8264-9752-7'));
/// Convert a string into ISBN 13 format
print(isbn.toIsbn13('record: isbn 0-8264-9752-7'));
/// Parse text for ISBNs
/// Specify detection levels to use. Options: [loose, normal, strict]
final text = r'ISBN 9781849284677'
'data: 9780312640583 thisworks'
'record: isbn 978-0312640583'
'also works: isbn 978031264058 3';
print(isbn.getIsbnFromString(text, level: 'normal'));
/// Convert a string to its canonical ISBN representation
/// Convert convert a string to EAN13 format