ibankit_dart 2.0.2 ibankit_dart: ^2.0.2 copied to clipboard
Translate to dart from https://github.com/koblas/ibankit-js
ibankit_dart #
Translate to dart from https://github.com/koblas/ibankit-js
Quickstart #
// How to generate IBAN
final ibanStr = IBANBuilder()
// How to create IBAN object from String
final iban1 = IBAN("DE89370400440532013000");
// The library ignores spaces in IBANs, this is valid
final iban2 = IBAN("DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00");
// For testing, the library will also generate random IBANs
final iban3 = IBAN.random(CountryCode.AT);
final iban4 = IBAN.random();
final iban5 =
// You can quickly check validity
final ibanValidate1 = IBAN.isValid("AT611904300234573201"); // true
final ibanValidate2 = IBAN.isValid("DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00"); // true
final ibanValidate3 = IBAN.isValid("hello world"); // false
// How to create BIC object from String
final bic = BIC("DEUTDEFF");
// Check to see is BIC code is valid
final bicValidate = BIC.isValid("DEUTDEFF500"); // true