arb_utils 0.8.3 copy "arb_utils: ^0.8.3" to clipboard
arb_utils: ^0.8.3 copied to clipboard

A set of tools to work with .arb files (the preferred Dart way of dealing with i18n/l10n/translations)

arb_utils #

Common actions to perform over .arb formatted strings

Usage #

A simple usage example:

import 'package:arb_utils/arb_utils.dart';

main() {
  print('Generating .arb for translators...');
  var chkout = 'latestTranslationsProcessedBranch'; // or a49630b726c or HEAD^3 etc
  Process.runSync('git', 'checkout $chkout'.split(' '));
  var mainARBOld = File('lib/l10n/intl_en.arb').readAsStringSync();
  Process.runSync('git', 'checkout master'.split(' '));
  var mainARBNew = File('lib/l10n/intl_en.arb').readAsStringSync();
      .writeAsStringSync(sortARB(processNewKeys(mainARBNew, mainARBOld)));
  print('lib/l10n/new_translations/intl_en.arb generated');

Features #

Manual language switching helpers #

Normally there's the need of providing a way of manually changing the locale on runtime. Here is a super easy way of doing so depending on the state manager you use:
translation on runtime demo
The solution handles the persistance of the user selection for app restarts and so.


Given that BLoC relies on Provider for working this solution will work easily for both state managers:

//make sure this line is written, your IDE may not add it automatically
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:arb_utils/state_managers/l10n_provider.dart';

//prefix your MaterialApp(//... with the following:
      create: (_) => ProviderL10n(),
      child: Builder(builder: (context) {
        return MaterialApp(
          supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,

//now add this widget wherever you want:
import 'package:arb_utils/arb_utils_flutter.dart';

  supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,


Pull Requests are always welcome :-D!

ArbClient #

A way of getting your ARB translations dynamically, not hardcoded like S.of(context).key / AppLocalizations.of(context).key. It has been made with the pretension of supporting a way of getting the .arb files from the backend, on demand, but if it suits your use case, it just works. (PR are always welcome)

var arbClient = ArbClient(englishArbString, locale: 'en', onMissingKey: (key) => print('ARB key not found: $key'), exceptionOnMissingKey: kDebugMode, onMissingKeyValue: (key) => 'value of $key');
print(arbClient['hellowWorld']); // Hello World!
print(arbClient['hellowWorld']); // ¡Hola Mundo!
print(arbClient.get('helloName',{'name':'Nico'})); // ¡Hola Nico!

Standalone functions #


alters the order of every .arb key alphabetically, putting their @key metadata below every one

    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "aKey":"a simple key",

will be converted to:

  "aKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"

You can also provide a custom sort function.

var arb1 = '''
        "description": "Descripcion"
        "description": "Description"
var sortedArb1 = sortARB(arb1, (a, b) => a[1].compareTo(b[1]));
        "description": "Description"
        "description": "Descripcion"

Know that the most common sortings are implemented out of the box with the following parameters

var sorted = sortARB(arbString, caseInsensitive: false, naturalOrdering: false, descendingOrdering: false);


Will generate a .arb formatted string with the keys that doesn't appear in both the provided .arb formatted arguments

var arb1 = '''
        "description": "Descripcion"
        "description": "Description"
var arb2 = '''
        "description": "Descripcion"
    "newKey":"new value",
        "description": "new Description"
var diffed = diffARBs(arb1, arb2);
        "description": "Description"
    "newKey":"new value",
        "description": "new Description"


Will include the latter .arb keys in the former one and output a .arb formatted string with the merged keys, privileging the latter ones

var former = '''{
  "aKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "bKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
var latter = '''{
  "aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "cKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
var merged = mergeARBs(former,latter);
  "aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "bKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "cKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"


Compares an .arb formatted string with a previous version of itself and outputs a new .arb formatted string with the new keys found there (also the edited ones)

var oldVersion = '''{
  "aKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "bKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "cKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
var newVersion = '''{
  "aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "bKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "cKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"A MORE ROBUST description"
var newARB = processNewKeys(newVersion, oldVersion);
  "aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
    "description":"simple description"
  "zKey":"a simple key",
    "description":"A MORE ROBUST description"

Bin scripts #

Please run

dart pub global activate arb_utils

to enable arb_utils as an executable command on your system.


To easily sort an arb and update original file, use

arb_utils sort <INPUT FILE>

where <INPUT FILE> is a path to the input file.

Also, there are 3 flags for different sorting.

  • --case-insensitive / -i
  • --natural-ordering / -n
  • --descending / -d

For example, to sort with case insensitive and in descending order, use

arb_utils sort -i -d <INPUT FILE>
Add Missing Default Metadata

To easily add missing metadata to an arb and update original file, use

arb_utils generate-meta <INPUT FILE>

where <INPUT FILE> is a path to the input file.

Reference #

Check this article for understanding more about i18n with .arb in Flutter:

pub points


unverified uploader

A set of tools to work with .arb files (the preferred Dart way of dealing with i18n/l10n/translations)

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, collection, dart_console, dcli, flutter, intl, intl_utils, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on arb_utils