intl_extension 0.0.2 copy "intl_extension: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
intl_extension: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


Translations without boilerplate. With an extension for strings, corresponding ARB files are created via code generator, which in turn are converted into localization files with gen-l10n.

Translations without boilerplate. With an extension for strings, corresponding ARB files are created via code generator, which in turn are converted into localization files with gen-l10n. The corresponding translation is loaded by the string extension directly from the localization file in the corresponding language.

Features #

  • Normal strings with and without parameters
  • Select strings with and without parameters
  • Plural strings with and without parameters

How to use #

Install #

To use intl_extension you need to install it by adding them to your pubspec.yaml

$ flutter pub add intl_extension

Extract and Generate #

At any time, the following command can be used to extract the strings and create the translation files:

$ flutter pub run intl_extension:build

Run this command first after you have installed the package

Initialize #

Add WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); and IntlLocalizations.init(IntlConfig()); to the main function to initialize the translation service. The IntlConfig() was created by the code generation previously.

void main() {

  runApp(const MyApp());

Translate strings #

You can easily translate a string by appending intl().

Text('This is my address'.intl());

If the string contains parameters they can be passed to intl() as Map<String, String>.

Text('My address is {address}'.intl({"address": "CWC8+R9 Mountain View, Kalifornien, USA"}));

If the string is not yet included in the translations, it will be returned or displayed untranslated

When you have marked new strings for translation, you need to run the above command to extract and generate the translation files. After that you need to restart the app. Otherwise the strings will be displayed untranslated.

Translate plurals #

You can easily translate a plural strings by appending intlPlural().

    'You have pushed the button {value} times.'.intlPlural(
        value: _counter,
        zero: 'You have not pushed the button yet.',
        one: 'You pushed the button once',

If the plural string contains parameters they can be passed to intlPlural() as Map<String, String>.

    'You have pushed the button {value} times.'.intlPlural(
        value: _counter,
        zero: 'You have not pushed the button yet.',
        one: 'You pushed the button {where} once',
        params: {"where": "in the office"}

If the plural string is not yet included in the translations, it will be returned or displayed untranslated

When you have marked new plural strings for translation, you need to run the above command to extract and generate the translation files. After that you need to restart the app. Otherwise the string will be displayed untranslated.

Translate selects #

You can easily translate a select strings by appending intlSelect(). The main string will be used as other if none of the variants fit.

    'Someone comes'.intlSelect(value: 'female', variants: {
        "male": "A man comes",
        "female": "A woman comes"

If the select string contains parameters they can be passed to intlSelect() as Map<String, String>.

    'Someone comes'.intlSelect(
        value: 'male',
        variants: {
            "male": "A {age} year old man comes",
            "female": "A {age} year old woman comes"
        params: {"age": "30"},

If the select string is not yet included in the translations, it will be returned or displayed untranslated

When you have marked new select strings for translation, you need to run the above command to extract and generate the translation files. After that you need to restart the app. Otherwise the string will be displayed untranslated.

Change language #

By default, the system language is loaded if possible. If this is not available, the original language is displayed.

With the following command the language can be changed at any time:

IntlLocalizations.setLocale(const Locale('de'));

To change the language in the app accordingly, an IntlChangeBuilder must be added around the MaterialApp widget. When the language is changed, this builder is executed again.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return IntlChangeBuilder(
      builder: (context, locale) {
        return MaterialApp(
          title: 'Intl_Extension Demo',
          localizationsDelegates: IntlLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
          supportedLocales: IntlLocalizations.supportedLocales,
          locale: locale,
          theme: ThemeData(
          home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'.intl()),

The current locale which is available in the builder can be transferred directly to the MaterialApp.

Configuration #

For the configuration of the languages and folders where the language files are stored, an intl.yaml file can be created in the root directory.

sourceLang: 'en'
  - 'de'

outputDir: './lib/intl'

    - './lib'
  outputDir: './intl'
pub points


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Translations without boilerplate. With an extension for strings, corresponding ARB files are created via code generator, which in turn are converted into localization files with gen-l10n.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


arb_utils, flutter, flutter_localizations, freezed_annotation, intl, json_annotation, recase, rxdart, yaml


Packages that depend on intl_extension