immutable_model 0.9.4 copy "immutable_model: ^0.9.4" to clipboard
immutable_model: ^0.9.4 copied to clipboard

Define valid, hierarchical immutable state models with an expressive API for updating state data and transitioning between states.

[0.9.0] - [0.9.4] #

  • Out of Alpha! All core features have been added and the fat trimmed.
  • Added ModelValue and ModelEnum lists
  • Changed the library structure and some of the interfaces
  • Fixed a bug ModelEnum
  • All values returned from the asSerializable method are now read-only with the correct types
  • Fixed bug with ModelDateTime fromSerialized
  • Unified the interfaces
  • Removed the fieldLabel property from ModelTypes
  • Removed cacheBuffer from immutable model
  • Restructured project layout

[0.8.0] - [0.8.1] #

  • Made the initialization of models more uniform
  • Removed equality check when updating with a model
  • Improved IM update speed slightly
  • Added ModelInnerList and tests
  • Added list sorting methods

[0.7.0] - [0.7.1] #

  • Reparameterized ModelInner and ModelEnum

[0.6.0] - [0.6.2] #

  • Refactored ModelLists into their own model types
  • Refactored parameter fields into a more uniform style across the library
  • Expanded ModelSelector to include selecting from different source
  • Added the shouldBuild function to ModelType
  • Updated the examples
  • Added more tests

[0.5.0] - [0.5.3] #

  • Entered Beta phase. Many, many things were added, changed or improved upon.
  • Selectors were added
  • ImmutableModel now wraps a state
  • The library was almost entirely refactored to add value type support. See the example projects for more.
  • Fixed many bugs
  • Adn much more...

[0.2.0] - [0.2.4] #

  • Added ModelEnum
  • Added DateTime support
  • Added utility class M
  • Made unsupported types unrepresentable
  • Validation support on whole model each update
  • Added ModelMerge methods

[0.1.0] #

  • Initial release.
pub points


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Define valid, hierarchical immutable state models with an expressive API for updating state data and transitioning between states.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


built_collection, collection, crypto, equatable, logging, meta


Packages that depend on immutable_model