ironSource Flutter Plugin

A bridge plugin for ironSource SDKs.

Getting Started


flutter pub get ironsource_mediation

Android Configuration

  • The ironSource SDK dependency is included in the plugin, so you do not have to add manually to your build.gradle.

Gradle Dependencies Required

  • Play Services dependencies must be added to PROJECT_ROOT/android/app/build.gradle.
// PROJECT_ROOT/android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

iOS Configuration

  • The ironSource SDK pod is included in the plugin, so you do not have to add it to your Podfile.

SKAdNetwork Support

Add the SKAN ID of ironSource Network on info.plist


App Transport Security Settings

Set NSAllowsArbitraryLoads: true on info.plist to allow http as some mediated networks require http calls. (Note: ironSource Network calls are all encrypted.)



App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Prompt

TODO: Remove or keep this?

Implement the ATT prompt to request user authorization for app-related data.

  • Note: This is not part of ironSource SDK but a bridge for AppTrackingTransparency ATTrackingManager.
  • You have to add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to your info.plist if you intend to call this API.
Future<void> checkATT() async {
  final currentStatus = await ATTrackingManager.getTrackingAuthorizationStatus();
  if (currentStatus == ATTStatus.NotDetermined) {
    final returnedStatus = await ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization();
    print('ATTStatus returned: $returnedStatus');

Read more about Apple's ATT and user privacy guideline here.

General Usage

Implement Listeners


class LevelPlayRewardedVideoListenerClass with LevelPlayRewardedVideoListener {
  void onAdAvailable(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdAvailable

  void onAdClicked(IronSourceRewardedVideoPlacement? placement, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdClicked

  void onAdClosed(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdClosed

  void onAdOpened(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdOpened

  void onAdRewarded(IronSourceRewardedVideoPlacement? placement, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdRewarded

  void onAdShowFailed(IronSourceError? error, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdShowFailed

  void onAdUnavailable() {
    // TODO: implement onAdUnavailable


class LevelPlayInterstitialListenerClass with LevelPlayInterstitialListener {
  void onAdClicked(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdClicked

  void onAdClosed(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdClosed

  void onAdLoadFailed(IronSourceError? error) {
    // TODO: implement onAdLoadFailed

  void onAdOpened(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdOpened

  void onAdReady(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdReady

  void onAdShowFailed(IronSourceError? error, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdShowFailed

  void onAdShowSucceeded(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdShowSucceeded


class LevelPlayBannerListenerClass with LevelPlayBannerListener {

  void onAdClicked(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdClicked

  void onAdLeftApplication(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdLeftApplication

  void onAdLoadFailed(IronSourceError? error) {
    // TODO: implement onAdLoadFailed

  void onAdLoaded(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdLoaded

  void onAdScreenDismissed(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdScreenDismissed

  void onAdScreenPresented(IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdScreenPresented


class LevelPlayNativeAdListenerClass with LevelPlayNativeAdListener {
  void onAdClicked(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdClicked

  void onAdImpression(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdImpression

  void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceError? error) {
    // TODO: implement onAdLoadFailed

  void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
    // TODO: implement onAdLoaded

Initialize the plugin

Future<void> initIronSource() async {
  final appKey = Platform.isAndroid
      : Platform.isIOS
          ? IOS_APP_KEY
          : throw Exception("Unsupported Platform");
  try {
    IronSource.setFlutterVersion('YOUR_FLUTTER_VERSION'); // must be called before init
    // Set listeners
    await IronSource.setAdaptersDebug(true);
    await IronSource.shouldTrackNetworkState(true);

    // Do not use GAID or IDFA for this.
    await IronSource.setUserId("unique-application-user-id");
    await IronSource.init(appKey: appKey, adUnits: [IronSourceAdUnit.RewardedVideo]);
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {

Show Ads Example


Future<void> _showRewardedVideoOnClick() async {
  if (await IronSource.isRewardedVideoAvailable()) {


void _loadInterstitialOnClick() {

Future<void> _showInterstitialOnClick() async {
  if (await IronSource.isInterstitialReady()) {


Future<void> _loadBanner() async { // load will automatically show the ad
  await IronSource.loadBanner(
      size: size,
      position: IronSourceBannerPosition.Bottom,
      verticalOffset: -50,
      placementName: 'YOUR_PLACEMENT');


class _LevelPlayNativeAdsSection extends State<LevelPlayNativeAdsSection> with LevelPlayNativeAdListener {
  LevelPlayNativeAd? _nativeAd;
  LevelPlayNativeAdView? _nativeAdView;

  void initState() {

  /// Initialize native ad object
  void _createNativeAd() {
    _nativeAd = LevelPlayNativeAd.builder()
        .withPlacementName('YOUR_PLACEMENT_NAME') // Your placement name string
        .withListener(LevelPlayNativeAdListenerClass()) // Your level play native ad listener

  /// Initialize native ad view widget with native ad
  void _createNativeAdView() {
    _nativeAdView = LevelPlayNativeAdView(
      key: GlobalKey(), // Unique key to force recreation of widget
      height: 150, // Your chosen height
      width: double.infinity, // Your chosen width
      nativeAd: _nativeAd, // Native ad object
      templateType: LevelPlayTemplateType.SMALL, // Built-in native ad template(not required when implementing custom template)
      templateStyle: LevelPlayNativeAdTemplateStyle( // Level play native ad styling(optional)
          callToActionStyle: LevelPlayNativeAdElementStyle(
              backgroundColor: Colors.white,
              textColor: Colors.lightBlue

  /// Load native ad
  void _loadAd() {
  // Rest of the class

Refer to the example app for the more detailed implementation sample.


  • Make sure to read the official documents at ironSource Knowledge Center(TODO: replace with the real KC link) for proper usage.
  • Some configurations must be done before IronSource.init.

For the native SDKs, a banner view must be implemented directly to the UI component. This bridge takes care of native level view implementation. Therefore, positioning parameters are provided as below:


enum IronSourceBannerPosition {


This parameter represents the vertical offset of the banner:

  • Negative values: Upward offset
  • Positive values: Downward offset


  • Android: dp
  • iOS: point


  • Offset in the same direction of the position will be ignored. e.g. Bottom & 50, Top & -50
  • However, the offsets in the opposite direction or both directions on the Center position can go beyond the screen boundaries. e.g. Bottom & -10000
  • Make sure that a banner presented will be visible
  size: IronSourceBannerSize.BANNER,
  position: IronSourceBannerPosition.Bottom,
  verticalOffset: -50, // adding 50dp/50point margin bottom
  placementName: 'YOUR_PLACEMENT');


  • You can use the ironSource LevelPlay's mediation feature by adding adapters/SDKs to your project.
  • Some networks require additional configurations.
  • Make sure to use the compatible adapter versions.


Make sure to follow ironSource Knowledge Center document for additional setup.

  • Add dependencies to YOUR_PROJECT/android/app/build.gradle
  • Add required settings to YOUR_PROJECT/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml


Make sure to follow ironSource Knowledge Center document for additional setup.

  • Add pod dependencies to YOUR_PROJECT/ios/Podfile: target 'Runner'
  • Add required settings to YOUR_PROJECT/ios/Runner/info.plist


use_frameworks! :linkage => :static