image_compare_slider 2.3.0+2 copy "image_compare_slider: ^2.3.0+2" to clipboard
image_compare_slider: ^2.3.0+2 copied to clipboard

Easily compare two images with a slider and a draggable line/handle, fully customizable.

Image Compare Slider #

ci pub package Coverage badge style: very good analysis Powered by Mason License: MIT

Inspired by react-compare-slider, this package allows you to easily compare two images with a slider.

PR's are welcome!

Installation 💻 #

❗ In order to start using Image Compare you must have the Dart SDK installed on your machine.

Add image_compare_slider to your pubspec.yaml:


Install it:

dart pub get

Import it:

import 'package:image_compare_slider/image_compare_slider.dart';

Use it:

  itemOne: const Image.asset('...'),
  itemTwo: const'...'),

The widget its pretty simple and customizable, see:


Customization 🎨 #

You can customize the widget with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
itemOne Image The first image to compare
itemTwo Image The second image to compare
changePositionOnHover bool If the slider should change position when the mouse is over it
handleSize double The size of the handle
handleRadius BorderRadius The radius of the handle
fillHandle bool If the handle should be filled
hideHandle bool If the handle should be hidden
handlePosition double The position of the handle relative to the slider
onPositionChange void Function(double position)? The callback to be called when the position changes
direction SliderDirection The direction of the slider will clip the image
dividerColor Color The color of the divider
dividerWidth double The width of the divider
itemOneBuilder Widget Function(Widget child)? The wrapper for the first image
itemTwoBuilder Widget Function(Widget child)? The wrapper for the second image

If you want to add some effects you can use the itemOneBuilder and itemTwoBuilder parameters to wrap the images with a ColorFilter or ImageFilter, or any other widget you want.

For example, to add a ImageFilter with a blur effect:

// ...
  itemOne: const Image.asset('...'),
  itemTwo: const Image.asset('...'),
  itemOneBuilder: (child) => ImageFiltered(
  imageFilter: ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 2, sigmaY: 5),
    child: child,
// ...

Will result in:

You can also pass any custom properties to the Image for itemOne and itemTwo, and most of the Image properties will be applied to the ImageCompareSlider widget.

For example, adding a colorBlendMode with a color to itemOne:

// ...
  itemOne: const Image.asset('...', color:, colorBlendMode: BlendMode.overlay),
  itemTwo: const Image.asset('...'),
// ...

Will result in:

Customizing the handle and divider is also possible:

// ...
  itemOne: const Image.asset('...'),
  itemTwo: const Image.asset('...'),
  handleSize: 50,
  handleRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(50)),
  fillHandle: true,
  dividerWidth: 10,
  handlePosition: 0.8,
  // ...
// ...

Will result in:

pub points


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Easily compare two images with a slider and a draggable line/handle, fully customizable.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




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