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icure high level sdk for medical devices

openapi #

ICure Medical Device Dart SDK

Requirements #

Dart 2.12 or later

Installation & Usage # #

The recommended way to get this package is through, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/openapi

Github #

If you wish to get this package from Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml

  icure_medical_device_dart_sdk: ^1.0.3

Tests #


Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:openapi/api.dart';

final api_instance = CodingApi();
final coding = Coding(); // Coding | 

try {
    final result = api_instance.createOrModifyCoding(coding);
} catch (e) {
    print('Exception when calling CodingApi->createOrModifyCoding: $e\n');

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CodingApi createOrModifyCoding PUT /rest/v2/coding Create or update a [Coding]
CodingApi createOrModifyCodings PUT /rest/v2/coding/batch Create or update a batch of [Coding]
CodingApi filterCoding POST /rest/v2/coding/filter Load codings from the database by filtering them using the provided [filter].
CodingApi getCoding GET /rest/v2/coding/{codingId} Get a [Coding]
CodingApi matchCoding POST /rest/v2/coding/match Load coding ids from the database by filtering them using the provided [filter].
DataSampleApi createOrModifyDataSampleFor PUT /rest/v2/data/sample/for/{patientId} Create or update a [DataSample] for a patient
DataSampleApi createOrModifyDataSamplesFor PUT /rest/v2/data/sample/batch/for/{patientId} Create or update a batch of [DataSample] for a patient
DataSampleApi deleteAttachment DELETE /rest/v2/data/sample/{dataSampleId}/attachment/{documentId} Delete an attachment of a DataSample
DataSampleApi deleteDataSample DELETE /rest/v2/data/sample/{dataSampleId} Delete a [DataSample] by its id
DataSampleApi deleteDataSamples POST /rest/v2/data/sample/batch Delete a batch of [Data Samples]
DataSampleApi filterDataSample POST /rest/v2/data/sample/filter Find data samples using the provided [filter].
DataSampleApi getDataSample GET /rest/v2/data/sample/{dataSampleId} Get a [DataSample] by its id
DataSampleApi getDataSampleAttachmentContent GET /rest/v2/data/sample/{dataSampleId}/attachment/{documentId}/{attachmentId} Get attachment content of a DataSample
DataSampleApi getDataSampleAttachmentDocument GET /rest/v2/data/sample/{dataSampleId}/attachment/{documentId} Get document metadata of a DataSample attachment
DataSampleApi matchDataSample POST /rest/v2/data/sample/match Find data samples ids using the provided Filter.
DataSampleApi setDataSampleAttachment PUT /rest/v2/data/sample/{dataSampleId}/attachment Add or update the attachment of a DataSample
HealthcareElementApi createOrModifyHealthcareElement PUT /rest/v2/hce Create a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi createOrModifyHealthcareElements PUT /rest/v2/hce/batch Create a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi deleteHealthcareElement DELETE /rest/v2/hce/{id} Delete a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi filterHealthcareElement POST /rest/v2/hce/filter Find Healthcare Elements using a filter
HealthcareElementApi getHealthcareElement GET /rest/v2/hce/{id} Get a Healthcare Element
HealthcareElementApi matchHealthcareElement POST /rest/v2/hce/match Find Healthcare Elements using a filter
HealthcareProfessionalApi createOrModifyHealthcareProfessional PUT /rest/v2/healthcareprofessional Create a newhealthcare professional or modify an existing one.
HealthcareProfessionalApi deleteHealthcareProfessional DELETE /rest/v2/healthcareprofessional/{hcpId} Delete an existing healthcare professional.
HealthcareProfessionalApi filterHealthcareProfessionalBy POST /rest/v2/healthcareprofessional/filter Load healthcare professionals from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
HealthcareProfessionalApi getHealthcareProfessional GET /rest/v2/healthcareprofessional/{hcpId} Get a Healthcare professional by id.
HealthcareProfessionalApi matchHealthcareProfessionalBy POST /rest/v2/healthcareprofessional/match Loadhealthcare professional ids from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
MedicalDeviceApi createOrModifyMedicalDevice PUT /rest/v2/medical/device Create or update a [MedicalDevice]
MedicalDeviceApi createOrModifyMedicalDevices PUT /rest/v2/medical/device/batch Create or update a batch of [MedicalDevice]
MedicalDeviceApi deleteMedicalDevice DELETE /rest/v2/medical/device/{medicalDeviceId} Delete a [MedicalDevice]
MedicalDeviceApi deleteMedicalDevices POST /rest/v2/medical/device/batch Delete a batch of [MedicalDevice]
MedicalDeviceApi filterMedicalDevices POST /rest/v2/medical/device/filter Load devices from the database by filtering them using the provided [filter].
MedicalDeviceApi getMedicalDevice GET /rest/v2/medical/device/{medicalDeviceId} Get a Medical Device
MedicalDeviceApi matchMedicalDevices POST /rest/v2/medical/device/match Load medical device ids from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
PatientApi createOrModifyPatient PUT /rest/v2/patient Create or update a [Patient]
PatientApi deletePatient DELETE /rest/v2/patient/{patientId} Delete a [Patient]
PatientApi filterPatients POST /rest/v2/patient/filter Load patients from the database by filtering them using the provided [filter].
PatientApi getPatient GET /rest/v2/patient/{patientId} Get a [Patient]
PatientApi matchPatients POST /rest/v2/patient/match Load patient ids from the database by filtering them using the provided [filter].
UserApi checkTokenValidity GET /rest/v2/user/token/{userId} Check token validity for a user.
UserApi createOrModifyUser PUT /rest/v2/user Create a new user or modify an existing one.
UserApi createToken POST /rest/v2/user/token/{userId} Create a token for a user.
UserApi deleteUser DELETE /rest/v2/user/{userId} Delete an existing user.
UserApi filterUsers POST /rest/v2/user/filter Load users from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.
UserApi getLoggedUser GET /rest/v2/user Get the details of the logged User.
UserApi getUser GET /rest/v2/user/{userId} Get a User by id.
UserApi matchUsers POST /rest/v2/user/match Load user ids from the database by filtering them using the provided Filter.

Documentation For Models #

Documentation For Authorization #

All endpoints do not require authorization.

Author #