icony 1.0.2 icony: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
160000+ icons from 500+ icon libraries for your Flutter projects. A collection of icons from all pub.dev packages and other open-source icon packs.
icon_forest #
- A collection of 160k+ icons from 500+ icon libraries.
- It makes icons from all pub.dev packages searchable in one place.
- You can search, select and apply the icons to your Flutter projects.
It has two components:
- a free app that searches icons
- a collection of icon libraries
IconForest app #
Icons can be easily applied to your projects with pubspec.yaml.
Icon libraries #
It has 35 icon libraries (38k+ icons). They come from:
- converting existing non-null-safety or invalid icon packages
- open-source icon libraries which are new to pub.dev
You can search the following icon libraries with IconForest app:
Academicons | Adinkra Symbols | Adwaita Icon | Akar Icons | Ali Icons |
AmazingNeoIcons | Ant Design | Arcticons | Bootstrap Icons | Boxicons |
Boxicons | BoxIcons Logo | bpmn | Brand Logos | Brandico |
Bytesize | Carbon design | Charm Icons | Clarity Design | codicon |
CoolIcons | CoreUI Brands | CoreUI Free | Crypto Icons (color) | Crypto Icons (font) |
Crypto Icons (font) | css.gg | Cupertino Icons | Dashicons | Devicon |
Elegant | Element Plus | Elusive Icons | Emoji | Emoji One |
EmojioneMonotone | EmojioneV1 | Emojis | Entypo | Entypo+ Social |
EOS Icons | Eva Icons | Evil Icons | Feather Icon | File Icons |
Flag | Flat Icons (Arrows Set) | Flat Icons (Medium) | Flat Icons (Social) | Flat UI |
FluentUI system icons | Font Awesome 4 | Font Awesome 5 (brand) | Font Awesome 5 (regular) | Font Awesome 5 (solid) |
Font-GIS | FontAudio | Fontelico | Fontisto | Foundation Icon Fonts 3 |
Framework7 Icons | Frino | Fxemoji | Gala Icons | Geira Icons |
GeoGlyphs | Gridicons | Grommet Icons | Health Icons | Helium |
Hero (Outline) | Hero (Solid) | Humanitarian icons | Icofont | IcoMoon |
Icon Park | IconaMoon | Iconic | Iconly (Bold) | Iconly (Broken) |
Iconly (Light) | iconoir | IconPark Outline | icons8 | Icons8 Windows 8 Icons |
iconsax | Innowatio font icons | IonIcons | Jam Icons | Ligature Symbols |
Line Awesome Icons | Linear Icons Free | Logos | Lucide | Majesticons |
Maki | Map Icons | Material Design Icon (Community) | Material Design Iconic Font | Material Design Light |
Material Icons (Flutter api) | Material Line Icons | Medical Icons | Meteocons | MFG Labs |
Modern Pictograms | Mono Icons | Navigation Maps | Nimbus | Noto Emoji |
Noto Emoji (v1) | OctIcons | OOUI | Open Iconic | OpenMoji |
Outline Material Icons | Pepicons | Phosphor | Pixelarticons | PrestaShop |
primeicons | Quill Icons | Radix Icons | Raphael | Remix |
Simple Icons | Simple Line Icon | SmartIcons Glyph | Subway Icon Set | System UIcons |
Tabler icons | Teenyicons | Ternav Icon (Bold) | Ternav Icon (Light outline) | Ternav Icon (Light) |
Themify Icons | TopCoat Icons | Twemoji | Twicon | Typicons |
uiw icons | Unicons (Line) | Unicons (Solid) | Unicons (Thinline) | Unicons Monochrome |
Vaadin Icons | Vesper Icons | VSCode Icons | vscode-icons | Weather Icons |
Weather Icons | Web/Symobol | WebHostingHub Glyphs | Yaru | Zocial |
Zondicons | basf |
Our goal #
Make beautiful designs faster for Flutter developers. To achieve this, we:
- collect icon packages from pub.dev and make them searchable in one place
- test all icon packages, correct sample codes, and remove invalid icons
- make duplicated icon libraries invisible by default
- explore new beautiful icon libraries
- update the icon libraries to provide you with the richest and latest icons collections