ilp_file_codec 1.0.13 copy "ilp_file_codec: ^1.0.13" to clipboard
ilp_file_codec: ^1.0.13 copied to clipboard

.ilp file codec.

1.0.13 #

  • ILP.toBytes({int version=1}) add 'version' parameter.

1.0.12+1 #

  • Fixed error

1.0.12 #

  • ILP.fromFile(String path) renamed to ILP.fromFileSync(String path)
  • add Future<ILP> ILP.fromFile(String path) method
  • add about ILP.fromFile exceptions

1.0.11 #

  • Add ILPConfigException, and list all exception codes at

1.0.10 #

  • ILPInfoConfig add Future<bool> validate() method, it tested the info and layers files exist or not.
  • ILPLayerConfig add Future<bool> validate() method, it tested self and children layers files exist or not.
  • ILPLayerConfig add List<ILPLayerConfig> contentLayers method, return children content layers(included file).

1.0.9 #

  • renamed ILPConfig to ILPInfoConfig and exported it
  • renamed ILPInfoConfig.layers to ILPInfoConfig.layer
  • renamed ILPInfoConfig.layers to ILPInfoConfig.layer
  • fixed ILP.cover and ILP.toBytes({String? coverFilePath}) issues
  • add
  • ILPInfo.contentLayerIdList instead of the.ILPInfo.layerCount

1.0.8 #

  • implemented the _ILPConfig.header and _ILPConfig._headerLength
  • fixed unit test

1.0.7+3 #

  • ILPConfig.toJson(Map data) changed to ILPConfig.toJson(Map data, {String? name})

1.0.7+2 #

  • use package:archive instead of dart:io

1.0.7+1 #

  • use package:universal_io instead of dart:io

1.0.7 #

  • add ILP.md5, ILP.sha1, ILP.length methods.

1.0.6 #

  • ILP add .fromBytes method
  • ILP.infos() change to ILP.infos

1.0.5 #

  • ILPInfo and ILPLayer add a field for name

1.0.4+1 #

  • Downgrade the collection package version

1.0.4 #

  • remove Sponsor, use string

1.0.3 #

  • ILPInfo add infos
  • ILPInfo add layerCount

1.0.2 #

  • ILP support list

1.0.1 #

  • ILP add list type

1.0.0+2 #

  • fix ilp.dart

1.0.0+1 #

  • Downgrade the collection package version to ^1.17.0

1.0.0 #

  • Initial version.