introduction_screen 3.1.14 copy "introduction_screen: ^3.1.14" to clipboard
introduction_screen: ^3.1.14 copied to clipboard

Introduction/Onboarding package for flutter app with some customizations possibilities

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[3.1.14] - 2024-03-23 #

Fixed #

  • Fix scroll NotificationListener on PageView children #208

[3.1.13] - 2024-03-23 #

Added #

  • Add scrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior parameter on PageViewModel #195 #212
  • Re-generate example app with latest flutter version
  • Update dependencies to latest version (flutter_keyboard_visibility to 6.0.0)

Fixed #

  • Fix page controller used on autoScroll after introduction disposed #191 #196 #199

[3.1.12] - 2023-10-03 #

Fixed #

  • Add option to adjust page margin PR#194

[3.1.11] - 2023-07-13 #

Fixed #

  • Fixes last page detection PR#193

[3.1.10] - 2023-07-11 #

Added #

  • Add getter getCurrentPage() to get current page as an integer

Fixed #

  • Fixed a bug on auto scroll using raw pages when initial launch PR#189
  • Revert _currentpage to a double instead of int to have the dots animation

[3.1.9] - 2023-06-19 #

Changed #

  • Some changes and fixes to auto scroll PR#186

Added #

Fixed #

  • Fix auto scroll error PR#177
  • Fix breaking -> turn _currentpage into an int instead of double PR#180
  • Fix cannot be accessed before a PageView is built with it PR#178

[3.1.8] - 2023-04-19 #

  • Added safeAreaList parameter PR#174

[3.1.7] - 2023-03-16 #

  • Added hideBottomOnKeyboard parameter PR#171

[3.1.6] - 2023-02-15 #

  • Added customProgress parameter PR#167

[3.1.5] - 2023-02-15 #

Added #

  • Added the option conceal the bottom part of the introduction screen PR#163
  • Adding the getCurrentPageNumber getter PR#164

[3.1.4] - 2023-01-13 #

Fixed #

  • Fix bounce effect that occurs after last page - PR#159

Changed #

  • changed footer to flexible + footerFit + readme - PR#160

[3.1.3] - 2023-01-11 #

Added #

  • Added a README section demoing IntroductionScreen key param - PR#154
  • Added dynamic safeArea - PR#158

Fixed #

Changed #

  • remove footer from body - PR#157

[3.1.2] - 2022-12-28 #

Added #

  • unfocus in both next and previous methods - PR#153
  • body padding option - PR#143
  • allowImplicitScrolling parameter to IntroductionScreen widget - PR#138

[3.1.1] - 2022-11-29 #

Fixed #

  • Explicitly select elementAtOrNull from our CustomList helper by using an extension override. #151

[3.1.0] - 2022-11-26 #

Added #

  • resizeToAvoidBottomInset to for better keyboard support - PR#141
  • canProgress parameter to check if it is valid to progress to the next page - PR#137
  • autoscroll method - PR#136

Fixed #

  • Hiding Of Skip Button Is Now Handled By A Visibility Widget So It Doesn't Jump Around - PR#127

Changed #

  • improvements - PR#120
  • Update Gradle and Kotlin versions in example app - PR#145
  • Fix deprecated warnings in example app

[3.0.2] - 2022-03-30 #

  • Downgrade collection lib to 1.15.0 (IS#113)

3.0.1 #

  • Fix missing Position export (Thanks to PR#111)
  • Fix semantics to avoid double button (Thanks to PR#110)
  • Allow params to be updated (Can be a breaking change Thanks to PR#108)
  • Set button type for semantics (Thanks to PR#107)

3.0.0 #

SOME BREAKING CHANGE, please check your code and UI render

  • Add back button (Thanks to PR#90)
  • Add buttons parameters to override pre-built buttons
  • Add controlsPosition parameter
  • Add semantic labels parameters for buttons (Thanks to PR#80)
  • Replace buttons color parameters by styles (Thanks to PR#101)
  • Add option to put image next to content in landscape (Thanks to PR#74)
  • Allow body widget to be built without padding (Thanks to PR#73)
  • Replace single scrollController parameter by a list (Thanks to PR#71)

2.1.0 #

  • Some UI changes has been made, please check your app to be sure nothing has been changed
  • Support fullscreen images (Thanks to PR#29)
  • Support reverse page coontent order (Thanks to PR#32)
  • Support custom buttons colors (Thanks to PR#34)
  • Support raw pages (Widget) (Thanks to PR#42)
  • Add showDoneButton property (Thanks to PR#45)
  • Add scrollController property for pages scroll views (Thanks to PR#58)
  • Add globalFooter and globalHeader property (Thanks to PR#61)
  • Other new properties for customizations has been added, see README for more info
    • Like RTL, paddings, margins, ..

2.0.0 #

  • Add null safety support (Thanks to PR#60)

1.0.9 #

  • You can now access to next function
  • Add mounted check before setState (PR#24)
  • You can now press the dots indicators to change the page (can be disabled)

1.0.8 #

  • You can now access to IntroductionScreenState (for controller, animateScroll or skipToEnd functions)
  • Add public function to go to last page (skip to end)
  • Fix PageMetric type issue

1.0.7 #

  • Breaking changes : dotsDecoration is now for all pages
  • Add new parameters to handle paddings (image, title, body, ..)
  • Using latest dots_indicator package to support "animate" dots
  • Improve example app and update demo gifs on Readme

1.0.6 #

  • Breaking changes : title and body are now named parameters
  • You can now add titleWidget to have a title as Widget instead of String
  • You can now add bodyWidget to have a body as Widget instead of String

1.0.5+2 #

  • Fix next button disable

1.0.5+1 #

  • Improve example code
  • Fix README mistake

1.0.5 #

  • Add globalBackgroundColor property to define background color for all transparent pages
  • Add showNextButton property to set Next button visible or not

1.0.4 #

  • Add possibility to define flex ratio for skip, dots and next/done button.

1.0.3+1 #

  • Update dots_indicator library to 0.0.5+1

1.0.3 #

  • Breaking changes : Update dots_indicator library, now you must/can provide dots customizations with DotsDecorator model with dotsDecorator property of PageDecoration.

1.0.2 #

  • Breaking changes : All page customization has been moved to PageDecoration model
  • Improve layout of the page
  • Add imageFlex and bodyFlex parameter on PageDecoration, to custom flex ratio
  • Improve example app

1.0.1 #

  • Add scrollview on page content to handle small screen

1.0.0 #

  • Breaking changes : image (Widget) parameter is now optional
  • Add possibility to provide BoxDecoration (Thanks to
  • Add possibility to override default onSkip method

0.0.5 #

  • Breaking changes : done (Widget) parameter is now required
  • Breaking changes : skip (Widget) parameter is now required if you set showSkipButton: true
  • Fix bug
  • Add onChange listener
  • Add possibility to add a footer (like a button)
  • Add animation duration
  • Add possibility to define the initial page
  • Add possibility to freeze the scroll

0.0.4 #

  • Improve customization
  • Change String type to Widget for buttons, to set an Icon for example
  • Remove nextText parameter, use next instead
  • Remove doneText parameter, use done instead
  • Remove skipText parameter, use skip instead

0.0.3 #

  • Fix design padding layout on small device
  • Improve layout Expanded flex

0.0.2 #

  • Published on Pub
  • Fix bugs

0.0.1 #

  • First version
pub points


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Introduction/Onboarding package for flutter app with some customizations possibilities

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, dots_indicator, flutter, flutter_keyboard_visibility


Packages that depend on introduction_screen