integer 2.0.1 integer: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard
Dart's native integers in custom bit-width format like i2, i4, i8, i16, i32, ix and u1, u2, u4, u8, u16, u32, ux...
integer : Copyright 2022 : Aldrin Mathew
This library is licensed under the AAF Dependable License 1.0.
You are allowed to use this library as a dependency in your
project(s) WITHOUT having to release/make available your own
project(s) under the same license.
Unless required by applicable law, this library is provided
expressed or implied. The author(s) of the project is not
liable for any harms, errors or troubles caused by using this
library, unless implied by law. By using this license, you are
acknowledging the complete terms and conditions of licensing of
this library as specified in AAF Dependable License 1.0 available
at this URL:
You are NOT ALLOWED to sell, or distribute THIS library under
commercial or non-commercial purposes. You are however, allowed
to use this library in your own project and also to license
your project in any license as you please. You are not allowed
to revamp, rebrand, refactor, modify, the contents of this
Using bindings, wrappers or container concepts, or any other
logic to rehash the contents of this library so as to expose
this library or to provide the functionalities of this library
as a different library is NOT PERMITTED under this license,
even if the new library/package/solution/source... has the same
Your project should contain "original work", ideally, the
definition of which is agreed upon by the community. If it does
contain original work, you are not allowed to publish your
project. Using this library to achieve that is not a violation
of this license. You are NOT ALLOWED to use the name, branding
and identity of this library to identify or brand your own
project. You ARE however allowed to use the name and branding to
pinpoint/show the source of the contents/code/logic of your
project. You are not allowed to use the identification of the
Authors of this library to associate them to your own projects,
in a way that is deceiving/misleading or gives out false
1. "This license", "same license" refers to the AAF Dependable
License 1.0
2. "This library", "this project", "the library" & "the project"
all refers to the project that is subject to this license. The
term "library" can be replaced by other terms like "package",
"bundle", "plugin"... depending on the context.
3. "You", "your" refers to the licensee. The licensee can be a
person, a group of people, an organisation or an entity. In short,
licensee is an entity that uses this library.
4. "community" can refer to the collective public, a specific
group of people related to the project or an arbitrary group of
The traditional definition of open source is flawed, as it is
often meant to be "Free and Open Source" instead of just "Open
Source". And because of that, this license is not compatible
with the definition of Open Source by the Open Source Initiative
(OSI). Instead this license follows the true meaning of open
source, allowing the source to be inspected and verified by the
public free of cost. However, advertising that this license is
an Open Source compatible license can lead to ambiguity and
confusion. Hence we choose to identify this license as belonging
to the "Shared Source" family of licenses.