idb_shim 2.4.0-3 idb_shim: ^2.4.0-3 copied to clipboard
indexed_db dart base interface with implementation for native (browser), file (io) and in memory.
idb shim #
Pure dart indexed db like API on top of native, sembast implementation. Its goal is to support browsers that do not support the indexed_db api with very few changes as well as setting the base for a flutter implementation.
It also allows to test your database schema and access in vm unit tests.
- Project home page
- Project source code
- Samples (code and live demo)
Usage example:
- notepad_idb: Simple flutter notepad working on all platforms (web/mobile/desktop) (online demo)
- demo_idb: Simplest counter persistent app working on all platforms (web/mobile/desktop) (online demo)
Usage #
Assume you have the existing:
import 'dart:indexed_db';, version: xxx, onUpgradeNeeded: yyy);
This can be replaced by:
import 'package:idb_shim/idb_browser.dart'
IdbFactory idbFactory = getIdbFactory();, version: xxx, onUpgradeNeeded: yyy);
All other existing code remains unchanged. Simple example below:
// define the store name
const String storeName = "records";
// open the database
Database db = await"my_records.db", version: 1,
onUpgradeNeeded: (VersionChangeEvent event) {
Database db = event.database;
// create the store
db.createObjectStore(storeName, autoIncrement: true);
// put some data
var txn = db.transaction(storeName, "readwrite");
var store = txn.objectStore(storeName);
var key = await store.put({"some": "data"});
await txn.completed;
// read some data
txn = db.transaction(storeName, "readonly");
store = txn.objectStore(storeName);
Map value = await store.getObject(key);
await txn.completed;
Example #
Simple notepad available here running on Flutter (iOS/Android/Web).
Flutter support #
While idb_shim over sembast is a solution on Flutter, there is an implementation idb_sqflite based on sqflite for mobile (iOS and Android)
Testing #
Testing with dartdevc
pub serve test --web-compiler=dartdevc --port=8079
pub run test -p chrome --pub-serve=8079
Known limitations/issues #
Memory/Io implementation
- For autoincrement, if key is set, it cannot be set as a different type than int
- Nextunique and prevunique not supported (for now)
- No support for Cursor.source
- No generic support for blocked. It is always possible to upgrade the database, however other tabs will get blocked in their future calls
- Index.get: only by key is supported (no range yet)
Type of data
Supported types:
- Stuff that can be JSON serialized/deserialized (
) DateTime
is supported as of 1.11Uint8List
is supported as of 1.11null
is no longer supported as a document value (although map field can be null though).
- Cyclic dependecy are not supported (per JSON serialization)
- Large float are not converted to int (native indexeddb implementation does this)
- Don't create an index on boolean value. IndexedDB does not support that, however sembast implementation allows it (this could change). This will only be prevented in debug.
Type of key
- String and num (int or double) are supported for keys
Native exception
- Native exception type have no match in dart so a custom DatabaseError object is created to wrap the exception
Ie limitation #
IE 11, Edge 12 has the following limitations:
- no support for reading objectStore.autoIncrement properties
- ObjectStore.count() without argument throw a 'DataError' exception...better avoid count() on IE...
- it seems ie close the transaction 'sooner' then chrome/firefox, i.e. calling an sync function that wrap an idb calls makes the transaction terminate
- IDBIndex.multiEntry not supported on ie
Safari limitation #
Safari has the following limitations (as of v 9.0)
- no support for transactions on multiple stores
- very short transaction life cycle (no await on sdk 1.12)