image_handler 0.0.2 copy "image_handler: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
image_handler: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A versatile Flutter plugin for effortless image management. Crop, compress, and select images or videos with ease.

Flutter Image Handler Plugin #

The Flutter Image Handler plugin provides utilities for handling images in a Flutter application. It includes features for image compression, format conversion, cropping, and selecting images from various sources.

Features #

1. Check Compressed File Size #

  • static Future<int> checkCompressedFileSize(XFile? file): Checks the size of a compressed file specified by an XFile and returns the size in bytes. Returns 0 if the file is null.

2. Convert File to Other Format #

  • static Future<XFile?> convertFileToOtherFormat({required XFile? file, String finalFormat = 'jpeg', required int quality}): Converts a file to another format with the specified quality. Supported formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WebP, HEIC, and HEIF.

3. Crop Image #

  • static Future<XFile> cropImage({required var pickedFile, var context, required String title, required int quality, int widthCroppieBoundary = 520, int heightCroppieBoundary = 520, int widthCroppieViewPort = 480, int heightCroppieViewPort = 480}): Crops an image with customizable settings such as title, quality, and crop boundaries. Supports Android, iOS, and web platforms.

4. Select File #

  • static Future selectFile({required FileType type}): Allows users to select files or videos from their device. Returns an XFile for image files and a File for video files.

5. Pick Image from Camera #

  • static Future pickImageCamera(): Captures an image from the device's camera and returns an XFile with the picked image.

Usage #

Here's how you can use the Flutter Image Handler plugin in your Flutter application:

  1. Import the plugin:

    import 'package:image_handler/image_handler.dart';
  2. Initialize the ImageHandler instance:

    final imageHandler = ImageHandler();
  3. Use the available methods to perform image-related tasks.

Example #

// Check the size of a compressed file
int fileSize = await ImageHandler.checkCompressedFileSize(someXFile);
print('Compressed file size: $fileSize bytes');

// Convert a file to another format
XFile? convertedFile = await ImageHandler.convertFileToOtherFormat(
  file: someXFile,
  finalFormat: 'png',
  quality: 80,
print('Converted file path: ${convertedFile?.path}');

// Crop an image
XFile croppedImage = await ImageHandler.cropImage(
  pickedFile: someXFile,
  context: context,
  title: 'Crop Image',
  quality: 90,
print('Cropped image path: ${croppedImage.path}');

// Select a file (image or video)
var selectedFile = await ImageHandler.selectFile(type: FileType.image);
if (selectedFile is XFile) {
  print('Selected image path: ${selectedFile.path}');
} else if (selectedFile is File) {
  print('Selected video path: ${selectedFile.path}');

// Pick an image from the camera
XFile? pickedImage = await ImageHandler.pickImageCamera();
print('Picked image path: ${pickedImage?.path}');

Please make sure to handle exceptions and error scenarios as needed in your application.

License #

This Flutter plugin is open-source and licensed under the MIT License. You can find the source code and license details in the GitHub repository.

Issues and Contributions #

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Contributions and pull requests are welcome!




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A versatile Flutter plugin for effortless image management. Crop, compress, and select images or videos with ease.



API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


file_picker, flutter, flutter_image_compress, flutter_image_cropper, image_cropper, image_picker, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on image_handler