im_stepper 1.0.1+1 copy "im_stepper: ^1.0.1+1" to clipboard
im_stepper: ^1.0.1+1 copied to clipboard

A growing collection of beautiful, easy to use, stepper and page indicator widgets.

ChangeLog #

1.0.1+1 [Flutter 3.0] #

Friday, 9th June, 2022 #

  • Minor fixes and improvements

1.0.0 [Flutter 3.0] #

Friday, 3rd June, 2022 #

  • Update to Flutter 3.0
  • Fix android 2 embedding issue
  • Fix Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '?.' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null-- Thank you Redeemer Pace
  • Fix lint warnings -- Thank you TheMeanCanEHdian
  • Add line padding -- Thank you Mateusz

0.1.3 [Null safety] #

Friday, 5th March, 2021 #

0.1.2+10 [Blinking Issue / Alignment Property] #

Wednesday, 3rd February, 2021 #

  • Breaking Changes Icon/Image/Number Steppers: goNext, goPrevious, and Foo.externallyControlled properties and constructors have removed from Icon, Image, Number Steppers.

    • Renamed enableNextPreviousButtons to nextPreviousButtonsDisabled.

    • Renamed enabledStepTapping to stepTappingDisabled.

  • Fixed the blinking_bug github #15

  • Added the alignment property to align the Image/Icon/Number Steppers. github #16

  • Refactored.

  • Documentation improvements.

0.1.2+9 [DotStepper Revamped] #

Thursday, 8th January, 2021 #

The DotStepper has been completely revamped to include several new exciting features, such as, setting spacing between dots (github issue), showing line connectors, etc. Modern indicator effects and shapes have also been added. However, some of the following breaking changes happened along the way:-

  • Breaking Change: Indicator effect such as bullet, trail, jump_form_above, and jump_from_below have been removed and new modern effects have been introduced.

  • Breaking Change: Following properties have either been removed, moved or renamed to make controlling and customizing the DotStepper a breeze:-

Property Removed Renamed Moved
goNext Yes - -
goPrevious Yes - -
upperBound Yes - -
lowerBound Yes - -
dotReachedIndex - onDotTapped -
dotColor - - Decorations
indicatorColor - - Decorations
fillStep - - Decorations
indicatorEffect - Indicator -
indicatorType Yes - -
dotShape - shape -
  • Following new properties have been added:-
Property Description
spacing Sets the spacing between dots
lineConnectorsEnabled Enables or disables line connectors between dots
tappingEnabled Enables or disables tapping on dots
fixedDotDecoration Decorates fixedDots
indicatorDecoration Decorates the indicator
lineConnectorDecoration Decorates the lineConnectors between dots
  • LineConnectors have been added.

  • Spacing can now be set between the dots @github issues 11.

  • Documentation improvements.

  • Many thanks to Elliot for his continuous support.

0.1.2+8 #

Saturday, 28th November, 2020 #

  • Breaking Change: The DotShape property line renamed to dash.

  • goNext, goPrevious, and Foo.externallyControlled properties and constructors deprecated and will be removed in version 0.1.3 from Icon, Image, Number, and Dot Steppers. Instead, introduced the activeStep property, a simpler approach to control the steppers either from built-in buttons, by tapping, or from external buttons. @github issues: #5, #9.

  • The activeStep can also be used to either set the initial step or jump to any step. @github issues: #7

  • Deprecated the dotReachedIndex property in the DotStepper. This function is now redundant as the same can be tracked using the activeStep property.

  • Two new function properties introduced in DotStepper; lowerBound and upperBound. These maybe required in conditionals to control stepping forward and backward using the activeStep.

  • BugFix: Previous button icon not working @github issue: #8

  • Updated the documentation.

  • Many thanks to: elliot, MastPollo10, atul-khemka, and thfr69

0.1.2+6 #

Thursday, 15th October, 2020 #

  • BugFix: FlutterError (_OpacityAnimatedState#aa454(ticker active) was disposed with an active Ticker, pull request by mattbreeland

0.1.2+5 #

Sunday, 20th September, 2020 #

  • IconStepper, ImageStepper, and NumberStepper can now be controlled from external buttons, by using the relevant constructor marked as FooStepper.externallyControlled. @ github issues #3 and #4

  • Added the option to disable scrolling the stepper, if required.

  • Refactored the code.

  • Updated example to include using an externally controller stepper.

  • Documentation improvements.

0.1.2+4 #

Saturday, 29th August, 2020 #

  • Added NumberStepper.

0.1.2+3 #

Friday, 28th August, 2020 #

  • Added ImageStepper widget. Thanks @Liliana99

  • Refactored and optimized the code.

  • Updated the documentation.

  • Updated the examples.

0.1.2+2 #

Wednesday, 19th August, 2020 #

  • Added Dot Shapes to DotStepper.

0.1.2+1 #

Tuesday, 18th August, 2020 #

  • Added DotStepper.
  • Added example for DotStepper

0.1.1 #

Wednesday, 5th August, 2020 #

  • BugFix: couldn't set color and other properties for the DottedLine when in vertical mode.

  • Added the option to enable and disable stepping that could benefit validation before the next step is reached. Thanks @ Mohamed Elyamani

  • Refactored & optimized the code.

0.1.0 #

Sunday, 19th July, 2020 #

  • Initial release.

  • Added IconStepper.

pub points



A growing collection of beautiful, easy to use, stepper and page indicator widgets.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




Packages that depend on im_stepper