input_quantity 2.3.0 copy "input_quantity: ^2.3.0" to clipboard
input_quantity: ^2.3.0 copied to clipboard

A widget for input quantity. Built with TextFormField. Type manually or increase and decrease value with the btn

2.3.0 #

Mar 11, 2024

  • feat: Add property for customize border

2.2.0 #

Nov 16, 2023

  • feat: handle for floating point of double in dart
  • feat: add new props to limit decimal places

2.1.1 #

Sep 30, 2023

  • add feature to disable typing manual 44

2.1.0 #

Sep 25, 2023

  • marked deprecated property 41
  • add orientation property for button side 43

2.0.4 #

Sep 22, 2023 39

  • fix export qtyFormProps property

2.0.3 #

  • update pubspec.yml file add homepage.

2.0.2 #

Sep 15, 2023

  • format dart lints

2.0.1 #

Sep 15, 2023

  • update screenshot picture

2.0.0 #

Sep 15, 2023 #36

  • Output can be specify: int,double or by default as num
  • Add Feature longpress to update value
  • Fix input unnecessary typing character
  • Add new feature Validator and message builder
  • Add and export more decoration for TextFormField and InputDecoration as InputQty property
  • @Deprecated item is not removed yet, but set the value will not taking any effect. Most of property are moved into QtyDecorationProps. list of deprecated property : showMessageLimit, textFieldDecoration, plusBtn, minusBtn, btnColor1,btnColor2,splashRadius, borderShape.

1.2.4 #

Aug 30, 2023

  • remove expired homepage site

1.2.3 #

Aug 8, 2023 #26

  • remove initial value change on initstate
  • add onTapOutside property to dismiss soft keyboard

1.2.2 #

Aug 8, 2023 #25

  • fix super.initState() and super.dispose()

1.2.1 #

  • doc: fix typo changelog

1.2.0 #

Jun 7, 2023 #22

  • refactor: separeted BuildBtn widget
  • initial borderShape = BorderShapeBtn.none
  • Use BoxShape insted of border radius on decoration

1.1.6 #

  • upgrade sdk >=2.17.3 <4.0.0
  • test: Run with dart 3.0 and flutter 3.10
  • Add screenshoot info on pubspec.yaml file

1.1.5 #

  • doc: update readme

1.1.4 #

  • Fix : padding bottom on web version.

1.1.3 #

  • feat: add message limit at the bottom of widget
  • doc: fix change log 1.1.2

1.1.2 #

  • doc: add width and heght to demo image

1.1.1 #

  • doc: update image demo size

1.1.0 #

  • release patch 5
  • update demo image gif

1.1.0-dev (patch-5) #

  • valuenotifier for any changes value
  • feat: autochange color when reach limit value top/bottom
  • change color button
  • border circle and border none of button
  • custom widget or icon button
  • fix: logic max and min value on steps
  • add boxdecoration for reset border

1.0.1 #

  • update image preview
  • update description

1.0.0 #

  • Release stable version
  • Update documentation

1.0.0-beta.3 #

  • Add comment description
  • Extract Input Decoration from TextFromField
  • fix keyboard for minus input
  • add image preview

1.0.0-beta.2 #

  • Add intrinsic and expanded size
  • Update Documentation
  • Add new example
  • Add minVal property

1.0.0-beta #

  • Change data type to num
  • Use ValueNotifier to avoid rebuild widget
  • Fix typo documentation and pubspec.yaml
  • Wrap with Intrinsic height
  • upgrade sdk version to 3.3.2

0.0.1 #

  • Initial relase Input quantity
pub points



A widget for input quantity. Built with TextFormField. Type manually or increase and decrease value with the btn

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#input-quantity #quantity-input #number-input


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