ironsource_mediation 3.0.1 ironsource_mediation: ^3.0.1 copied to clipboard
IronSource ad mediation Flutter plugin. Monetize apps with rewarded video, interstitial, banner, and native ads.
ironSource Flutter Plugin #
A bridge plugin for ironSource SDKs.
Getting Started #
Installation #
flutter pub get ironsource_mediation
Android Configuration #
- The ironSource SDK dependency is included in the plugin, so you do not have to add manually to your build.gradle.
Gradle Dependencies Required #
- Play Services dependencies must be added to PROJECT_ROOT/android/app/build.gradle.
// PROJECT_ROOT/android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
iOS Configuration #
- The ironSource SDK pod is included in the plugin, so you do not have to add it to your Podfile.
SKAdNetwork Support #
Add the SKAN ID of ironSource Network on info.plist
App Transport Security Settings #
Set NSAllowsArbitraryLoads: true
on info.plist to allow http as some mediated networks require http calls. (Note: ironSource Network calls are all encrypted.)
- Make sure that your info.plist does not contain other ATS exceptions such as NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent.
App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Prompt #
TODO: Remove or keep this?
Implement the ATT prompt to request user authorization for app-related data.
- Note: This is not part of ironSource SDK but a bridge for
AppTrackingTransparency ATTrackingManager
. - You have to add
to your info.plist if you intend to call this API.
Future<void> checkATT() async {
final currentStatus = await ATTrackingManager.getTrackingAuthorizationStatus();
if (currentStatus == ATTStatus.NotDetermined) {
final returnedStatus = await ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization();
print('ATTStatus returned: $returnedStatus');
Read more about Apple's ATT and user privacy guideline here.
General Usage #
Implement Listeners #
class LevelPlayRewardedVideoListenerClass with LevelPlayRewardedVideoListener {
void onAdAvailable(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Indicates that there's an available ad.
void onAdUnavailable() {
// Indicates that no ads are available to be displayed
void onAdOpened(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// The Rewarded Video ad view has opened. Your activity will loose focus
void onAdClosed(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// The Rewarded Video ad view is about to be closed. Your activity will regain its focus
void onAdRewarded(IronSourceRewardedVideoPlacement? placement, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// The user completed to watch the video, and should be rewarded.
// The placement parameter will include the reward data.
// When using server-to-server callbacks, you may ignore this event and wait for the ironSource server callback
void onAdShowFailed(IronSourceError? error, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// The rewarded video ad was failed to show
void onAdClicked(IronSourceRewardedVideoPlacement? placement, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked when the video ad was clicked.
// This callback is not supported by all networks, and we recommend using it
// only if it's supported by all networks you included in your build
class LevelPlayInterstitialAdListenerClass with LevelPlayInterstitialAdListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is successfully loaded
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Provided when the ad fails to load. Ad Unit information is included
void onAdDisplayed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is displayed. This is equivalent to an impression
void onAdDisplayFailed(LevelPlayAdError error, LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad fails to be displayed
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the user clicks on the ad
void onAdClosed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is closed
void onAdInfoChanged(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad info is updated. Available when another ad has loaded, and includes a higher CPM/Rate
class LevelPlayBannerAdViewListenerClass with LevelPlayBannerAdViewListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad was loaded successfully
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Ad load failed
void onAdDisplayed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad was displayed and visible on screen
void onAdDisplayFailed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo, LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Ad failed to be displayed on screen
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad was clicked
void onAdExpanded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad is opened on full screen
void onAdCollapsed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad is restored to its original size
void onAdLeftApplication(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// User pressed on the ad and was navigated out of the app
class LevelPlayNativeAdListenerClass with LevelPlayNativeAdListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked each time a native ad was loaded.
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceError? error) {
// Invoked when the native ad loading process has failed.
void onAdImpression(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked each time the first pixel is visible on the screen
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked when end user clicked on the native ad
Initialize the plugin #
Future<void> init() async {
final appKey = '[YOUR_APP_KEY]';
try {
List<AdFormat> legacyAdFormats = [AdFormat.BANNER, AdFormat.REWARDED, AdFormat.INTERSTITIAL, AdFormat.NATIVE_AD];
final initRequest = LevelPlayInitRequest(appKey: appKey, legacyAdFormats: legacyAdFormats);
await LevelPlay.init(initRequest: initRequest, initListener: this);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
Show Ads Example #
Future<void> _showRewardedVideoOnClick() async {
if (await IronSource.isRewardedVideoAvailable()) {
LevelPlayInterstitialAd? _interstitialAd;
void initState() {
void _createInterstitialAd() {
_intersitialAd = LevelPlayInterstitialAd(adUnitId: [YOUR_AD_UNIT]);
void _loadInterstitial() {
Future<void> _showInterstitial() async {
if (await __interstitialAd?.isAdReady()) {
_interstitialAd?.showAd(placement: [YOUR_PLACEMENT]);
LevelPlayBannerAdView? _bannerAdView;
void initState() {
void _createBannerAdView() {
final _bannerkey = GlobalKey<LevelPlayBannerAdViewState>();
_bannerAdView = LevelPlayBannerAdView(
key: _bannerKey,
adUnitId: [YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID],
listener: [YOUR_LISTENER],
placementName: [YOUR_PLACEMENT],
onPlatformViewCreated: _loadBanner
void _loadBanner() {
// or store and use key - _bannerKey.currentState?.loadAd();
class _LevelPlayNativeAdsSection extends State<LevelPlayNativeAdsSection> with LevelPlayNativeAdListener {
LevelPlayNativeAd? _nativeAd;
LevelPlayNativeAdView? _nativeAdView;
void initState() {
/// Initialize native ad object
void _createNativeAd() {
_nativeAd = LevelPlayNativeAd.builder()
.withPlacementName('YOUR_PLACEMENT_NAME') // Your placement name string
.withListener(LevelPlayNativeAdListenerClass()) // Your level play native ad listener
/// Initialize native ad view widget with native ad
void _createNativeAdView() {
_nativeAdView = LevelPlayNativeAdView(
key: GlobalKey(),
// Unique key to force recreation of widget
height: 150,
// Your chosen height
width: double.infinity,
// Your chosen width
nativeAd: _nativeAd,
// Native ad object
templateType: LevelPlayTemplateType.SMALL,
// Built-in native ad template(not required when implementing custom template)
templateStyle: LevelPlayNativeAdTemplateStyle( // Level play native ad styling(optional)
callToActionStyle: LevelPlayNativeAdElementStyle(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
textColor: Colors.lightBlue
/// Load native ad
void _loadAd() {
// Rest of the class
Refer to the example app for the more detailed implementation sample.
- Make sure to read the official documents at [ironSource Knowledge Center](TODO: replace with the real KC link) for proper usage.
- Some configurations must be done before initialization.
- LevelPlayBannerListener is deprecated - Please use LevelPlayBannerAdViewListener with LevelPlayBannerAdView instead.
Mediation #
- You can use the ironSource LevelPlay's mediation feature by adding adapters/SDKs to your project.
- Some networks require additional configurations.
- Make sure to use the compatible adapter versions.
Android #
Make sure to follow ironSource Knowledge Center document for additional setup.
- Add dependencies to
- Add required settings to
iOS #
Make sure to follow ironSource Knowledge Center document for additional setup.
- Add pod dependencies to
YOUR_PROJECT/ios/Podfile: target 'Runner'
- Add required settings to
- For Podfile, transitive dependencies error will be thrown with
. The workaround is to add the code below to Podfile:
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static