icure_dart_sdk 1.0.10 icure_dart_sdk: ^1.0.10 copied to clipboard
icure low level dart sdk.
icure_dart_sdk #
The iCure Data Stack Application API is the native interface to iCure.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: v2
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
Requirements #
Dart 2.12 or later
Installation & Usage #
Github #
If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
Local #
To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/icure_dart_sdk
Tests #
Getting Started #
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:icure_dart_sdk/api.dart';
final api_instance = AccessLogApi();
final accessLogDto = AccessLogDto(); // AccessLogDto |
try {
final result = api_instance.createAccessLog(accessLogDto);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling AccessLogApi->createAccessLog: $e\n');
Documentation for API Endpoints #
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccessLogApi | createAccessLog | POST /rest/v2/accesslog | Creates an access log |
AccessLogApi | deleteAccessLogs | POST /rest/v2/accesslog/delete/batch | Deletes an access log |
AccessLogApi | findAccessLogsBy | GET /rest/v2/accesslog | Get Paginated List of Access logs |
AccessLogApi | findAccessLogsByUserAfterDate | GET /rest/v2/accesslog/byUser | Get Paginated List of Access logs by user after date |
AccessLogApi | getAccessLog | GET /rest/v2/accesslog/{accessLogId} | Gets an access log |
AccessLogApi | listAccessLogsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/accesslog/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List access logs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds. |
AccessLogApi | modifyAccessLog | PUT /rest/v2/accesslog | Modifies an access log |
AgendaApi | createAgenda | POST /rest/v2/agenda | Creates a agenda |
AgendaApi | deleteAgendas | POST /rest/v2/agenda/delete/batch | Deletes agendas |
AgendaApi | getAgenda | GET /rest/v2/agenda/{agendaId} | Gets an agenda |
AgendaApi | getAgendas | GET /rest/v2/agenda | Gets all agendas |
AgendaApi | getAgendasForUser | GET /rest/v2/agenda/byUser | Gets all agendas for user |
AgendaApi | getReadableAgendasForUser | GET /rest/v2/agenda/readableForUser | Gets readable agendas for user |
AgendaApi | modifyAgenda | PUT /rest/v2/agenda | Modifies an agenda |
AnonymousAccessApi | getAvailabilitiesByPeriodAndCalendarItemTypeId | GET /rest/v2/aa/available/inGroup/{groupId}/forUser/{userId}/type/{getCalendarItemTypeId} | Get Availabilities for HCP and appointmentType |
AnonymousAccessApi | listAppointmentTypesForUser | GET /rest/v2/aa/appointmentType/inGroup/{groupId}/forUser/{userId} | List Calendar Item types for a provided group id and user id |
AnonymousAccessApi | listHealthcarePartiesInGroup | GET /rest/v2/aa/hcparty/inGroup/{groupId} | List healthcare parties for a provided group id |
ApplicationsettingsApi | getApplicationSettings | GET /rest/v2/appsettings | Gets all application settings |
ArticleApi | createArticle | POST /rest/v2/article | Creates a article |
ArticleApi | deleteArticles | POST /rest/v2/article/delete/batch | Deletes articles |
ArticleApi | getArticle | GET /rest/v2/article/{articleId} | Gets an article |
ArticleApi | getArticles | GET /rest/v2/article | Gets all articles |
ArticleApi | modifyArticle | PUT /rest/v2/article | Modifies an article |
AuthApi | login | POST /rest/v2/auth/login | login |
AuthApi | logout | GET /rest/v2/auth/logout | logout |
AuthApi | logoutPost | POST /rest/v2/auth/logout | logout |
AuthApi | token | GET /rest/v2/auth/token/{method}/{path} | token |
BeefactApi | createBatchAndMessage | POST /rest/v2/be_efact/{insuranceId}/{newMessageId}/{numericalRef} | create batch and message |
BekmehrApi | checkIfSMFPatientsExists | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/smf/{documentId}/checkIfSMFPatientsExists | Check whether patients in SMF already exists in DB |
BekmehrApi | generateContactreportExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/contactreport/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr contactreport |
BekmehrApi | generateDiaryNote | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/diarynote/{patientId}/export | Generate diarynote |
BekmehrApi | generateLabresultExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/labresult/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr labresult |
BekmehrApi | generateMedicationSchemeExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/medicationscheme/{patientId}/export | Get Medicationscheme export |
BekmehrApi | generateNoteExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/note/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr note |
BekmehrApi | generatePatientInfoExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/patientinfo/{patientId}/export | Get KMEHR Patient Info export |
BekmehrApi | generatePrescriptionExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/prescription/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr prescription |
BekmehrApi | generateReportExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/report/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr report |
BekmehrApi | generateRequestExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/request/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr request |
BekmehrApi | generateResultExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/result/{patientId}/export/{id} | Get Kmehr result |
BekmehrApi | generateSmfExport | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/smf/{patientId}/export | Get SMF (Software Medical File) export |
BekmehrApi | generateSumehr | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/export | Generate sumehr |
BekmehrApi | generateSumehrV2 | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/export | Generate sumehr |
BekmehrApi | getSumehrContent | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/content | Get sumehr elements |
BekmehrApi | getSumehrMd5 | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/md5 | Check sumehr signature |
BekmehrApi | getSumehrV2Content | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/content | Get sumehr elements |
BekmehrApi | getSumehrV2Md5 | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/md5 | Check sumehr signature |
BekmehrApi | importMedicationScheme | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/medicationscheme/{documentId}/import | Import MedicationScheme into patient(s) using existing document |
BekmehrApi | importSmf | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/smf/{documentId}/import | Import SMF into patient(s) using existing document |
BekmehrApi | importSumehr | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{documentId}/import | Import sumehr into patient(s) using existing document |
BekmehrApi | importSumehrByItemId | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{documentId}/importbyitemid | Import sumehr into patient(s) using existing document |
BekmehrApi | isSumehrV2Valid | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/valid | Get sumehr validity |
BekmehrApi | isSumehrValid | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/valid | Get sumehr validity |
BekmehrApi | validateSumehr | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehr/{patientId}/validate | Validate sumehr |
BekmehrApi | validateSumehrV2 | POST /rest/v2/be_kmehr/sumehrv2/{patientId}/validate | Validate sumehr |
BeresultexportApi | exportHealthOne | POST /rest/v2/be_result_export/hl1/{fromHcpId}/{toHcpId}/{patId}/{date}/{ref} | Export data |
BeresultexportApi | exportKmehrReport | POST /rest/v2/be_result_export/kmehrreport/{fromHcpId}/{toHcpId}/{patId}/{date}/{ref} | Export data |
BeresultexportApi | exportMedidoc | POST /rest/v2/be_result_export/medidoc/{fromHcpId}/{toHcpId}/{patId}/{date}/{ref} | Export data |
BeresultimportApi | canHandle | GET /rest/v2/be_result_import/canhandle/{id} | Can we handle this document |
BeresultimportApi | doImport | GET /rest/v2/be_result_import/import/{documentId}/{hcpId}/{language} | import document |
BeresultimportApi | getInfos | GET /rest/v2/be_result_import/infos/{id} | Extract general infos from document |
Besamv2Api | findAmpsByDmppCode | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byDmppCode/{dmppCode} | Finding AMPs by dmpp code |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedAmpsByAtc | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp/byAtc/{atcCode} | Finding AMPs by atc code with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedAmpsByGroupCode | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byGroupCode/{vmpgCode} | Finding AMPs by group with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedAmpsByGroupId | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byGroupId/{vmpgId} | Finding AMPs by group with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedAmpsByLabel | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp | Finding AMPs by label with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedAmpsByVmpCode | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byVmpCode/{vmpCode} | Finding AMPs by vmp code with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedAmpsByVmpId | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byVmpId/{vmpId} | Finding AMPs by vmp id with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedNmpsByLabel | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/nmp | Finding NMPs by label with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedVmpGroupsByLabel | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmpgroup | Finding VMP groups by language label with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedVmpGroupsByVmpGroupCode | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmpgroup/byGroupCode/{vmpgCode} | Finding VMP groups by cmpgCode with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedVmpsByGroupCode | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp/byGroupCode/{vmpgCode} | Finding VMPs by group with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedVmpsByGroupId | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp/byGroupId/{vmpgId} | Finding VMPs by group with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedVmpsByLabel | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp | Finding VMPs by label with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | findPaginatedVmpsByVmpCode | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp/byVmpCode/{vmpCode} | Finding VMPs by group with pagination. |
Besamv2Api | getSamVersion | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/v | Get Samv2 version. |
Besamv2Api | listAmpsByDmppCodes | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byDmppCodes | Finding AMPs by dmpp code |
Besamv2Api | listAmpsByGroupCodes | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byGroupCodes | Finding AMPs by group. |
Besamv2Api | listAmpsByGroupIds | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byGroupIds | Finding AMPs by group. |
Besamv2Api | listAmpsByVmpCodes | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byVmpCodes | Finding AMPs by vmp code. |
Besamv2Api | listAmpsByVmpIds | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/amp/byVmpIds | Finding AMPs by vmp id. |
Besamv2Api | listNmpsByCnks | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/nmp/byCnks | Finding NMPs by cnk id. |
Besamv2Api | listPharmaceuticalForms | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/pharmaform | List all pharmaceutical forms. |
Besamv2Api | listSubstances | GET /rest/v2/be_samv2/substance | List all substances. |
Besamv2Api | listVmpGroupsByVmpGroupCodes | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmpgroup/byGroupCodes | Finding AMPs by group. |
Besamv2Api | listVmpsByGroupIds | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp/byGroupIds | Finding VMPs by group. |
Besamv2Api | listVmpsByVmpCodes | POST /rest/v2/be_samv2/vmp/byVmpCodes | Finding VMPs by group. |
CalendarItemApi | createCalendarItem | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem | Creates a calendarItem |
CalendarItemApi | deleteCalendarItem | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem/{calendarItemIds} | Deletes an calendarItem |
CalendarItemApi | deleteCalendarItems | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem/delete/batch | Deletes calendarItems |
CalendarItemApi | findCalendarItemsByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/calendarItem/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | Find CalendarItems by hcparty and patient |
CalendarItemApi | findCalendarItemsByRecurrenceId | GET /rest/v2/calendarItem/byRecurrenceId | Find CalendarItems by recurrenceId |
CalendarItemApi | getCalendarItem | GET /rest/v2/calendarItem/{calendarItemId} | Gets an calendarItem |
CalendarItemApi | getCalendarItems | GET /rest/v2/calendarItem | Gets all calendarItems |
CalendarItemApi | getCalendarItemsByPeriodAndHcPartyId | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem/byPeriodAndHcPartyId | Get CalendarItems by Period and HcPartyId |
CalendarItemApi | getCalendarItemsWithIds | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem/byIds | Get calendarItems by ids |
CalendarItemApi | getCalendarsByPeriodAndAgendaId | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem/byPeriodAndAgendaId | Get CalendarItems by Period and AgendaId |
CalendarItemApi | modifyCalendarItem | PUT /rest/v2/calendarItem | Modifies an calendarItem |
CalendarItemApi | setCalendarItemsDelegations | POST /rest/v2/calendarItem/delegations | Update delegations in calendarItems |
CalendarItemTypeApi | createCalendarItemType | POST /rest/v2/calendarItemType | Creates a calendarItemType |
CalendarItemTypeApi | deleteCalendarItemTypes | POST /rest/v2/calendarItemType/delete/batch | Deletes calendarItemTypes |
CalendarItemTypeApi | getCalendarItemType | GET /rest/v2/calendarItemType/{calendarItemTypeId} | Gets a calendarItemType |
CalendarItemTypeApi | getCalendarItemTypes | GET /rest/v2/calendarItemType | Gets all calendarItemTypes |
CalendarItemTypeApi | getCalendarItemTypesIncludeDeleted | GET /rest/v2/calendarItemType/includeDeleted | Gets all calendarItemTypes include deleted |
CalendarItemTypeApi | modifyCalendarItemType | PUT /rest/v2/calendarItemType | Modifies an calendarItemType |
ClassificationApi | createClassification | POST /rest/v2/classification | Create a classification with the current user |
ClassificationApi | deleteClassifications | POST /rest/v2/classification/delete/batch | Delete classification Templates. |
ClassificationApi | findClassificationsByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/classification/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List classification Templates found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds. |
ClassificationApi | getClassification | GET /rest/v2/classification/{classificationId} | Get a classification Template |
ClassificationApi | getClassificationByHcPartyId | GET /rest/v2/classification/byIds/{ids} | Get a list of classifications |
ClassificationApi | modifyClassification | PUT /rest/v2/classification | Modify a classification Template |
ClassificationApi | newClassificationDelegations | POST /rest/v2/classification/{classificationId}/delegate | Delegates a classification to a healthcare party |
ClassificationApi | setClassificationsDelegations | POST /rest/v2/classification/delegations | Update delegations in classification |
ClassificationTemplateApi | createClassificationTemplate | POST /rest/v2/classificationTemplate | Create a classification Template with the current user |
ClassificationTemplateApi | deleteClassificationTemplates | POST /rest/v2/classificationTemplate/delete/batch | Delete classification Templates. |
ClassificationTemplateApi | findClassificationTemplatesBy | GET /rest/v2/classificationTemplate | List all classification templates with pagination |
ClassificationTemplateApi | getClassificationTemplate | GET /rest/v2/classificationTemplate/{classificationTemplateId} | Get a classification Template |
ClassificationTemplateApi | getClassificationTemplateByIds | GET /rest/v2/classificationTemplate/byIds/{ids} | Get a list of classifications Templates |
ClassificationTemplateApi | listClassificationTemplatesByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/classificationTemplate/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List classification Templates found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds. |
ClassificationTemplateApi | modifyClassificationTemplate | PUT /rest/v2/classificationTemplate | Modify a classification Template |
ClassificationTemplateApi | newClassificationTemplateDelegations | POST /rest/v2/classificationTemplate/{classificationTemplateId}/delegate | Delegates a classification Template to a healthcare party |
CodeApi | createCode | POST /rest/v2/code | Create a Code |
CodeApi | filterCodesBy | POST /rest/v2/code/filter | Filter codes |
CodeApi | findCodesByLabel | GET /rest/v2/code/byLabel | Finding codes by code, type and version with pagination. |
CodeApi | findCodesByLink | GET /rest/v2/code/byLink/{linkType} | Finding codes by code, type and version with pagination. |
CodeApi | findCodesByType | GET /rest/v2/code | Finding codes by code, type and version with pagination. |
CodeApi | getCode | GET /rest/v2/code/{codeId} | Get a code |
CodeApi | getCodeWithParts | GET /rest/v2/code/{type}/{code}/{version} | Get a code |
CodeApi | getCodes | POST /rest/v2/code/byIds | Get a list of codes by ids |
CodeApi | importCodes | POST /rest/v2/code/{codeType} | Import codes |
CodeApi | listCodeTypesBy | GET /rest/v2/code/codetype/byRegionType | Finding code types. |
CodeApi | listCodesByRegionTypeCodeVersion | GET /rest/v2/code/byRegionTypeCode | Finding codes by code, type and version |
CodeApi | listTagTypesBy | GET /rest/v2/code/tagtype/byRegionType | Finding tag types. |
CodeApi | matchCodesBy | POST /rest/v2/code/match | Get ids of code matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
CodeApi | modifyCode | PUT /rest/v2/code | Modify a code |
ContactApi | closeForHCPartyPatientForeignKeys | PUT /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/close | Close contacts for Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
ContactApi | createContact | POST /rest/v2/contact | Create a contact with the current user |
ContactApi | createContacts | POST /rest/v2/contact/batch | Create a batch of contacts |
ContactApi | deleteContacts | POST /rest/v2/contact/delete/batch | Delete contacts. |
ContactApi | filterContactsBy | POST /rest/v2/contact/filter | List contacts for the current user (HcParty) or the given hcparty in the filter |
ContactApi | filterServicesBy | POST /rest/v2/contact/service/filter | List services for the current user (HcParty) or the given hcparty in the filter |
ContactApi | findContactsByOpeningDate | GET /rest/v2/contact/byOpeningDate | List contacts by opening date parties with(out) pagination |
ContactApi | getContact | GET /rest/v2/contact/{contactId} | Get a contact |
ContactApi | getContacts | POST /rest/v2/contact/byIds | Get contacts |
ContactApi | getEmptyContent | GET /rest/v2/contact/service/content/empty | Get an empty content |
ContactApi | getServiceCodesOccurences | GET /rest/v2/contact/service/codes/{codeType}/{minOccurences} | Get the list of all used codes frequencies in services |
ContactApi | getServices | POST /rest/v2/contact/service | List services with provided ids |
ContactApi | getServicesLinkedTo | POST /rest/v2/contact/service/linkedTo | List services linked to provided ids |
ContactApi | listContactByHCPartyServiceId | GET /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartyServiceId | List contacts found By Healthcare Party and service Id. |
ContactApi | listContactsByExternalId | POST /rest/v2/contact/byExternalId | List contacts found By externalId. |
ContactApi | listContactsByHCPartyAndFormId | GET /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartyFormId | List contacts found By Healthcare Party and form Id. |
ContactApi | listContactsByHCPartyAndFormIds | POST /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartyFormIds | List contacts found By Healthcare Party and form Id. |
ContactApi | listContactsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | POST /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartyPatientForeignKeys | List contacts found By Healthcare Party and Patient foreign keys. |
ContactApi | listContactsByHCPartyAndPatientSecretFKeys | GET /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List contacts found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
ContactApi | listContactsDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/contact/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations | List contacts found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
ContactApi | listServicesByAssociationId | GET /rest/v2/contact/service/associationId | List services by related association id |
ContactApi | listServicesByHealthElementId | GET /rest/v2/contact/service/healthElementId/{healthElementId} | List services linked to a health element |
ContactApi | matchContactsBy | POST /rest/v2/contact/match | Get ids of contacts matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
ContactApi | modifyContact | PUT /rest/v2/contact | Modify a contact |
ContactApi | modifyContacts | PUT /rest/v2/contact/batch | Modify a batch of contacts |
ContactApi | modifyContactsDelegations | PUT /rest/v2/contact/delegations | Update delegations in healthElements. |
ContactApi | newContactDelegations | POST /rest/v2/contact/{contactId}/delegate | Delegates a contact to a healthcare party |
ContactApi | setContactsDelegations | POST /rest/v2/contact/delegations | Update delegations in healthElements. |
DeviceApi | createDevice | POST /rest/v2/device | Create a device |
DeviceApi | createDevices | POST /rest/v2/device/batch | Create devices in bulk |
DeviceApi | createDevices1 | POST /rest/v2/device/bulk | Create devices in bulk |
DeviceApi | deleteDevice | DELETE /rest/v2/device/{deviceId} | Delete device. |
DeviceApi | deleteDevices | POST /rest/v2/device/delete/batch | Delete devices. |
DeviceApi | filterDevicesBy | POST /rest/v2/device/filter | Filter devices for the current user (HcParty) |
DeviceApi | getDevice | GET /rest/v2/device/{deviceId} | Get Device |
DeviceApi | getDevices | POST /rest/v2/device/byIds | Get devices by id |
DeviceApi | matchDevicesBy | POST /rest/v2/device/match | Get ids of devices matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
DeviceApi | updateDevice | PUT /rest/v2/device | Modify a device |
DeviceApi | updateDevices | PUT /rest/v2/device/batch | Modify devices in bulk |
DeviceApi | updateDevices1 | PUT /rest/v2/device/bulk | Modify devices in bulk |
DocumentApi | createDocument | POST /rest/v2/document | Creates a document |
DocumentApi | deleteAttachment | DELETE /rest/v2/document/{documentId}/attachment | Deletes a document's attachment |
DocumentApi | deleteDocument | POST /rest/v2/document/delete/batch | Deletes documents |
DocumentApi | findWithoutDelegation | GET /rest/v2/document/woDelegation | List documents with no delegation |
DocumentApi | getDocument | GET /rest/v2/document/{documentId} | Gets a document |
DocumentApi | getDocumentAttachment | GET /rest/v2/document/{documentId}/attachment/{attachmentId} | Load document's attachment |
DocumentApi | getDocumentByExternalUuid | GET /rest/v2/document/externaluuid/{externalUuid} | Gets a document |
DocumentApi | getDocuments | POST /rest/v2/document/byIds | Gets a document |
DocumentApi | getDocumentsByExternalUuid | GET /rest/v2/document/externaluuid/{externalUuid}/all | Get all documents with externalUuid |
DocumentApi | listDocumentByTypeHCPartyMessageSecretFKeys | GET /rest/v2/document/byTypeHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List documents found By type, By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
DocumentApi | listDocumentsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/document/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List documents found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
DocumentApi | modifyDocument | PUT /rest/v2/document | Updates a document |
DocumentApi | modifyDocuments | PUT /rest/v2/document/batch | Updates a batch of documents |
DocumentApi | setDocumentAttachment | PUT /rest/v2/document/{documentId}/attachment | Creates a document's attachment |
DocumentApi | setDocumentAttachmentMulti | PUT /rest/v2/document/{documentId}/attachment/multipart | Creates a document's attachment |
DocumentApi | setDocumentsDelegations | POST /rest/v2/document/delegations | Update delegations in healthElements. |
DocumentApi | setSafeDocumentAttachment | PUT /rest/v2/document/attachment | Creates a document's attachment |
DocumentTemplateApi | createDocumentTemplate | POST /rest/v2/doctemplate | Create a document template with the current user |
DocumentTemplateApi | deleteDocumentTemplates | POST /rest/v2/doctemplate/delete/batch | Deletes document templates |
DocumentTemplateApi | getAttachmentText | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachmentText/{attachmentId} | Download a the document template attachment |
DocumentTemplateApi | getDocumentTemplate | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId} | Gets a document template |
DocumentTemplateApi | getDocumentTemplateAttachment | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachment/{attachmentId} | Download a the document template attachment |
DocumentTemplateApi | listAllDocumentTemplates | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/find/all | Gets all document templates for all users |
DocumentTemplateApi | listDocumentTemplates | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate | Gets all document templates for current user |
DocumentTemplateApi | listDocumentTemplatesByDocumentType | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/byDocumentType/{documentTypeCode} | Gets all document templates by Type |
DocumentTemplateApi | listDocumentTemplatesByDocumentTypeForCurrentUser | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/byDocumentTypeForCurrentUser/{documentTypeCode} | Gets all document templates by Type For currentUser |
DocumentTemplateApi | listDocumentTemplatesBySpeciality | GET /rest/v2/doctemplate/bySpecialty/{specialityCode} | Gets all document templates |
DocumentTemplateApi | modifyDocumentTemplate | PUT /rest/v2/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId} | Modify a document template with the current user |
DocumentTemplateApi | setDocumentTemplateAttachment | PUT /rest/v2/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachment | Creates a document's attachment |
DocumentTemplateApi | setDocumentTemplateAttachmentJson | PUT /rest/v2/doctemplate/{documentTemplateId}/attachmentJson | Creates a document's attachment |
EntityTemplateApi | createEntityTemplate | POST /rest/v2/entitytemplate | Create a EntityTemplate |
EntityTemplateApi | createEntityTemplates | POST /rest/v2/entitytemplate/batch | Create a batch of entityTemplates |
EntityTemplateApi | deleteEntityTemplate | POST /rest/v2/entitytemplate/delete/batch | Delete entity templates |
EntityTemplateApi | findAllEntityTemplatesByKeyword | GET /rest/v2/entitytemplate/findAll/{type}/keyword/{keyword} | Finding entityTemplates by entityTemplate, type and version with pagination. |
EntityTemplateApi | getEntityTemplate | GET /rest/v2/entitytemplate/{entityTemplateId} | Get a entityTemplate |
EntityTemplateApi | getEntityTemplates | POST /rest/v2/entitytemplate/byIds | Get a list of entityTemplates by ids |
EntityTemplateApi | listAllEntityTemplatesBy | GET /rest/v2/entitytemplate/findAll/{type} | Finding entityTemplates by entityTemplate, type and version with pagination. |
EntityTemplateApi | listEntityTemplatesBy | GET /rest/v2/entitytemplate/find/{userId}/{type} | Finding entityTemplates by userId, entityTemplate, type and version with pagination. |
EntityTemplateApi | listEntityTemplatesByKeyword | GET /rest/v2/entitytemplate/find/{userId}/{type}/keyword/{keyword} | Finding entityTemplates by userId, type and keyword. |
EntityTemplateApi | modifyEntityTemplate | PUT /rest/v2/entitytemplate | Modify a entityTemplate |
EntityTemplateApi | modifyEntityTemplates | PUT /rest/v2/entitytemplate/batch | Modify a batch of entityTemplates |
EntityrefApi | createEntityReference | POST /rest/v2/entityref | Create an entity reference |
EntityrefApi | getLatest | GET /rest/v2/entityref/latest/{prefix} | Find latest reference for a prefix |
FormApi | createForm | POST /rest/v2/form | Create a form with the current user |
FormApi | createFormTemplate | POST /rest/v2/form/template | Create a form template with the current user |
FormApi | createForms | POST /rest/v2/form/batch | Create a batch of forms |
FormApi | deleteFormTemplate | DELETE /rest/v2/form/template/{formTemplateId} | Delete a form template |
FormApi | deleteForms | POST /rest/v2/form/delete/batch | Delete forms. |
FormApi | getChildrenForms | GET /rest/v2/form/childrenOf/{formId}/{hcPartyId} | Get a list of forms by parents ids |
FormApi | getForm | GET /rest/v2/form/{formId} | Gets a form |
FormApi | getFormByLogicalUuid | GET /rest/v2/form/logicalUuid/{logicalUuid} | Gets the most recent form with the given logicalUuid |
FormApi | getFormByUniqueId | GET /rest/v2/form/uniqueId/{uniqueId} | Gets the most recent form with the given uniqueId |
FormApi | getFormTemplate | GET /rest/v2/form/template/{formTemplateId} | Gets a form template by guid |
FormApi | getFormTemplates | GET /rest/v2/form/template | Gets all form templates for current user |
FormApi | getFormTemplatesByGuid | GET /rest/v2/form/template/{specialityCode}/guid/{formTemplateGuid} | Gets a form template |
FormApi | getForms | POST /rest/v2/form/byIds | Get a list of forms by ids |
FormApi | getFormsByLogicalUuid | GET /rest/v2/form/all/logicalUuid/{logicalUuid} | Gets all forms with given logicalUuid |
FormApi | getFormsByUniqueId | GET /rest/v2/form/all/uniqueId/{uniqueId} | Gets all forms by uniqueId |
FormApi | listFormTemplatesBySpeciality | GET /rest/v2/form/template/bySpecialty/{specialityCode} | Gets all form templates |
FormApi | listFormsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/form/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List forms found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
FormApi | listFormsDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/form/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations | List form stubs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
FormApi | modifyForm | PUT /rest/v2/form | Modify a form |
FormApi | modifyForms | PUT /rest/v2/form/batch | Modify a batch of forms |
FormApi | newFormDelegations | POST /rest/v2/form/delegate/{formId} | Delegates a form to a healthcare party |
FormApi | setFormsDelegations | POST /rest/v2/form/delegations | Update delegations in form. |
FormApi | setTemplateAttachmentMulti | PUT /rest/v2/form/template/{formTemplateId}/attachment/multipart | Update a form template's layout |
FormApi | updateFormTemplate | PUT /rest/v2/form/template/{formTemplateId} | Modify a form template with the current user |
FrontEndMigrationApi | createFrontEndMigration | POST /rest/v2/frontendmigration | Creates a front end migration |
FrontEndMigrationApi | deleteFrontEndMigration | DELETE /rest/v2/frontendmigration/{frontEndMigrationId} | Deletes a front end migration |
FrontEndMigrationApi | getFrontEndMigration | GET /rest/v2/frontendmigration/{frontEndMigrationId} | Gets a front end migration |
FrontEndMigrationApi | getFrontEndMigrationByName | GET /rest/v2/frontendmigration/byName/{frontEndMigrationName} | Gets an front end migration |
FrontEndMigrationApi | getFrontEndMigrations | GET /rest/v2/frontendmigration | Gets a front end migration |
FrontEndMigrationApi | modifyFrontEndMigration | PUT /rest/v2/frontendmigration | Modifies a front end migration |
GroupApi | createGroup | POST /rest/v2/group/{id} | Create a group |
GroupApi | getGroup | GET /rest/v2/group/{id} | Get a group by id |
GroupApi | getReplicationInfo1 | GET /rest/v2/group/{id}/r | Get index info |
GroupApi | initDesignDocs | PUT /rest/v2/group/{id}/dd | Init design docs |
GroupApi | listGroups | GET /rest/v2/group | List groups |
GroupApi | modifyGroupName | PUT /rest/v2/group/{id}/name/{name} | Update group name |
GroupApi | modifyGroupProperties | PUT /rest/v2/group/{id}/properties | Update group properties |
GroupApi | registerNewGroupAdministrator | POST /rest/v2/group/register/trial | Create a group |
GroupApi | resetStorage | POST /rest/v2/group/{id}/reset/storage | Reset storage for group |
GroupApi | setGroupPassword | PUT /rest/v2/group/{id}/password | Set group password |
GroupApi | solveConflicts | POST /rest/v2/group/{id}/conflicts | Solve conflicts for group |
HealthElementApi | createHealthElement | POST /rest/v2/helement | Create a health element with the current user |
HealthElementApi | createHealthElements | POST /rest/v2/helement/batch | Create a batch of healthcare elements |
HealthElementApi | deleteHealthElements | POST /rest/v2/helement/delete/batch | Delete health elements. |
HealthElementApi | filterHealthElementsBy | POST /rest/v2/helement/filter | Filter health elements for the current user (HcParty) |
HealthElementApi | getHealthElement | GET /rest/v2/helement/{healthElementId} | Get a health element |
HealthElementApi | getHealthElements | POST /rest/v2/helement/byIds | Get healthElements by batch |
HealthElementApi | listHealthElementsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/helement/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List health elements found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keyelementIds. |
HealthElementApi | listHealthElementsDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/helement/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations | List helement stubs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
HealthElementApi | matchHealthElementsBy | POST /rest/v2/helement/match | Get ids of health element matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
HealthElementApi | modifyHealthElement | PUT /rest/v2/helement | Modify a health element |
HealthElementApi | modifyHealthElements | PUT /rest/v2/helement/batch | Modify a batch of health elements |
HealthElementApi | newHealthElementDelegations | POST /rest/v2/helement/{healthElementId}/delegate | Delegates a health element to a healthcare party |
HealthElementApi | setHealthElementsDelegations | POST /rest/v2/helement/delegations | Update delegations in healthElements. |
HealthcarePartyApi | createHealthcareParty | POST /rest/v2/hcparty | Create a healthcare party |
HealthcarePartyApi | createHealthcarePartyInGroup | POST /rest/v2/hcparty/inGroup/{groupId} | Create a healthcare party |
HealthcarePartyApi | deleteHealthcareParties | POST /rest/v2/hcparty/delete/batch | Delete healthcare parties |
HealthcarePartyApi | deleteHealthcarePartiesInGroup | POST /rest/v2/hcparty/delete/batch/inGroup/{groupId} | Delete a healthcare party |
HealthcarePartyApi | filterHealthPartiesBy | POST /rest/v2/hcparty/filter | Filter healthcare parties for the current user (HcParty) |
HealthcarePartyApi | findHealthcarePartiesBy | GET /rest/v2/hcparty | List healthcare parties with(out) pagination |
HealthcarePartyApi | findHealthcarePartiesByName | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/byName | Find healthcare parties by name with(out) pagination |
HealthcarePartyApi | findHealthcarePartiesBySpecialityAndPostCode | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/bySpecialityAndPostCode/{type}/{spec}/{firstCode}/to/{lastCode} | Find healthcare parties by name with(out) pagination |
HealthcarePartyApi | findHealthcarePartiesBySsinOrNihii | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/byNihiiOrSsin/{searchValue} | Find healthcare parties by nihii or ssin with(out) pagination |
HealthcarePartyApi | getCurrentHealthcareParty | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/current | Get the current healthcare party if logged in. |
HealthcarePartyApi | getHcPartyKeysForDelegate | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/byKeys/{healthcarePartyId} | Get the HcParty encrypted AES keys indexed by owner |
HealthcarePartyApi | getHealthcareParties | POST /rest/v2/hcparty/byIds | Get healthcareParties by their IDs |
HealthcarePartyApi | getHealthcareParty | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/{healthcarePartyId} | Get a healthcareParty by his ID |
HealthcarePartyApi | getPublicKey | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/{healthcarePartyId}/publicKey | Get public key of a healthcare party |
HealthcarePartyApi | listHealthcarePartiesByName | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/byNameStrict/{name} | Find healthcare parties by name with(out) pagination |
HealthcarePartyApi | listHealthcarePartiesByParentId | GET /rest/v2/hcparty/{parentId}/children | Find children of an healthcare parties |
HealthcarePartyApi | matchHealthcarePartiesBy | POST /rest/v2/hcparty/match | Get ids of healthcare party matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
HealthcarePartyApi | modifyHealthcareParty | PUT /rest/v2/hcparty | Modify a Healthcare Party. |
HealthcarePartyApi | modifyHealthcarePartyInGroup | PUT /rest/v2/hcparty/inGroup/{groupId} | Modify a Healthcare Party. |
IcureApi | getIndexingInfo | GET /rest/v2/icure/i | Get index info |
IcureApi | getProcessInfo | GET /rest/v2/icure/p | Get process info |
IcureApi | getReplicationInfo | GET /rest/v2/icure/r | Get replication info |
IcureApi | getReplicatorInfo | GET /rest/v2/icure/r/{id} | Get replication info |
IcureApi | getVersion | GET /rest/v2/icure/v | Get version |
IcureApi | isReady | GET /rest/v2/icure/ok | Check if a user exists |
IcureApi | resolveContactsConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/contact | Resolve contacts conflicts |
IcureApi | resolveDocumentsConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/document | resolve documents conflicts |
IcureApi | resolveFormsConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/form | resolve forms conflicts |
IcureApi | resolveHealthElementsConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/healthelement | resolve healthcare elements conflicts |
IcureApi | resolveInvoicesConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/invoice | resolve invoices conflicts |
IcureApi | resolveMessagesConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/message | resolve messages conflicts |
IcureApi | resolvePatientsConflicts | POST /rest/v2/icure/conflicts/patient | Resolve patients conflicts |
IcureApi | updateDesignDoc | POST /rest/v2/icure/dd/{entityName} | Force update design doc |
InsuranceApi | createInsurance | POST /rest/v2/insurance | Creates an insurance |
InsuranceApi | deleteInsurance | DELETE /rest/v2/insurance/{insuranceId} | Deletes an insurance |
InsuranceApi | getInsurance | GET /rest/v2/insurance/{insuranceId} | Gets an insurance |
InsuranceApi | getInsurances | POST /rest/v2/insurance/byIds | Gets insurances by id |
InsuranceApi | listInsurancesByCode | GET /rest/v2/insurance/byCode/{insuranceCode} | Gets an insurance |
InsuranceApi | listInsurancesByName | GET /rest/v2/insurance/byName/{insuranceName} | Gets an insurance |
InsuranceApi | modifyInsurance | PUT /rest/v2/insurance | Modifies an insurance |
InvoiceApi | appendCodes | POST /rest/v2/invoice/byauthor/{userId}/append/{type}/{sentMediumType} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | createInvoice | POST /rest/v2/invoice | Creates an invoice |
InvoiceApi | createInvoices | POST /rest/v2/invoice/batch | Create a batch of invoices |
InvoiceApi | deleteInvoice | DELETE /rest/v2/invoice/{invoiceId} | Deletes an invoice |
InvoiceApi | filterInvoicesBy | POST /rest/v2/invoice/filter | Filter invoices for the current user (HcParty) |
InvoiceApi | findInvoicesByAuthor | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byauthor/{hcPartyId} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | getInvoice | GET /rest/v2/invoice/{invoiceId} | Gets an invoice |
InvoiceApi | getInvoices | POST /rest/v2/invoice/byIds | Gets an invoice |
InvoiceApi | getTarificationsCodesOccurences | GET /rest/v2/invoice/codes/{minOccurences} | Get the list of all used tarifications frequencies in invoices |
InvoiceApi | listAllHcpsByStatus | POST /rest/v2/invoice/allHcpsByStatus/{status} | Gets all invoices per status |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByContactIds | POST /rest/v2/invoice/byContacts | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List invoices found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign patient keys. |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByHcPartyAndGroupId | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byHcPartyGroupId/{hcPartyId}/{groupId} | List invoices by groupId |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByHcPartySentMediumTypeInvoiceTypeSentDate | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byHcParty/{hcPartyId}/mediumType/{sentMediumType}/invoiceType/{invoiceType}/sent/{sent} | List invoices by type, sent or unsent |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByHcpartySendingModeStatusDate | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byHcpartySendingModeStatusDate/{hcPartyId} | Get all invoices by author, by sending mode, by status and by date |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByIds | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byIds/{invoiceIds} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByRecipientsIds | GET /rest/v2/invoice/to/{recipientIds} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesByServiceIds | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byServiceIds/{serviceIds} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listInvoicesDelegationsStubsByHCPartyAndPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/invoice/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys/delegations | List helement stubs found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
InvoiceApi | listToInsurances | GET /rest/v2/invoice/toInsurances | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listToInsurancesUnsent | GET /rest/v2/invoice/toInsurances/unsent | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listToPatients | GET /rest/v2/invoice/toPatients | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | listToPatientsUnsent | GET /rest/v2/invoice/toPatients/unsent | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | mergeTo | POST /rest/v2/invoice/mergeTo/{invoiceId} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
InvoiceApi | modifyInvoice | PUT /rest/v2/invoice | Modifies an invoice |
InvoiceApi | modifyInvoices | PUT /rest/v2/invoice/batch | Modify a batch of invoices |
InvoiceApi | newInvoiceDelegations | PUT /rest/v2/invoice/{invoiceId}/delegate | Adds a delegation to a invoice |
InvoiceApi | reassignInvoice | POST /rest/v2/invoice/reassign | Modifies an invoice |
InvoiceApi | removeCodes | POST /rest/v2/invoice/byauthor/{userId}/service/{serviceId} | Remove an invoice of an user |
InvoiceApi | setInvoicesDelegations | POST /rest/v2/invoice/delegations | Update delegations in healthElements. |
InvoiceApi | validate | POST /rest/v2/invoice/validate/{invoiceId} | Gets all invoices for author at date |
KeywordApi | createKeyword | POST /rest/v2/keyword | Create a keyword with the current user |
KeywordApi | deleteKeywords | POST /rest/v2/keyword/delete/batch | Delete keywords. |
KeywordApi | getKeyword | GET /rest/v2/keyword/{keywordId} | Get a keyword |
KeywordApi | getKeywords | GET /rest/v2/keyword | Gets all keywords |
KeywordApi | getKeywordsByUser | GET /rest/v2/keyword/byUser/{userId} | Get keywords by user |
KeywordApi | modifyKeyword | PUT /rest/v2/keyword | Modify a keyword |
MedexApi | generateMedex | POST /rest/v2/medex/generate | Generate a Medex XML String |
MedicalLocationApi | createMedicalLocation | POST /rest/v2/medicallocation | Creates a medical location |
MedicalLocationApi | deleteMedicalLocations | POST /rest/v2/medicallocation/delete/batch | Deletes medical locations |
MedicalLocationApi | getMedicalLocation | GET /rest/v2/medicallocation/{locationId} | Gets a medical location |
MedicalLocationApi | getMedicalLocations | GET /rest/v2/medicallocation | Gets all medical locations |
MedicalLocationApi | modifyMedicalLocation | PUT /rest/v2/medicallocation | Modifies a medical location |
MessageApi | createMessage | POST /rest/v2/message | Creates a message |
MessageApi | deleteDelegation | DELETE /rest/v2/message/{messageId}/delegate/{delegateId} | Deletes a message delegation |
MessageApi | deleteMessages | POST /rest/v2/message/delete/batch | Deletes multiple messages |
MessageApi | findMessages | GET /rest/v2/message | Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party |
MessageApi | findMessagesByFromAddress | GET /rest/v2/message/byFromAddress | Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party and provided from address |
MessageApi | findMessagesByHCPartyPatientForeignKeys | GET /rest/v2/message/byHcPartySecretForeignKeys | List messages found By Healthcare Party and secret foreign keys. |
MessageApi | findMessagesByToAddress | GET /rest/v2/message/byToAddress | Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party and provided to address |
MessageApi | findMessagesByTransportGuid | GET /rest/v2/message/byTransportGuid | Get all messages (paginated) for current HC Party and provided transportGuid |
MessageApi | findMessagesByTransportGuidSentDate | GET /rest/v2/message/byTransportGuidSentDate | Get all messages starting by a prefix between two date |
MessageApi | getChildrenMessages | GET /rest/v2/message/{messageId}/children | Get children messages of provided message |
MessageApi | getMessage | GET /rest/v2/message/{messageId} | Gets a message |
MessageApi | getMessagesChildren | POST /rest/v2/message/children/batch | Get children messages of provided message |
MessageApi | listMessagesByInvoices | POST /rest/v2/message/byInvoice | Get children messages of provided message |
MessageApi | listMessagesByTransportGuids | POST /rest/v2/message/byTransportGuid/list | Get all messages for current HC Party and provided transportGuids |
MessageApi | modifyMessage | PUT /rest/v2/message | Updates a message |
MessageApi | newMessageDelegations | PUT /rest/v2/message/{messageId}/delegate | Adds a delegation to a message |
MessageApi | setMessagesReadStatus | PUT /rest/v2/message/readstatus | Set read status for given list of messages |
MessageApi | setMessagesStatusBits | PUT /rest/v2/message/status/{status} | Set status bits for given list of messages |
PatientApi | countOfPatients | GET /rest/v2/patient/hcParty/{hcPartyId}/count | Get count of patients for a specific HcParty or for the current HcParty |
PatientApi | createPatient | POST /rest/v2/patient | Create a patient |
PatientApi | createPatients | POST /rest/v2/patient/batch | Create patients in bulk |
PatientApi | deletePatients | POST /rest/v2/patient/delete/batch | Delete patients. |
PatientApi | filterPatientsBy | POST /rest/v2/patient/filter | Filter patients for the current user (HcParty) |
PatientApi | findDeletedPatients | GET /rest/v2/patient/deleted/byDate | Find deleted patients |
PatientApi | findDuplicatesByName | POST /rest/v2/patient/duplicates/name | Provides a paginated list of patients with duplicate name for an hecparty |
PatientApi | findDuplicatesBySsin | POST /rest/v2/patient/duplicates/ssin | Provides a paginated list of patients with duplicate ssin for an hecparty |
PatientApi | findPatientsByAccessLogUserAfterDate | GET /rest/v2/patient/byAccess/{userId} | Get Paginated List of Patients sorted by Access logs descending |
PatientApi | findPatientsByHealthcareParty | GET /rest/v2/patient | List patients for a specific HcParty |
PatientApi | findPatientsByNameBirthSsinAuto | GET /rest/v2/patient/byNameBirthSsinAuto | Find patients for the current user (HcParty) |
PatientApi | findPatientsIdsByHealthcareParty | GET /rest/v2/patient/byHcPartyId | List patients by pages for a specific HcParty |
PatientApi | findPatientsModifiedAfter | GET /rest/v2/patient/modifiedAfter/{date} | List patients that have been modified after the provided date |
PatientApi | fuzzySearch | GET /rest/v2/patient/fuzzy | Filter patients for the current user (HcParty) |
PatientApi | getPatient | GET /rest/v2/patient/{patientId} | Get patient |
PatientApi | getPatientByExternalId | GET /rest/v2/patient/byExternalId/{externalId} | Get the patient having the provided externalId |
PatientApi | getPatientByHealthcarepartyAndIdentifier | GET /rest/v2/patient/{hcPartyId}/{id} | Get patient by identifier |
PatientApi | getPatientHcPartyKeysForDelegate | GET /rest/v2/patient/{patientId}/keys | Get the patient (identified by patientId) hcparty keys. Those keys are AES keys (encrypted) used to share information between HCPs and a patient. |
PatientApi | getPatients | POST /rest/v2/patient/byIds | Get patients by id |
PatientApi | listDeletedPatientsByName | GET /rest/v2/patient/deleted/by_name | Find deleted patients |
PatientApi | listOfMergesAfter | GET /rest/v2/patient/merges/{date} | List patients that have been merged towards another patient |
PatientApi | matchPatientsBy | POST /rest/v2/patient/match | Get ids of patients matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
PatientApi | mergeInto | PUT /rest/v2/patient/mergeInto/{toId}/from/{fromIds} | Merge a series of patients into another patient |
PatientApi | modifyPatient | PUT /rest/v2/patient | Modify a patient |
PatientApi | modifyPatientReferral | PUT /rest/v2/patient/{patientId}/referral/{referralId} | Set a patient referral doctor |
PatientApi | modifyPatients | PUT /rest/v2/patient/batch | Modify patients in bulk |
PatientApi | newPatientDelegations | POST /rest/v2/patient/{patientId}/delegate | Delegates a patients to a healthcare party |
PatientApi | registerPatient | POST /rest/v2/patient/register/forHcp/{hcPartyId}/inGroup/{groupId} | Register a patient |
PatientApi | undeletePatient | PUT /rest/v2/patient/undelete/{patientIds} | undelete previously deleted patients |
PermissionApi | modifyUserPermissions | PUT /rest/v2/permissions/{userId} | Add / Revoke permissions to user |
PlaceApi | createPlace | POST /rest/v2/place | Creates a place |
PlaceApi | deletePlaces | POST /rest/v2/place/delete/batch | Deletes places |
PlaceApi | getPlace | GET /rest/v2/place/{placeId} | Gets an place |
PlaceApi | getPlaces | GET /rest/v2/place | Gets all places |
PlaceApi | modifyPlace | PUT /rest/v2/place | Modifies an place |
ReceiptApi | createReceipt | POST /rest/v2/receipt | Creates a receipt |
ReceiptApi | deleteReceipts | POST /rest/v2/receipt/delete/batch | Deletes receipts |
ReceiptApi | getReceipt | GET /rest/v2/receipt/{receiptId} | Gets a receipt |
ReceiptApi | getReceiptAttachment | GET /rest/v2/receipt/{receiptId}/attachment/{attachmentId} | Get an attachment |
ReceiptApi | listByReference | GET /rest/v2/receipt/byRef/{ref} | Gets a receipt |
ReceiptApi | modifyReceipt | PUT /rest/v2/receipt | Updates a receipt |
ReceiptApi | setReceiptAttachment | PUT /rest/v2/receipt/{receiptId}/attachment/{blobType} | Creates a receipt's attachment |
TarificationApi | createTarification | POST /rest/v2/tarification | Create a Tarification |
TarificationApi | findTarificationsBy | GET /rest/v2/tarification | Finding tarifications by tarification, type and version with pagination. |
TarificationApi | findTarificationsBy1 | GET /rest/v2/tarification/byRegionTypeTarification | Finding tarifications by tarification, type and version |
TarificationApi | findTarificationsByLabel | GET /rest/v2/tarification/byLabel | Finding tarifications by tarification, type and version with pagination. |
TarificationApi | getTarification | GET /rest/v2/tarification/{tarificationId} | Get a tarification |
TarificationApi | getTarificationWithParts | GET /rest/v2/tarification/{type}/{tarification}/{version} | Get a tarification |
TarificationApi | getTarifications | POST /rest/v2/tarification/byIds | Get a list of tarifications by ids |
TarificationApi | modifyTarification | PUT /rest/v2/tarification | Modify a tarification |
TimeTableApi | createTimeTable | POST /rest/v2/timeTable | Creates a timeTable |
TimeTableApi | deleteTimeTable | POST /rest/v2/timeTable/delete/batch | Deletes an timeTable |
TimeTableApi | getTimeTable | GET /rest/v2/timeTable/{timeTableId} | Gets a timeTable |
TimeTableApi | getTimeTablesByAgendaId | POST /rest/v2/timeTable/byAgendaId | Get TimeTables by AgendaId |
TimeTableApi | getTimeTablesByPeriodAndAgendaId | POST /rest/v2/timeTable/byPeriodAndAgendaId | Get TimeTables by Period and AgendaId |
TimeTableApi | modifyTimeTable | PUT /rest/v2/timeTable | Modifies an timeTable |
TmpApi | createTmpClassification | POST /rest/v2/tmp/classification | Create a classification with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpClassifications | POST /rest/v2/tmp/classification/batch | Create a classification with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpContact | POST /rest/v2/tmp/contact | Create a contact with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpContacts | POST /rest/v2/tmp/contact/batch | Create a contact with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpDatabase | POST /rest/v2/tmp | Create tmp database for current user |
TmpApi | createTmpDocument | POST /rest/v2/tmp/document | Create a document with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpDocuments | POST /rest/v2/tmp/document/batch | Create a document with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpEntityTemplate | POST /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate | Create a entityTemplate with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpEntityTemplates | POST /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate/batch | Create a entityTemplate with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpForm | POST /rest/v2/tmp/form | Create a form with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpForms | POST /rest/v2/tmp/form/batch | Create a form with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpHealthElement | POST /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement | Create a healthElement with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpHealthElements | POST /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement/batch | Create a healthElement with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpInvoice | POST /rest/v2/tmp/invoice | Create a invoice with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpInvoices | POST /rest/v2/tmp/invoice/batch | Create a invoice with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpMessage | POST /rest/v2/tmp/message | Create a message with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpMessages | POST /rest/v2/tmp/message/batch | Create a message with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpPatient | POST /rest/v2/tmp/patient | Create a patient with the current user |
TmpApi | createTmpPatients | POST /rest/v2/tmp/patient/batch | Create a patient with the current user |
TmpApi | deleteTmpItems | POST /rest/v2/tmp/batch/delete | Soft delete items. |
TmpApi | destroyTmpDatabase | DELETE /rest/v2/tmp | Destroy tmp database for current user |
TmpApi | getTmpClassification | GET /rest/v2/tmp/classification/byId/{id} | Get a classification by id |
TmpApi | getTmpClassifications | POST /rest/v2/tmp/classification/get | Get classifications by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpContact | GET /rest/v2/tmp/contact/byId/{id} | Get a contact by id |
TmpApi | getTmpContacts | POST /rest/v2/tmp/contact/get | Get contacts by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpDocument | GET /rest/v2/tmp/document/byId/{id} | Get a document by id |
TmpApi | getTmpDocuments | POST /rest/v2/tmp/document/get | Get documents by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpEntityTemplate | GET /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate/byId/{id} | Get a entityTemplate by id |
TmpApi | getTmpEntityTemplates | POST /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate/get | Get entityTemplates by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpForm | GET /rest/v2/tmp/form/byId/{id} | Get a form by id |
TmpApi | getTmpForms | POST /rest/v2/tmp/form/get | Get forms by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpHealthElement | GET /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement/byId/{id} | Get a healthElement by id |
TmpApi | getTmpHealthElements | POST /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement/get | Get healthElements by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpInvoice | GET /rest/v2/tmp/invoice/byId/{id} | Get a invoice by id |
TmpApi | getTmpInvoices | POST /rest/v2/tmp/invoice/get | Get invoices by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpMessage | GET /rest/v2/tmp/message/byId/{id} | Get a message by id |
TmpApi | getTmpMessages | POST /rest/v2/tmp/message/get | Get messages by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | getTmpPatient | GET /rest/v2/tmp/patient/byId/{id} | Get a patient by id |
TmpApi | getTmpPatients | POST /rest/v2/tmp/patient/get | Get patients by ids with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpClassifications | GET /rest/v2/tmp/classification/list | List classifications with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpContacts | GET /rest/v2/tmp/contact/list | List contacts with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpDocuments | GET /rest/v2/tmp/document/list | List documents with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpEntityTemplates | GET /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate/list | List entityTemplates with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpForms | GET /rest/v2/tmp/form/list | List forms with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpHealthElements | GET /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement/list | List healthElements with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpInvoices | GET /rest/v2/tmp/invoice/list | List invoices with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpMessages | GET /rest/v2/tmp/message/list | List messages with the current user |
TmpApi | listTmpPatients | GET /rest/v2/tmp/patient/list | List patients with the current user |
TmpApi | modifyTmpClassification | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/classification | Modify a classification |
TmpApi | modifyTmpClassifications | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/classification/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpContact | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/contact | Modify a contact |
TmpApi | modifyTmpContacts | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/contact/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpDocument | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/document | Modify a document |
TmpApi | modifyTmpDocuments | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/document/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpEntityTemplate | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate | Modify a entityTemplate |
TmpApi | modifyTmpEntityTemplates | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/entityTemplate/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpForm | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/form | Modify a form |
TmpApi | modifyTmpForms | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/form/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpHealthElement | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement | Modify a healthElement |
TmpApi | modifyTmpHealthElements | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/healthElement/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpInvoice | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/invoice | Modify a invoice |
TmpApi | modifyTmpInvoices | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/invoice/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpMessage | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/message | Modify a message |
TmpApi | modifyTmpMessages | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/message/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | modifyTmpPatient | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/patient | Modify a patient |
TmpApi | modifyTmpPatients | PUT /rest/v2/tmp/patient/batch | Modify a batch of healthcare elements |
TmpApi | purgeTmpItems | POST /rest/v2/tmp/batch/purge | Hard delete items. |
TmpApi | replicateToTmpDatabase | POST /rest/v2/tmp/replicate/from/{from} | |
UserApi | assignHealthcareParty | PUT /rest/v2/user/current/hcparty/{healthcarePartyId} | Assign a healthcare party ID to current user |
UserApi | checkPassword | GET /rest/v2/user/checkPassword | |
UserApi | checkTokenValidity | GET /rest/v2/user/token/{userId} | Check token validity |
UserApi | createUser | POST /rest/v2/user | Create a user |
UserApi | createUserInGroup | POST /rest/v2/user/inGroup/{groupId} | Create a user |
UserApi | deleteUser | DELETE /rest/v2/user/{userId} | Delete a User based on his/her ID. |
UserApi | deleteUserInGroup | DELETE /rest/v2/user/inGroup/{groupId}/{userId} | Delete a User based on his/her ID. |
UserApi | encodePassword | GET /rest/v2/user/encodePassword | |
UserApi | filterUsersBy | POST /rest/v2/user/filter | Filter users for the current user (HcParty) |
UserApi | findByHcpartyId | GET /rest/v2/user/byHealthcarePartyId/{id} | Get the list of users by healthcare party id |
UserApi | forgottenPassword | POST /rest/v2/user/forgottenPassword/{email} | Send a forgotten email message to an user |
UserApi | getCurrentSession | GET /rest/v2/user/session | Get Currently logged-in user session. |
UserApi | getCurrentUser | GET /rest/v2/user/current | Get presently logged-in user. |
UserApi | getMatchingUsers | GET /rest/v2/user/matches | Get presently logged-in user. |
UserApi | getToken | POST /rest/v2/user/token/{userId}/{key} | Request a new temporary token for authentication |
UserApi | getUser | GET /rest/v2/user/{userId} | Get a user by his ID |
UserApi | getUserByEmail | GET /rest/v2/user/byEmail/{email} | Get a user by his Email/Login |
UserApi | listUsersBy | GET /rest/v2/user | List users with(out) pagination |
UserApi | listUsersInGroup | GET /rest/v2/user/inGroup/{groupId} | List users with(out) pagination |
UserApi | matchUsersBy | POST /rest/v2/user/match | Get ids of healthcare party matching the provided filter for the current user (HcParty) |
UserApi | modifyProperties | PUT /rest/v2/user/{userId}/properties | Modify a User property |
UserApi | modifyUser | PUT /rest/v2/user | Modify a user. |
UserApi | modifyUserInGroup | PUT /rest/v2/user/inGroup/{groupId} | Modify a user. |
Documentation For Models #
- AbstractFilterDtoCode
- AbstractFilterDtoContact
- AbstractFilterDtoDevice
- AbstractFilterDtoHealthElement
- AbstractFilterDtoHealthcareParty
- AbstractFilterDtoInvoice
- AbstractFilterDtoPatient
- AbstractFilterDtoService
- AbstractFilterDtoUser
- AccessLogDto
- AddressDto
- AdministrationQuantity
- AgendaDto
- AgreementAppendixDto
- AmpComponentDto
- AmpDto
- AmppComponentDto
- AmppDto
- AnnotationDto
- ApplicationSettingsDto
- ArticleDto
- AtcDto
- Authentication
- AuthenticationResponse
- AuthenticationTokenDto
- Basic
- BasicDto
- ByteArrayDto
- CalendarItemDto
- CalendarItemTagDto
- CalendarItemTypeDto
- CareTeamMemberDto
- CareTeamMembershipDto
- CheckSMFPatientResult
- ClassificationDto
- ClassificationTemplateDto
- CodeDto
- CodeStub
- CodeStubDto
- CommentedClassificationDto
- CommercializationDto
- CompanyDto
- ContactDto
- ContentDto
- CopaymentDto
- DatabaseInitialisationDto
- DatabaseSynchronizationDto
- DelegationDto
- DeviceDto
- DeviceTypeDto
- DiaryNoteExportInfoDto
- DmppDto
- DocIdentifier
- DocumentDto
- DocumentGroupDto
- DocumentTemplateDto
- DurationDto
- EIDItem
- Editor
- EfactInvoice
- EmailTemplateDto
- EmployerDto
- EmploymentInfoDto
- EntityReferenceDto
- EntityTemplateDto
- EpisodeDto
- FilterChainCode
- FilterChainContact
- FilterChainDevice
- FilterChainHealthElement
- FilterChainHealthcareParty
- FilterChainInvoice
- FilterChainPatient
- FilterChainService
- FilterChainUser
- FinancialInstitutionInformationDto
- FlatRateTarificationDto
- FlowItemDto
- FormColumn
- FormDataOption
- FormDto
- FormLayout
- FormLayoutData
- FormPlanning
- FormSection
- FormTemplateDto
- FormTemplateLayout
- Formula
- FrontEndMigrationDto
- GroupDto
- GuiCode
- GuiCodeType
- HealthElementDto
- HealthcarePartyDto
- HealthcarePartyHistoryStatusDto
- IcureStubDto
- IdWithRevDto
- IdentifierDto
- IdentityDocumentReaderDto
- ImportMapping
- ImportResultDto
- IndexingInfoDto
- IngredientDto
- InsurabilityDto
- InsuranceDto
- InvoiceDto
- InvoiceItem
- InvoiceSender
- InvoicesBatch
- InvoicingCodeDto
- KeywordDto
- KeywordSubwordDto
- LabelledOccurenceDto
- LetterValueDto
- ListOfIdsDto
- ListOfPropertiesDto
- LoginCredentials
- MapOfIdsDto
- MeasureDto
- MedexInfoDto
- MedicalHouseContractDto
- MedicalLocationDto
- MedicationDto
- MedicationSchemeExportInfoDto
- MedicinalproductDto
- MessageDto
- MessageReadStatusDto
- MessageWithBatch
- MessagesReadStatusUpdate
- MimeAttachmentDto
- NmpDto
- NoGenericPrescriptionReasonDto
- NoSwitchReasonDto
- NumeratorRangeDto
- PackagingTypeDto
- PaginatedDocumentKeyIdPairObject
- PaginatedListAccessLogDto
- PaginatedListAmpDto
- PaginatedListClassificationDto
- PaginatedListClassificationTemplateDto
- PaginatedListCodeDto
- PaginatedListContactDto
- PaginatedListDeviceDto
- PaginatedListDocumentDto
- PaginatedListEntityTemplateDto
- PaginatedListFormDto
- PaginatedListHealthElementDto
- PaginatedListHealthcarePartyDto
- PaginatedListInvoiceDto
- PaginatedListMessageDto
- PaginatedListNmpDto
- PaginatedListPatientDto
- PaginatedListServiceDto
- PaginatedListString
- PaginatedListTarificationDto
- PaginatedListUserDto
- PaginatedListVmpDto
- PaginatedListVmpGroupDto
- ParagraphAgreementDto
- PartnershipDto
- PatientDto
- PatientHealthCarePartyDto
- PatientRegistrationSuccessDto
- PaymentDto
- PeriodicityDto
- PermissionDto
- PermissionItemDto
- PersonNameDto
- PharmaceuticalFormDto
- PharmaceuticalFormStubDto
- PlaceDto
- PlanOfActionDto
- PricingDto
- PropertyStubDto
- PropertyTypeStubDto
- PublicKeyDto
- QuantityDto
- ReceiptDto
- ReferralPeriodDto
- RegimenItemDto
- RegistrationInformationDto
- RegistrationSuccessDto
- ReimbursementCriterionDto
- ReimbursementDto
- Remote
- RemoteAuthenticationDto
- RemoteDto
- RenewalDto
- ReplicationDto
- ReplicationInfoDto
- ReplicationStats
- ReplicationStatsDto
- ReplicatorDocument
- ReplicatorDocumentDto
- ResultInfoDto
- RightDto
- RouteOfAdministrationDto
- SamTextDto
- SamVersionDto
- SchoolingInfoDto
- Section
- ServiceDto
- ServiceLinkDto
- SoftwareMedicalFileExportDto
- StandardSubstanceDto
- StrengthRangeDto
- SubContactDto
- SubstanceDto
- SubstanceStubDto
- SubstanceproductDto
- Suggest
- SumehrContentDto
- SumehrExportInfoDto
- SumehrValidityDto
- SupplyProblemDto
- SuspensionDto
- Tag
- TarificationDto
- TelecomDto
- TimeSeriesDto
- TimeTableDto
- TimeTableHourDto
- TimeTableItemDto
- TypedValueDtoObject
- UserDto
- UserGroupDto
- ValorisationDto
- VirtualFormDto
- VirtualIngredientDto
- VmpComponentDto
- VmpDto
- VmpGroupDto
- VmpGroupStubDto
- VmpStubDto
- VtmDto
- WadaDto
- Weekday
Documentation For Authorization #
basicSchema #
- Type: HTTP Basic authentication