i18n_extension_core 5.0.1 copy "i18n_extension_core: ^5.0.1" to clipboard
i18n_extension_core: ^5.0.1 copied to clipboard

Dart-only package for Translation and Internationalization (i18n), with Dart extensions. Easy to use for both large and small projects.

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5.0.1 #

  • You can now define Translations.supportedLocales to specify the locales that your app supports. If you do this, only those supported locales will be considered when recording missing translations. In other words, unsupported locales will not be recorded as missing translations. Note the supported locales should be valid BCP47 codes. For example:

    Translations.supportedLocales = ['en-US', 'cs-CZ', 'es', 'zh-Hant-CN'];
  • Breaking Change: The Translations.missingTranslationCallback signature changed, and it's now of type MissingTranslationCallback:

    typedef MissingTranslationCallback = bool Function({
      required Object? key,
      required StringLocale locale,
      required Translations translations,
      required Iterable<String> supportedLocales,

    Note it now also returns a boolean. Only if it returns true, the missing translation will be put into the Translations.missingTranslations map.

4.0.0 #

  • Translations.byHttp() is now available (only when using the i18n_extension package). It allows you to load translations from .json or .po files in the web. Use it like this:

    final translations = Translations.byHttp('en-US', 
      url: 'https://example.com/translations', 
      resources: ['en-US.json', 'es.json', 'pt-BR.po', 'fr.po']);

3.0.0 #

  • Breaking Change: Language codes should now respect the BCP47 standard, when you define your translations.
    For example, you should now use en-US instead of the old en_us format. Other valid code examples are: en, es-419, hi-Deva-IN and zh-Hans-CN. To help you upgrade, a TranslationsException error will be thrown when you use the old code format, with a detailed error message such as: Locale "en_us" should be "en-US" (for translatable string "Hello!").

  • As a helper, in case you need it, we now provide function DefaultLocale.normalizeLocale to normalize language codes to the BCP47 standard (which is compatible with the Unicode Locale Identifier (ULI) syntax). It fixes casing (uppercase and lowercase), removes spaces, and turns underscores into hyphens. As such, it can be used to convert the old format language codes to the new ones. For example: DefaultLocale.normalizeLocale('en_us') returns 'en-US'.

  • You can now do string interpolation by using {}, {1}, and {named}, by using function localizeArgs:

    localizeArgs('Hello {student} and {teacher}', {'student': 'John', 'teacher': 'Mary'});
    localizeArgs('Hello {student} and {teacher}', 'John', 'Mary');
    localizeArgs('Hello {1} and {2}', 'John', 'Mary');
    localizeArgs('Hello {1} and {2}', ['John', 'Mary']);
    localizeArgs('Hello {1} and {2}', {1: 'John', 2: 'Mary'});
    localizeArgs('Hello {} and {}', 'John', 'Mary');
    localizeArgs('Hello {} and {}', ['John', 'Mary']);

    From the i18n_extension package, this functionality is accessible via the args extension. For example:

    'Hello {student} and {teacher}'.i18n.args({'student': 'John', 'teacher': 'Mary'});
    'Hello {student} and {teacher}'.i18n.args('John', 'Mary');
    'Hello {1} and {2}'.i18n.args('John', 'Mary');
    'Hello {1} and {2}'.i18n.args(['John', 'Mary']);
    'Hello {1} and {2}'.i18n.args({1: 'John', 2: 'Mary'});
    'Hello {} and {}'.i18n.args('John', 'Mary');
    'Hello {} and {}'.i18n.args(['John', 'Mary']);
  • Previously, you could do string interpolation by using sprintf specifiers, like %s, %1$s, %d etc., and providing a list of values to fill them. This is still supported:

    localizeFill('Hello %s and %s', ['student', 'teacher']);
    localizeFill('Hello %1$s and %2$s', ['student', 'teacher']);  

    However now you can also provide the values directly, without having to wrap them in a list:

    localizeFill('Hello %s and %s', 'student', 'teacher');
    localizeFill('Hello %1$s and %2$s', 'student', 'teacher');

    From the i18n_extension package, this functionality is accessible via the fill extension. For example:

    'Hello %s and %s'.i18n.fill(['student', 'teacher']);
    'Hello %1$s and %2$s'.i18n.fill(['student', 'teacher']);  
    'Hello %s and %s'.i18n.fill('student', 'teacher');
    'Hello %1$s and %2$s'.i18n.fill('student', 'teacher');
  • Translations.byFile() is now available (only when using the i18n_extension package). It allows you to load translations from a .json or .po file. Use it like this:

    final translations = Translations.byFile('en-US', dir: 'assets/translations');

2.0.6 #

  • Translations:
    • Translations.byText(): Supports String themselves as translation-keys, organized per key.
    • Translations.byLocale(): Supports String themselves as translation-keys, organized per locale.
    • Translations.byId<T>(): Supports any object (of type T) as translation-keys.
    • const ConstTranslations(): Supports defining translations with a const Map.

1.0.0 #

  • On Feb 11, 2024 I've created this Dart-only package to contain the core code of the i18n_extension package.


verified publisherglasberg.dev

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Dart-only package for Translation and Internationalization (i18n), with Dart extensions. Easy to use for both large and small projects.

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#i18n #localization #translation #server #backend


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