huawei_site 5.0.1+300 copy "huawei_site: ^5.0.1+300" to clipboard
huawei_site: ^5.0.1+300 copied to clipboard


HUAWEI Site Kit plugin for Flutter. With Huawei Site Kit, your app can provide users with convenient and secure access to diverse, place-related services.

Huawei Site Kit Flutter Plugin #

Table of Contents #

Introduction #

This plugin enables communication between Huawei Site SDK and Flutter platform. With Huawei Site Kit, your app can provide users with convenient and secure access to diverse, place-related services.

Installation Guide #

  • Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

  • Create an app in your project is required in AppGallery Connect in order to communicate with Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2. Click your project from the project list.

Step 3. Go to Project Setting > General information, and click Add app. If an app exists in the project, and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add app.↵

Step 4. On the Add app page, enter app information, and click OK.

  • A signing certificate fingerprint is used to verify the authenticity of an app when it attempts to access an HMS Core service through the HMS Core SDK. Before using HMS Core (APK), you must locally generate a signing certificate fingerprint and configure it in AppGallery Connect. Ensure that the JDK has been installed on your computer.

Configuring the Signing Certificate Fingerprint #

Step 1: Go to Project Setting > General information. In the App information field, click the icon next to SHA-256 certificate fingerprint, and enter the obtained SHA256 certificate fingerprint.

Step 2: After completing the configuration, click OK.

For details, please refer to Generating a Signing Certificate.

-To use Huawei Site Kit, you need to enable the Site Service first. For more information, please refer to Enabling Services.

Integrating Flutter Site Plugin #

Step 1: Sign in AppGallery Connect to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2: Find your app project, and click the desired app name.

Step 3: Go to Project Setting > > General information. In the App information field, click agconnect-service.json to download configuration file.

Step 4: Create a Flutter project if you do not have one.

Step 5: Copy the agconnect-service.json file to the android/app directory of your Flutter project.

Step 6: Copy the signature file that is generated in Generating a Signature File to the android/app directory of your Flutter project.

Step 7: Check whether the agconnect-services.json file and signature file are successfully added to the android/app directory of the Flutter project.

Step 8: Open the build.gradle file in the android directory of your project.

  • Go to buildscript then configure the Maven repository address and agconnect plugin for the HMS SDK.

        buildscript {
            repositories {
                maven { url '' }
            dependencies {
                 * <Other dependencies>
                classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Go to allprojects then configure the Maven repository address for the HMS SDK.

        allprojects {
            repositories {
                maven { url '' }

Step 9: Open the build.gradle file in the android/app directory.

  • Add apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' line after other apply entries.

        apply plugin: ''
        apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle"
        apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'
  • Set your package name in defaultConfig > applicationId and set minSdkVersion to 19 or higher.

  • Package name must match with the package_name entry in agconnect-services.json file.

        defaultConfig {
                applicationId "<package_name>"
                minSdkVersion 19
                 * <Other configurations>
  • Copy the signature file that generated in Generating a Signing Certificate to android/app directory.

  • Configure the signature in android according to the signature file information.

        android {
             * <Other configurations>
            signingConfigs {
                config {
                    storeFile file('<keystore_file>.jks')
                    storePassword '<keystore_password>'
                    keyAlias '<key_alias>'
                    keyPassword '<key_password>'
            buildTypes {
                debug {
                    signingConfig signingConfigs.config
                release {
                    minifyEnabled true
                    shrinkResources true
                    proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
                    signingConfig signingConfigs.config
  • For Obfuscation Scripts, please refer to Configuring Obfuscation Scripts.

Step 10: On your Flutter project directory find and open your pubspec.yaml file and add library to dependencies. For more details please refer the Using packages document.

            # Replace {library path} with actual library path of Huawei Site Kit Flutter Plugin.
            path: {library path}
  • Replace {library path} with the actual library path of Flutter Site Plugin. The following are examples:
    • Relative path example: path: ../huawei_site
    • Absolute path example: path: D:\Projects\Libraries\huawei_site


Download the package from and add it to dependencies in pubspec.yaml file.

        huawei_site: {library version}

Step 11: Run following command to update package info.

    [project_path]> flutter pub get

Step 12: Run following command to start the app.

    [project_path]> flutter run

API Reference #

SearchService #

Entry class of HUAWEI Site Kit.

Public Constructor Summary

Constructor Function
SearchService() Default constructor.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
textSearch(TextSearchRequest request) Future<TextSearchResponse> Returns a place list based on keywords entered by the user.
nearbySearch(NearbySearchRequest request) Future<NearbySearchResponse> Searches for nearby places based on the current location of the user's device.
detailSearch(DetailSearchRequest request) Future<DetailSearchResponse> Searches for details about a place.
querySuggestion(QuerySuggestionRequest request) Ffuture<QuerySuggestionResponse> Returns a list of place suggestions.
startSiteSearchActivity(SearchIntent searchIntent) Future<Site> Returns a Site object and obtains details about this place.
enableLogger() Future<void> Enables HMS Logger.
disableLogger() Future<void> Disables HMS Logger.

Public Constructors


Constructor for SearchService object.

Public Methods

Future<TextSearchResponse> textSearch(TextSearchRequest request) async

Searches for places such as tourist attractions, enterprises, and schools based on a request object.

Name Description
request TextSearchRequest object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<TextSearchResponse> Result of places.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

// Create TextSearchRequest and its body.
TextSearchRequest request = new TextSearchRequest();
request.query = "Eiffel Tower";
request.location = Coordinate(  
     lat: 48.893478,  
     lng: 2.334595
request.language = "en";
request.countryCode = "FR";
request.pageIndex = 1;
request.pageSize = 20;
request.radius = 5000;

// Create TextSearchResponse object.
// Call textSearch method.
// Assign the results.
TextSearchResponse response = await searchService.textSearch(request);
Future<NearbySearchResponse> nearbySearch(NearbySearchRequest request) async

Searches for nearby places based on a request object.

Name Description
request NearbySearchRequest object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<NearbySearchResponse> Result of nearby places.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

// Create NearbySearchRequest and its body.
NearbySearchRequest request = NearbySearchRequest();
request.query = "Eiffel Tower";
request.location = Coordinate(
     lat: 48.893478,
     lng: 2.334595
request.language = "en";
request.pageIndex = 1;
request.pageSize = 20;
request.radius = 5000;

// Create NearbySearchResponse object.
// Call nearbySearch method.
// Assign the results.
NearbySearchResponse response = await searchService.nearbySearch(request);
Future<DetailSearchResponse> detailSearch(DetailSearchRequest request) async

Searches for details of a place based on a request object.

Name Description
request DetailSearchRequest object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<DetailSearchResponse> Details of a place.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

// Create DetailSearchRequest and its body.
DetailSearchRequest request = DetailSearchRequest();
request.siteId = "977B75943A9F01D561FF2073AE1D9353";
request.language = "en";

// Create DetailSearchResponse object.
// Call detailSearch method.
// Assign the results.
DetailSearchResponse response = await searchService.detailSearch(request);
Future<QuerySuggestionResponse> querySuggestion(QuerySuggestionRequest request) async

Returns search suggestions during user input based on a request object.

Name Description
request QuerySuggestionRequest object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<QuerySuggestionResponse> Result of places.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

// Create QuerySuggestionRequest and its body.
QuerySuggestionRequest request = QuerySuggestionRequest();
request.query = "Paris";
request.location = Coordinate(  
     lat: 48.893478,  
     lng: 2.334595
request.language = "en";
request.countryCode = "FR";
request.radius = 5000;

// Create QuerySuggestionResponse object.
// Call querySuggestion method.
// Assign the results.
QuerySuggestionResponse response = await searchService.querySuggestion(request);
Future<Site> startSiteSearchActivity(SearchIntent searchIntent) async

Returns a Site object and obtains details about this place.

Name Description
searchIntent SearchIntent object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<Site> Details of chosen place.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

// Create SearchIntent and its body.
SearchIntent intent = SearchIntent();
intent.hint = "Enter search term";

// Create Site object.
// Call startSiteSearchActivity method.
// Assign the results.
Site site = await searchService.startSiteSearchActivity(intent);
Future<void> enableLogger() async

This method enables HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of Site SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

//call enableLogger() method.
Future<void> disableLogger() async

This method disables HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of Site SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
// Declare a SearchService object and instantiate it.
SearchService searchService = new SearchService();

//call disableLogger() method.

HMS Logger is used for sending usage analytics of Site SDK's methods in order to improve the service quality. HMSLogger is enabled by default on the Huawei Site Kit Plugin for Flutter, it can be disabled with the disableLogger() method.

Data Types #


The following table describes detailed information about data types for interaction with Huawei Site Kit APIs.

Class Description
SearchService An entry interface of HUAWEI Site Kit.
AddressDetail Represents details about a place.
Coordinate Represents the location (that is, the latitude and longitude object) of a place.
CoordinateBounds Represents coordinate bounds.
DetailSearchRequest Represents a request object used to search for place details.
DetailSearchResponse Represents a response object containing the place details search result.
HwLocationType Enumerates Huawei place types.
LocationType Enumerates place types.
NearbySearchRequest Represents a request object used to search for nearby places.
NearbySearchResponse Represents a response object containing search results of nearby places.
OpeningHours Describes weekly opening hours of a place.
Period Represents a period.
Poi Represents a POI object containing detailed POI information.
QuerySuggestionRequest Represents a request object used to provide search suggestions.
QuerySuggestionResponse Represents a response object containing search suggestions.
SearchFilter Represents the criteria for Widget search.
SearchIntent Represents a search intent to start the search suggestion widget.
SearchStatus Represents an object indicating the API call error status.
Site A model class representing a place object.
TextSearchRequest Represents a request object used to search for places by keyword.
TextSearchResponse Represents a response object containing keyword-based search results.
TimeOfWeek Represents a time point on a day of the week.


An object that contains place details.

Public Properties
Name Type Decription
adminArea String Level-1 administrative region in a country, which is generally a province or state.
country String Country name.
countryCode String Country code, which complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.
locality String Level-3 administrative region in a country, which is generally a county or district.
postalCode String Postal code.
streetNumber String Street number.
subAdminArea String Level-2 administrative region in a country, which is generally a city.
subLocality String Level-4 administrative region in a country, which is generally a town.
thoroughfare String Street.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
AddressDetail({ String adminArea, String country, String countryCode, String locality, String postalCode, String streetNumber, String subAdminArea, String subLocality, String thoroughfare}) Default constructor.
AddressDetail.fromJson(String source) Creates a AddressDetail object from a JSON string.
AddressDetail.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a AddressDetail object from a Map.
Public Constructors
AddressDetail({String adminArea, String country, String countryCode, String locality, String postalCode, String streetNumber, String subAdminArea, String subLocality, String thoroughfare})

Constructor for AdressDetail object.

AddressDetail.fromJson(String source)

Creates a AdressDetail object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
AddressDetail.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a AddressDetail object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Location, that is, the latitude and longitude, of a place.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
lat double Latitude.
lng double Longitude.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
Coordinate({double lat, double lng}) Default constructor.
Coordinate.fromJson(String source) Creates a Coordinate object from a JSON string.
Coordinate.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a Coordinate object from a Map.
Public Constructors
Coordinate({double lat, double lng})

Constructor for Coordinate object.

Coordinate.fromJson(String source)

Creates a Coordinate object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
Coordinate.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a Coordinate object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Coordinate bounds.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
northeast Coordinate Coordinates of the northeast corner.
southwest Coordinate Coordinates of the southwest corner.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
CoordinateBounds({Coordinate northeast, Coordinate southwest}) Default constructor.
CoordinateBounds.fromJson(String source) Creates a CoordinateBounds object from a JSON string.
CoordinateBounds.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a CoordinateBounds object from a Map.
Public Constructors
CoordinateBounds({Coordinate northeast, Coordinate southwest})

Constructor for CoordinateBounds object.

CoordinateBounds.fromJson(String source)

Creates a CoordinateBounds object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
CoordinateBounds.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a CoordinateBounds object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Request object used to search for place details.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
siteId String Place ID.
language String Language in which search results are returned. If this parameter is not passed, the local language is used.
politicalView String Political view. The value is a two-digit country code that complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
DetailSearchRequest({String siteId, String language, String politicalView}) Default constructor.
DetailSearchRequest.fromJson(String source) Creates a DetailSearchRequst object from a JSON string.
DetailSearchRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a DetailSearchRequest object from a Map.
Public Constructors
DetailSearchRequest({String siteId, String language, String politicalView})

Constructor for DetailSearchRequest object.

DetailSearchRequest.fromJson(String source)

Creates a DetailSearchRequest object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
DetailSearchRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a DetailSearchRequest object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Response object containing the place details search result.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
site Site Place object.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
DetailSearchResponse({Site site}) Default constructor.
DetailSearchResponse.fromJson(String source) Creates a DetailSearchResponse object from a JSON string.
DetailSearchResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a DetailSearchResponse object from a Map.
Public Constructors
DetailSearchResponse({Site site})

Constructor for DetailSearchResponse object.

DetailSearchResponse.fromJson(String source)

Creates a DetailSearchResponse object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
DetailSearchResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a DetailSearchResponse object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Place types.

Public Constants
Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description
ACCOUNTING LocationType Accounting firm.
ADDRESS LocationType Address.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1 LocationType Level-1 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2 LocationType Level-2 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3 LocationType Level-3 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4 LocationType Level-4 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_5 LocationType Level-5 administrative region.
AIRPORT LocationType Airport.
AMUSEMENTPARK LocationType Amusement park.
AQUARIUM LocationType Aquarium.
ARCHIPELAGO LocationType Archipelago.
ART_GALLERY LocationType Art gallery.
ATM LocationType Automatic teller machine (ATM).
BAKERY LocationType Bakery.
BANK LocationType Bank.
BAR LocationType Bar.
BEAUTY_SALON LocationType Beauty salon.
BICYCLE_STORE LocationType Bicycle store.
BOOK_STORE LocationType Bookstore.
BOWLING_ALLEY LocationType Bowling alley.
BUS_STATION LocationType Bus station.
CAFE LocationType Cafe.
CAMPGROUND LocationType Campsite.
CAPITAL LocationType Capital.
CAPITAL_CITY LocationType Capital city.
CAR_DEALER LocationType Automobile dealer.
CAR_RENTAL LocationType Car rental company.
CAR_REPAIR LocationType Vehicle repair plant.
CAR_WASH LocationType Car wash facility.
CASINO LocationType Casino.
CEMETERY LocationType Cemetery.
CHURCH LocationType Church.
CITIES LocationType Cities.
CITY_HALL LocationType City hall.
CLOTHING_STORE LocationType Clothing store.
COLLOQUIAL_AREA LocationType Colloquial area.
CONTINENT LocationType Continent.
CONVENIENCE_STORE LocationType Convenience store.
COUNTRY LocationType Country.
COURTHOUSE LocationType Court.
DENTIST LocationType Dentist.
DEPARTMENT_STORE LocationType Department store.
DOCTOR LocationType Doctor.
DRUGSTORE LocationType Drugstore.
ELECTRICIAN LocationType Electrician.
ELECTRONICS_STORE LocationType E-commerce store.
EMBASSY LocationType Embassy.
ESTABLISHMENT LocationType Establishment.
FINANCE LocationType Financial institution.
FIRE_STATION LocationType Fire station.
FLOOR LocationType Floor.
FLORIST LocationType Florist.
FOOD LocationType Food.
FUNERAL_HOME LocationType Funeral home.
FURNITURE_STORE LocationType Furniture store.
GAS_STATION LocationType Gas station.
GENERAL_CITY LocationType City.
GENERAL_CONTRACTOR LocationType General contractor.
GEOCODE LocationType Geocode.
GROCERY_OR_SUPERMARKET LocationType Grocery or supermarket.
GYM LocationType Gym.
HAIR_CARE LocationType Hair care.
HAMLET LocationType Hamlet.
HARDWARE_STORE LocationType Hardware store.
HEALTH LocationType Health care.
HINDU_TEMPLE LocationType Hindu temple.
HOME_GOODS_STORE LocationType Household goods store.
HOSPITAL LocationType Hospital.
INSURANCE_AGENCY LocationType Insurance company.
INTERSECTION LocationType Intersection.
JEWELRY_STORE LocationType Jewelry store.
LAUNDRY LocationType Laundry room.
LAWYER LocationType Law office.
LIBRARY LocationType Library.
LIGHT_RAIL_STATION LocationType Light rail station.
LIQUOR_STORE LocationType Liquor store.
LOCAL_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE LocationType Local government office.
LOCALITY LocationType Locality.
LOCKSMITH LocationType Locksmith.
LODGING LocationType Lodging.
MEAL_DELIVERY LocationType Food delivery.
MEAL_TAKEAWAY LocationType Takeout.
MOSQUE LocationType Mosque.
MOVIE_RENTAL LocationType Movie rental store.
MOVIE_THEATER LocationType Movie theater.
MOVING_COMPANY LocationType Moving company.
MUSEUM LocationType Museum.
NATURAL_FEATURE LocationType Natural feature.
NEIGHBORHOOD LocationType Neighborhood.
NIGHT_CLUB LocationType Nightclub.
OTHER LocationType Others.
PAINTER LocationType Painter.
PARK LocationType Park.
PARKING LocationType Parking lot.
PET_STORE LocationType Pet store.
PHARMACY LocationType Pharmacy.
PHYSIOTHERAPIST LocationType Physical therapist.
PLACE_OF_WORSHIP LocationType Place of worship.
PLUMBER LocationType Plumber.
POINT_OF_INTEREST LocationType Point of interest (POI).
POLICE LocationType Police.
POLITICAL LocationType Political place.
POSTAL_CODE LocationType Postal code.
POSTAL_CODE_PREFIX LocationType Postal code prefix.
POSTAL_CODE_SUFFIX LocationType Postal code suffix.
POSTAL_TOWN LocationType Postal town.
POST_BOX LocationType Mailbox.
POST_OFFICE LocationType Post office.
PREMISE LocationType Premises.
PRIMARY_SCHOOL LocationType Primary school.
REAL_ESTATE_AGENCY LocationType Real estate agency.
REGION LocationType Region.
REGIONS LocationType Regions.
RESTAURANT LocationType Restaurant.
ROOFING_CONTRACTOR LocationType Roofing contractor.
ROOM LocationType Room.
ROUTE LocationType Route.
RV_PARK LocationType Recreational vehicle park.
SCHOOL LocationType School.
SECONDARY_SCHOOL LocationType Secondary school.
SHOE_STORE LocationType Shoe store.
SHOPPING_MALL LocationType Shopping mall.
SPA LocationType Spa.
STADIUM LocationType Stadium.
STORAGE LocationType Storage.
STORE LocationType Store.
STREET_ADDRESS LocationType Street address.
STREET_NUMBER LocationType Street number.
SUBLOCALITY LocationType Sub-locality.
SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_1 LocationType Level-1 sub-locality.
SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_2 LocationType Level-2 sub-locality.
SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_3 LocationType Level-3 sub-locality.
SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_4 LocationType Level-4 sub-locality.
SUBLOCALITY_LEVEL_5 LocationType Level-5 sub-locality.
SUBPREMISE LocationType Sub-premises.
SUBWAY_STATION LocationType Subway station.
SUPERMARKET LocationType Supermarket.
SYNAGOGUE LocationType Synagogue.
TAXI_STAND LocationType Taxi stand.
TOURIST_ATTRACTION LocationType Tourist attraction.
TOWN LocationType Town.
TOWN_SQUARE LocationType Town square.
TRAIN_STATION LocationType Railway station.
TRANSIT_STATION LocationType Transit station.
TRAVEL_AGENCY LocationType Travel agency.
UNIVERSITY LocationType University.
VETERINARY_CARE LocationType Veterinary care.
ZOO LocationType Zoo.


Huawei place types.

Public Constants
Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description
ACCESS_GATEWAY HwLocationType Access gateway.
ADDRESS HwLocationType Address.
ADMIN_FEATURE HwLocationType Admin feature.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_1 HwLocationType Level-1 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2 HwLocationType Level-2 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_3 HwLocationType Level-3 administrative region.
ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_4 HwLocationType Level-4 administrative region.
ADVENTURE_SPORTS_VENUE HwLocationType Adventure sports venue.
ADVENTURE_VEHICLE_TRAIL HwLocationType Adventure vehicle trail.
ADVERTISING_AND_MARKETING_COMPANY HwLocationType Advertising and marketing company.
AFGHAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Afghan restaurant.
AFRICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType African restaurant.
AGRICULTURAL_SUPPLY_STORE HwLocationType Agricultural supply store.
AGRICULTURAL_TECHNOLOGY_COMPANY HwLocationType Agricultural technology company.
AGRICULTURE_BUSINESS HwLocationType Agriculture business.
AIRFIELD HwLocationType Airfield.
AIRLINE HwLocationType Airline.
AIRLINE_ACCESS HwLocationType Airline access.
AIRPORT HwLocationType Airport.
ALGERIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Algerian restaurant.
AMBULANCE_UNIT HwLocationType Ambulance unit.
AMERICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType American restaurant.
AMPHITHEATER HwLocationType Amphitheater.
AMUSEMENT_ARCADE HwLocationType Amusement arcade.
AMUSEMENT_PARK HwLocationType Amusement park.
AMUSEMENT_PLACE HwLocationType Amusement place.
ANIMAL_SERVICE_STORE HwLocationType Animal service store.
ANIMAL_SHELTER HwLocationType Animal shelter.
ANTIQUE_ART_STORE HwLocationType Antique art store.
APARTMENT HwLocationType Apartment.
AQUATIC_ZOO_MARINE_PARK HwLocationType Aquatic zoo marine park.
ARABIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Arabian restaurant.
ARBORETA_BOTANICAL_GARDENS HwLocationType Arboreta botanical gardens.
ARCH HwLocationType Arch.
ARGENTINEAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Argentinean restaurant.
ARMENIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Armenian restaurant.
ART_MUSEUM HwLocationType Art museum.
ART_SCHOOL HwLocationType Art school.
ASHRAM HwLocationType Ashram.
ASIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Asian restaurant.
ATHLETIC_STADIUM HwLocationType Athletic stadium.
ATV_SNOWMOBILE_DEALER HwLocationType Atv snowmobile dealer.
AUSTRALIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Australian restaurant.
AUSTRIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Austrian restaurant.
AUTOMATIC_TELLER_MACHINE HwLocationType Automatic teller machine.
AUTOMOBILE_ACCESSORIES_SHOP HwLocationType Automobile accessories shop.
AUTOMOBILE_COMPANY HwLocationType Automobile company.
AUTOMOBILE_MANUFACTURING_COMPANY HwLocationType Automobile manufacturing company.
AUTOMOTIVE HwLocationType Automotive.
AUTOMOTIVE_DEALER HwLocationType Automotive dealer.
AUTOMOTIVE_GLASS_REPLACEMENT_SHOP HwLocationType Automotive glass replacement shop.
AUTOMOTIVE_REPAIR_SHOP HwLocationType Automotive repair shop.
BADMINTON_COURT HwLocationType Badminton court.
BAGS_LEATHERWEAR_SHOP HwLocationType Bags leatherwear shop.
BAKERY HwLocationType Bakery.
BANK HwLocationType Bank.
BANQUET_ROOM HwLocationType Banquet room.
BAR HwLocationType Bar.
BARBECUE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Barbecue restaurant.
BASEBALL_FIELD HwLocationType Baseball field.
BASKETBALL_COURT HwLocationType Basketball court.
BASQUE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Basque restaurant.
BATTLEFIELD HwLocationType Battlefield.
BAY HwLocationType Bay.
BEACH HwLocationType Beach.
BEACH_CLUB HwLocationType Beach club.
BEAUTY_SALON HwLocationType Beauty salon.
BEAUTY_SUPPLY_SHOP HwLocationType Beauty supply shop.
BED_BREAKFAST_GUEST_HOUSES HwLocationType Bed breakfast guest houses.
BELGIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Belgian restaurant.
BETTING_STATION HwLocationType Betting station.
BICYCLE_PARKING_PLACE HwLocationType Bicycle parking place.
BICYCLE_SHARING_LOCATION HwLocationType Bicycle sharing location.
BILLIARDS_POOL_HALL HwLocationType Billiards pool hall.
BISTRO HwLocationType Bistro.
BLOOD_BANK HwLocationType Blood bank.
BOAT_DEALER HwLocationType Boat dealer.
BOAT_FERRY HwLocationType Boat ferry.
BOAT_LAUNCHING_RAMP HwLocationType Boat launching ramp.
BOATING_EQUIPMENT_ACCESSORIES_STORE HwLocationType Boating equipment accessories store.
BODYSHOPS HwLocationType Bodyshops.
BOLIVIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Bolivian restaurant.
BOOKSTORE HwLocationType Bookstore.
BORDER_POST HwLocationType Border post.
BOSNIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Bosnian restaurant.
BOWLING_FIELD HwLocationType Bowling field.
BRAZILIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Brazilian restaurant.
BRIDGE HwLocationType Bridge.
BRIDGE_TUNNEL_ENGINEERING_COMPANY HwLocationType Bridge tunnel engineering company.
BRITISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType British restaurant.
BUDDHIST_TEMPLE HwLocationType Buddhist temple.
BUFFET HwLocationType Buffet.
BUILDING HwLocationType Building.
BULGARIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Bulgarian restaurant.
BUNGALOW HwLocationType Bungalow.
BURMESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Burmese restaurant.
BUS_CHARTER_RENTAL_COMPANY HwLocationType Bus charter rental company.
BUS_COMPANY HwLocationType Bus company.
BUS_DEALER HwLocationType Bus dealer.
BUS_STOP HwLocationType Bus stop.
BUSINESS HwLocationType Business.
BUSINESS_PARK HwLocationType Business park.
BUSINESS_SERVICES_COMPANY HwLocationType Business services company.
CABARET HwLocationType Cabaret.
CABINS_LODGES HwLocationType Cabins lodges.
CABLE_TELEPHONE_COMPANY HwLocationType Cable telephone company.
CAFE HwLocationType Cafe.
CAFE_PUB HwLocationType Cafe pub.
CAFETERIA HwLocationType Cafeteria.
CALIFORNIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Californian restaurant.
CAMBODIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Cambodian restaurant.
CAMPING_GROUND HwLocationType Camping ground.
CANADIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Canadian restaurant.
CAPE HwLocationType Cape.
CAPITAL HwLocationType Capital.
CAPITAL_CITY HwLocationType Capital city.
CAR_CLUB HwLocationType Car club.
CAR_DEALER HwLocationType Car dealer.
CAR_RENTAL HwLocationType Car rental.
CAR_RENTAL_COMPANY HwLocationType Car rental company.
CAR_WASH HwLocationType Car wash.
CAR_WASH_SUB HwLocationType Car wash sub.
CARAVAN_SITE HwLocationType Caravan site.
CARGO_CENTER HwLocationType Cargo center.
CARIBBEAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Caribbean restaurant.
CARPET_FLOOR_COVERING_STORE HwLocationType Carpet floor covering store.
CASINO HwLocationType Casino.
CATERING_COMPANY HwLocationType Catering company.
CAVE HwLocationType Cave.
CD_DVD_VIDEO_RENTAL_STORE HwLocationType Cd-dvd video rental store.
CD_DVD_VIDEO_STORE HwLocationType Cd-dvd video store.
CD_DVD_VIDEO_STORE_SUB HwLocationType Cd-dvd video store sub.
CEMETERY HwLocationType Cemetery.
CHALET HwLocationType Chalet.
CHEMICAL_COMPANY HwLocationType Chemical company.
CHICKEN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Chicken restaurant.
CHILD_CARE_FACILITY HwLocationType Child care facility.
CHILDRENS_MUSEUM HwLocationType Childrens museum.
CHILEAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Chilean restaurant.
CHINESE_MEDICINE_HOSPITAL HwLocationType Chinese medicine hospital.
CHINESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Chinese restaurant.
CHRISTMAS_HOLIDAY_STORE HwLocationType Christmas holiday store.
CHURCH HwLocationType Church.
CINEMA HwLocationType Cinema.
CINEMA_SUB HwLocationType Cinema sub.
CITIES HwLocationType Cities.
CITY_CENTER HwLocationType City center.
CITY_HALL HwLocationType City hall.
CIVIC_COMMUNITY_CENTER HwLocationType Civic community center.
CLEANING_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Cleaning service company.
CLOTHING_ACCESSORIES_STORE HwLocationType Clothing accessories store.
CLUB_ASSOCIATION HwLocationType Club association.
COACH_PARKING_AREA HwLocationType Coach parking area.
COACH_STATION HwLocationType Coach station.
COCKTAIL_BAR HwLocationType Cocktail bar.
COFFEE_SHOP HwLocationType Coffee shop.
COLLEGE_UNIVERSITY HwLocationType College university.
COLOMBIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Colombian restaurant.
COMEDY_CLUB HwLocationType Comedy club.
COMMERCIAL_BUILDING HwLocationType Commercial building.
COMMUNITY_CENTER HwLocationType Community center.
COMPANY HwLocationType Company.
COMPUTER_AND_DATA_SERVICES_CORPORATION HwLocationType Computer and data services corporation.
COMPUTER_SOFTWARE_COMPANY HwLocationType Computer software company.
COMPUTER_STORE HwLocationType Computer store.
CONCERT_HALL HwLocationType Concert hall.
CONDOMINIUM_COMPLEX HwLocationType Condominium complex.
CONSTRUCTION_COMPANY HwLocationType Construction company.
CONSTRUCTION_MATERIAL_EQUIPMENT_SHOP HwLocationType Construction material equipment shop.
CONSUMER_ELECTRONICS_STORE HwLocationType Consumer electronics store.
CONTINENT HwLocationType Continent.
CONVENIENCE_STORE HwLocationType Convenience store.
CORSICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Corsican restaurant.
COTTAGE HwLocationType Cottage.
COUNTRY HwLocationType Country.
COUNTY HwLocationType County.
COUNTY_COUNCIL HwLocationType County council.
COURIER_DROP_BOX HwLocationType Courier drop box.
COURTHOUSE HwLocationType Courthouse.
COVE HwLocationType Cove.
CREOLE_CAJUN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Creole cajun restaurant.
CREPERIE HwLocationType Creperie.
CRICKET_GROUND HwLocationType Cricket ground.
CUBAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Cuban restaurant.
CULINARY_SCHOOL HwLocationType Culinary school.
CULTURAL_CENTER HwLocationType Cultural center.
CURRENCY_EXCHANGE HwLocationType Currency exchange.
CURTAIN_TEXTILE_STORE HwLocationType Curtain textile store.
CYPRIOT_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Cypriot restaurant.
CZECH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Czech restaurant.
DAM HwLocationType Dam.
DANCE_STUDIO_SCHOOL HwLocationType Dance studio school.
DANCING_CLUB HwLocationType Dancing club.
DANISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Danish restaurant.
DELICATESSEN_STORE HwLocationType Delicatessen store.
DELIVERY_ENTRANCE HwLocationType Delivery entrance.
DENTAL_CLINIC HwLocationType Dental clinic.
DEPARTMENT_STORE HwLocationType Department store.
DHARMA_TEMPLE HwLocationType Dharma temple.
DINNER_THEATER HwLocationType Dinner theater.
DISCOTHEQUE HwLocationType Discotheque.
DIVERSIFIED_FINANCIAL_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Diversified financial service company.
DIVING_CENTER HwLocationType Diving center.
DO_IT_YOURSELF_CENTERS HwLocationType Do it yourself centers.
DOCK HwLocationType Dock.
DOMINICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Dominican restaurant.
DONGBEI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Dongbei restaurant.
DOUGHNUT_SHOP HwLocationType Doughnut shop.
DRIVE_IN_CINEMA HwLocationType Drive in cinema.
DRIVE_THROUGH_BOTTLE_SHOP HwLocationType Drive through bottle shop.
DRIVING_SCHOOL HwLocationType Driving school.
DRUGSTORE HwLocationType Drugstore.
DRY_CLEANERS HwLocationType Dry cleaners.
DUNE HwLocationType Dune.
DUTCH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Dutch restaurant.
EARTHQUAKE_ASSEMBLY_POINT_ HwLocationType Earthquake assembly point.
EATING_DRINKING HwLocationType Eating drinking.
EDUCATION_INSTITUTION HwLocationType Education institution.
EGYPTIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Egyptian restaurant.
ELECTRIC_VEHICLE_CHARGING_STATION HwLocationType Electric vehicle charging station.
ELECTRICAL_APPLIANCE_STORE HwLocationType Electrical appliance store.
ELECTRICAL_APPLIANCE_STORE_SUB HwLocationType Electrical appliance store sub.
ELECTRONICS_COMPANY HwLocationType Electronics company.
ELECTRONICS_STORE HwLocationType Electronics store.
EMBASSY HwLocationType Embassy.
EMERGENCY_ASSEMBLY_POINT HwLocationType Emergency assembly point.
EMERGENCY_MEDICAL_SERVICE_CENTER HwLocationType Emergency medical service center.
EMERGENCY_ROOM HwLocationType Emergency room.
ENGLISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType English restaurant.
ENTERTAINMENT_CABARET_LIVE HwLocationType Entertainment cabaret live.
ENTERTAINMENT_PLACE HwLocationType Entertainment place.
EQUIPMENT_RENTAL_COMPANY HwLocationType Equipment rental company.
EROTIC_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Erotic restaurant.
ESTABLISHMENT HwLocationType Establishment.
ETHIOPIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Ethiopian restaurant.
EXCHANGE HwLocationType Exchange.
EXHIBITION_CONVENTION_CENTER HwLocationType Exhibition convention center.
EXOTIC_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Exotic restaurant.
FACTORY_OUTLETS HwLocationType Factory outlets.
FAIRGROUND HwLocationType Fairground.
FARM HwLocationType Farm.
FARMER_MARKET HwLocationType Farmer market.
FAST_FOOD_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Fast food restaurant.
FERRY_TERMINAL HwLocationType Ferry terminal.
FILIPINO_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Filipino restaurant.
FINNISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Finnish restaurant.
FIRE_ASSEMBLY_POINT HwLocationType Fire assembly point.
FIRE_STATION_BRIGADE HwLocationType Fire station brigade.
FISH_STORE HwLocationType Fish store.
FISHING_HUNTING_AREA HwLocationType Fishing hunting area.
FITNESS_CLUB_CENTER HwLocationType Fitness club center.
FIVE_STAR_HOTEL HwLocationType Five star hotel.
FLATS_APARTMENT_COMPLEX HwLocationType Flats apartment complex.
FLOOD_ASSEMBLY_POINT HwLocationType Flood assembly point.
FLORISTS HwLocationType Florists.
FLYING_CLUB HwLocationType Flying club.
FONDUE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Fondue restaurant.
FOOD_DRINK_SHOP HwLocationType Food drink shop.
FOOD_MARKET HwLocationType Food market.
FOOTBALL_FIELD HwLocationType Football field.
FOREST_AREA HwLocationType Forest area.
FOUR_STAR_HOTEL HwLocationType Four star hotel.
FRENCH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType French restaurant.
FUNERAL_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Funeral service company.
FURNITURE_ACCESSORIES_STORE HwLocationType Furniture accessories store.
FURNITURE_STORE HwLocationType Furniture store.
FUSION_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Fusion restaurant.
GALLERY HwLocationType Gallery.
GARDENING_CERVICE_CENTER HwLocationType Gardening cervice center.
GENERAL_AUTO_REPAIR_SERVICE_CENTER HwLocationType General auto repair service center.
GENERAL_CITY HwLocationType General city.
GENERAL_CLINIC HwLocationType General clinic.
GENERAL_HOSPITAL HwLocationType General hospital.
GENERAL_POST_OFFICE HwLocationType General post office.
GEOCODE HwLocationType Geocode.
GEOGRAPHIC_FEATURE HwLocationType Geographic feature.
GERMAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType German restaurant.
GIFT_STORE HwLocationType Gift store.
GLASS_WINDOW_STORE HwLocationType Glass window store.
GLASSWARE_CERAMIC_SHOP HwLocationType Glassware ceramic shop.
GOLD_EXCHANGE HwLocationType Gold exchange.
GOLF_COURSE HwLocationType Golf course.
GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Government office.
GOVERNMENT_PUBLIC_SERVICE HwLocationType Government public service.
GREEK_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Greek restaurant.
GREENGROCERY HwLocationType Greengrocery.
GRILL HwLocationType Grill.
GROCERY HwLocationType Grocery.
GUANGDONG_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Guangdong restaurant.
GURUDWARA HwLocationType Gurudwara.
HAIR_SALON_BARBERSHOP HwLocationType Hair salon barbershop.
HAMBURGER_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Hamburger restaurant.
HAMLET HwLocationType Hamlet.
HARBOR HwLocationType Harbor.
HARDWARE_STORE HwLocationType Hardware store.
HEALTH_CARE HwLocationType Health care.
HEALTHCARE_SERVICE_CENTER HwLocationType Healthcare service center.
HELIPAD_HELICOPTER_LANDING HwLocationType Helipad helicopter landing.
HIGH_SCHOOL HwLocationType High school.
HIGHWAY__ENTRANCE HwLocationType Highway entrance.
HIGHWAY_EXIT HwLocationType Highway exit.
HIKING_TRAIL HwLocationType Hiking trail.
HILL HwLocationType Hill.
HINDU_TEMPLE HwLocationType Hindu temple.
HISTORIC_SITE HwLocationType Historic site.
HISTORICAL_PARK HwLocationType Historical park.
HISTORY_MUSEUM HwLocationType History museum.
HOBBY_SHOP HwLocationType Hobby shop.
HOCKEY_CLUB HwLocationType Hockey club.
HOCKEY_FIELD HwLocationType Hockey field.
HOLIDAY_HOUSE_RENTAL HwLocationType Holiday house rental.
HOME_APPLIANCE_REPAIR_COMPANY HwLocationType Home appliance repair company.
HOME_GOODS_STORE HwLocationType Home goods store.
HORSE_RACING_TRACK HwLocationType Horse racing track.
HORSE_RIDING_FIELD HwLocationType Horse riding field.
HORSE_RIDING_TRAIL HwLocationType Horse riding trail.
HORTICULTURE_COMPANY HwLocationType Horticulture company.
HOSPITAL_FOR_WOMEN_AND_CHILDREN HwLocationType Hospital for women and children.
HOSPITAL_POLYCLINIC HwLocationType Hospital polyclinic.
HOSTEL HwLocationType Hostel.
HOT_POT_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Hot pot restaurant.
HOTEL HwLocationType Hotel.
HOTEL_MOTEL HwLocationType Hotel motel.
HOTELS_WITH_LESS_THAN_TWO_STARS HwLocationType Hotels with less than two stars.
HOUSEHOLD_APPLIANCE_STORE HwLocationType Household appliance store.
HUNAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Hunan restaurant.
HUNGARIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Hungarian restaurant.
ICE_CREAM_PARLOR HwLocationType Ice cream parlor.
ICE_HOCKEY_RINK HwLocationType Ice hockey rink.
ICE_SKATING_RINK HwLocationType Ice skating rink.
IMPORT_AND_EXPORT_DISTRIBUTION_COMPANY HwLocationType Import and export distribution company.
IMPORTANT_TOURIST_ATTRACTION HwLocationType Important tourist attraction.
INDIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Indian restaurant.
INDONESIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Indonesian restaurant.
INDUSTRIAL_BUILDING HwLocationType Industrial building.
INFORMAL_MARKET HwLocationType Informal market.
INSURANCE_COMPANY HwLocationType Insurance company.
INTERCITY_RAILWAY_STATION HwLocationType Intercity railway station.
INTERNATIONAL_ORGANIZATION HwLocationType International organization.
INTERNATIONAL_RAILWAY_STATION HwLocationType International railway station.
INTERNATIONAL_RESTAURANT HwLocationType International restaurant.
INTERNET_CAFE HwLocationType Internet cafe.
INVESTMENT_CONSULTING_FIRM HwLocationType Investment consulting firm.
IRANIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Iranian restaurant.
IRISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Irish restaurant.
ISLAND HwLocationType Island.
ISRAELI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Israeli restaurant.
ITALIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Italian restaurant.
JAIN_TEMPLE HwLocationType Jain temple.
JAMAICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Jamaican restaurant.
JAPANESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Japanese restaurant.
JAZZ_CLUB HwLocationType Jazz club.
JEWELRY_CLOCK_AND_WATCH_SHOP HwLocationType Jewelry clock and watch shop.
JEWISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Jewish restaurant.
JUNIOR_COLLEGE_COMMUNITY_COLLEGE HwLocationType Junior college community college.
KARAOKE_CLUB HwLocationType Karaoke club.
KITCHEN_AND_SANITATION_STORE HwLocationType Kitchen and sanitation store.
KOREAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Korean restaurant.
KOSHER_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Kosher restaurant.
LAGOON HwLocationType Lagoon.
LAKESHORE HwLocationType Lakeshore.
LANGUAGE_SCHOOL HwLocationType Language school.
LATIN_AMERICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Latin american restaurant.
LAUNDRY HwLocationType Laundry.
LEBANESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Lebanese restaurant.
LEGAL_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Legal service company.
LEISURE HwLocationType Leisure.
LEISURE_CENTER HwLocationType Leisure center.
LIBRARY HwLocationType Library.
LIGHTING_STORE HwLocationType Lighting store.
LOADING_ZONE HwLocationType Loading zone.
LOCAL_POST_OFFICE HwLocationType Local post office.
LOCAL_SPECIALTY_STORE HwLocationType Local specialty store.
LODGING_LIVING_ACCOMMODATION HwLocationType Lodging living accommodation.
LOTTERY_SHOP HwLocationType Lottery shop.
LUXEMBOURGIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Luxembourgian restaurant.
MACROBIOTIC_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Macrobiotic restaurant.
MAGHRIB_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Maghrib restaurant.
MAIL_PACKAGE_FREIGHT_DELIVERY_COMPANY HwLocationType Mail package freight delivery company.
MALTESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Maltese restaurant.
MANUFACTURING_COMPANY HwLocationType Manufacturing company.
MANUFACTURING_FACTORY HwLocationType Manufacturing factory.
MARINA HwLocationType Marina.
MARINA_SUB HwLocationType Marina sub.
MARINE_ELECTRONIC_EQUIPMENT_STORE HwLocationType Marine electronic equipment store.
MARKET HwLocationType Market.
MARSH_SWAMP_VLEI HwLocationType Marsh swamp vlei.
MAURITIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Mauritian restaurant.
MAUSOLEUM_GRAVE HwLocationType Mausoleum grave.
MEAT_STORE HwLocationType Meat store.
MECHANICAL_ENGINEERING_COMPANY HwLocationType Mechanical engineering company.
MEDIA_COMPANY HwLocationType Media company.
MEDICAL_CLINIC HwLocationType Medical clinic.
MEDICAL_SUPPLIES_EQUIPMENT_STORE HwLocationType Medical supplies equipment store.
MEDITERRANEAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Mediterranean restaurant.
MEMORIAL HwLocationType Memorial.
MEMORIAL_PLACE HwLocationType Memorial place.
METRO HwLocationType Metro.
MEXICAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Mexican restaurant.
MICROBREWERY_BEER_GARDEN HwLocationType Microbrewery beer garden.
MIDDLE_EASTERN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Middle eastern restaurant.
MIDDLE_SCHOOL HwLocationType Middle school.
MILITARY_AUTHORITY HwLocationType Military authority.
MILITARY_BASE HwLocationType Military base.
MINERAL_COMPANY HwLocationType Mineral company.
MINERAL_HOT_SPRINGS HwLocationType Mineral hot springs.
MISCELLANEOUS HwLocationType Miscellaneous.
MOBILE_PHONE_STORE HwLocationType Mobile phone store.
MONGOLIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Mongolian restaurant.
MONUMENT HwLocationType Monument.
MORMON_CHURCH HwLocationType Mormon church.
MOROCCAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Moroccan restaurant.
MOSQUE HwLocationType Mosque.
MOTEL HwLocationType Motel.
MOTORCYCLE_DEALER HwLocationType Motorcycle dealer.
MOTORCYCLE_REPAIR_SHOP HwLocationType Motorcycle repair shop.
MOTORING_ORGANIZATION_OFFICE HwLocationType Motoring organization office.
MOTORSPORT_VENUE HwLocationType Motorsport venue.
MOUNTAIN_BIKE_TRAIL HwLocationType Mountain bike trail.
MOUNTAIN_PASS HwLocationType Mountain pass.
MOUNTAIN_PEAK HwLocationType Mountain peak.
MOVING_STORAGE_COMPANY HwLocationType Moving storage company.
MULTIPURPOSE_STADIUM HwLocationType Multipurpose stadium.
MUSEUM HwLocationType Museum.
MUSIC_CENTER HwLocationType Music center.
MUSICAL_INSTRUMENT_STORE HwLocationType Musical instrument store.
MUSSEL_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Mussel restaurant.
NAIL_SALON HwLocationType Nail salon.
NAMED_INTERSECTION HwLocationType Named intersection.
NATIONAL_ORGANIZATION HwLocationType National organization.
NATIONAL_RAILWAY_STATION HwLocationType National railway station.
NATIVE_RESERVATION HwLocationType Native reservation.
NATURAL_ATTRACTION HwLocationType Natural attraction.
NATURAL_ATTRACTION_TOURIST HwLocationType Natural attraction tourist.
NEIGHBORHOOD HwLocationType Neighborhood.
NEPALESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Nepalese restaurant.
NETBALL_COURT HwLocationType Netball court.
NEWSAGENTS_AND_TOBACCONISTS HwLocationType Newsagents and tobacconists.
NIGHT_CLUB HwLocationType Night club.
NIGHTLIFE HwLocationType Nightlife.
NON_GOVERNMENTAL_ORGANIZATION HwLocationType Non governmental organization.
NORWEGIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Norwegian restaurant.
NURSING_HOME HwLocationType Nursing home.
OASIS HwLocationType Oasis.
OBSERVATION_DECK HwLocationType Observation deck.
OBSERVATORY HwLocationType Observatory.
OEM HwLocationType Original equipment manufacturer (OEM).
OFFICE_EQUIPMENT_STORE HwLocationType Office equipment store.
OFFICE_SUPPLY_SERVICES_STORE HwLocationType Office supply services store.
OIL_NATURAL_GAS_COMPANY HwLocationType Oil natural gas company.
OPERA HwLocationType Opera.
OPTICIANS HwLocationType Opticians.
ORDER_1_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-1 area government office.
ORDER_1_AREA_POLICE_STATION HwLocationType Order-1 area police station.
ORDER_2_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-2 area government office.
ORDER_3_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-3 area government office.
ORDER_4_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-4 area government office.
ORDER_5_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-5 area government office.
ORDER_6_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-6 area government office.
ORDER_7_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-7 area government office.
ORDER_8_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-8 area government office.
ORDER_8_AREA_POLICE_STATION HwLocationType Order-8 area police station.
ORDER_9_AREA_GOVERNMENT_OFFICE HwLocationType Order-9 area government office.
ORDER_9_AREA_POLICE_STATION HwLocationType Order-9 area police station.
ORGANIC_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Organic restaurant.
ORGANIZATION HwLocationType Organization.
ORIENTAL_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Oriental restaurant.
OUTLETS HwLocationType Outlets.
PAGODA HwLocationType Pagoda.
PAINTING_DECORATING_STORE HwLocationType Painting decorating store.
PAKISTANI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Pakistani restaurant.
PAN HwLocationType Pan.
PARK HwLocationType Park.
PARK_AND_RECREATION_AREA HwLocationType Park and recreation area.
PARK_RIDE HwLocationType Park ride.
PARKING_GARAGE HwLocationType Parking garage.
PARKING_LOT HwLocationType Parking lot.
PARKING_LOT_SUB HwLocationType Parking lot sub.
PARKWAY HwLocationType Parkway.
PASSENGER_TRANSPORT_TICKET_OFFICE HwLocationType Passenger transport ticket office.
PAWN_SHOP HwLocationType Pawn shop.
PEDESTRIAN_SUBWAY HwLocationType Pedestrian subway.
PERSONAL_CARE_INSTITUTION HwLocationType Personal care institution.
PERSONAL_SERVICE_CENTER HwLocationType Personal service center.
PERUVIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Peruvian restaurant.
PET_STORE HwLocationType Pet store.
PET_SUPPLY_STORE HwLocationType Pet supply store.
PETROL_STATION HwLocationType Petrol station.
PHARMACEUTICAL_COMPANY HwLocationType Pharmaceutical company.
PHARMACY HwLocationType Pharmacy.
PHOTO_SHOP HwLocationType Photo shop.
PHOTOCOPY_SHOP HwLocationType Photocopy shop.
PHOTOGRAPHIC_EQUIPMENT_STORE HwLocationType Photographic equipment store.
PHYSIOTHERAPY_CLINIC HwLocationType Physiotherapy clinic.
PICK_UP_AND_RETURN_POINT HwLocationType Pick up and return point.
PICNIC_AREA HwLocationType Picnic area.
PIZZA_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Pizza restaurant.
PLACE_OF_WORSHIP HwLocationType Place of worship.
PLAIN_FLAT HwLocationType Plain flat.
PLANETARIUM HwLocationType Planetarium.
PLATEAU HwLocationType Plateau.
POLICE_STATION HwLocationType Police station.
POLISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Polish restaurant.
POLYNESIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Polynesian restaurant.
PORT_WAREHOUSE HwLocationType Port warehouse.
PORTUGUESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Portuguese restaurant.
POST_OFFICE HwLocationType Post office.
POSTAL_CODE HwLocationType Postal code.
PRESCHOOL HwLocationType Preschool.
PRESERVED_AREA HwLocationType Preserved area.
PRIMARY_SCHOOL HwLocationType Primary school.
PRISON HwLocationType Prison.
PRIVATE_AUTHORITY HwLocationType Private authority.
PRIVATE_CLUB HwLocationType Private club.
PRODUCER_COMPANY HwLocationType Producer company.
PROTECTED_AREA HwLocationType Protected area.
PROVENÇAL_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Provençal restaurant.
PUB HwLocationType Pub.
PUB_FOOD HwLocationType Pub food.
PUBLIC_AMENITY HwLocationType Public amenity.
PUBLIC_AUTHORITY HwLocationType Public authority.
PUBLIC_CALL_BOX HwLocationType Public call box.
PUBLIC_HEALTH_TECHNOLOGY_COMPANY HwLocationType Public health technology company.
PUBLIC_MARKET HwLocationType Public market.
PUBLIC_RESTROOM HwLocationType Public restroom.
PUBLIC_TRANSPORT_STOP HwLocationType Public transport stop.
PUBLISHING_TECHNOLOGY_COMPANY HwLocationType Publishing technology company.
QUARRY HwLocationType Quarry.
RACE_TRACK HwLocationType Race track.
RAIL_FERRY HwLocationType Rail ferry.
RAILWAY_SIDING HwLocationType Railway siding.
RAILWAY_STATION HwLocationType Railway station.
RAPIDS HwLocationType Rapids.
REAL_ESTATE_AGENCY_COMPANY HwLocationType Real estate agency company.
REAL_ESTATE_AGENCY_SHOP HwLocationType Real estate agency shop.
RECREATION_AREA HwLocationType Recreation area.
RECREATIONAL_SITE HwLocationType Recreational site.
RECREATIONAL_VEHICLE_DEALER HwLocationType Recreational vehicle dealer.
RECYCLING_SHOP HwLocationType Recycling shop.
REEF HwLocationType Reef.
REGIONS HwLocationType Regions.
REPAIR_SHOP HwLocationType Repair shop.
RESEARCH_INSTITUTE HwLocationType Research institute.
RESERVOIR HwLocationType Reservoir.
RESIDENTIAL_ACCOMMODATION HwLocationType Residential accommodation.
RESIDENTIAL_ESTATE HwLocationType Residential estate.
RESORT HwLocationType Resort.
REST_AREA HwLocationType Rest area.
REST_CAMPS HwLocationType Rest camps.
RESTAURANT HwLocationType Restaurant.
RESTAURANT_AREA HwLocationType Restaurant area.
RETAIL_OUTLETS HwLocationType Retail outlets.
RETIREMENT_COMMUNITY HwLocationType Retirement community.
RIDGE HwLocationType Ridge.
RIVER_CROSSING HwLocationType River crossing.
ROAD_RESCUE_POINT HwLocationType Road rescue point.
ROADSIDE HwLocationType Roadside.
ROCK_CLIMBING_TRAIL HwLocationType Rock climbing trail.
ROCKS HwLocationType Rocks.
ROMANIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Romanian restaurant.
ROUTE HwLocationType Route.
RUGBY_GROUND HwLocationType Rugby ground.
RUSSIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Russian restaurant.
SALAD_BAR HwLocationType Salad bar.
SANDWICH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Sandwich restaurant.
SAUNA_SOLARIUM_MASSAGE_CENTER HwLocationType Sauna solarium massage center.
SAVINGS_INSTITUTION HwLocationType Savings institution.
SAVOYAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Savoyan restaurant.
SCANDINAVIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Scandinavian restaurant.
SCENIC_RIVER_AREA HwLocationType Scenic river area.
SCHOOL HwLocationType School.
SCHOOL_BUS_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType School bus service company.
SCIENCE_MUSEUM HwLocationType Science museum.
SCOTTISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Scottish restaurant.
SEAFOOD_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Seafood restaurant.
SEASHORE HwLocationType Seashore.
SECURITY_GATE HwLocationType Security gate.
SECURITY_STORE HwLocationType Security store.
SENIOR_HIGH_SCHOOL HwLocationType Senior high school.
SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Service company.
SHANDONG_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Shandong restaurant.
SHANGHAI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Shanghai restaurant.
SHINTO_SHRINE HwLocationType Shinto shrine.
SHOOTING_RANGE HwLocationType Shooting range.
SHOP HwLocationType Shop.
SHOPPING HwLocationType Shopping.
SHOPPING_CENTER HwLocationType Shopping center.
SHOPPING_SERVICE_CENTER HwLocationType Shopping service center.
SICHUAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Sichuan restaurant.
SICILIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Sicilian restaurant.
SKI_LIFT HwLocationType Ski lift.
SKI_RESORT HwLocationType Ski resort.
SLAVIC_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Slavic restaurant.
SLOVAK_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Slovak restaurant.
SNACKS HwLocationType Snacks.
SNOOKER_POOL_BILLIARD_HALL HwLocationType Snooker pool billiard hall.
SOCCER_FIELD HwLocationType Soccer field.
SOUL_FOOD_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Soul food restaurant.
SOUP_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Soup restaurant.
SPA HwLocationType Spa.
SPANISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Spanish restaurant.
SPECIAL_SCHOOL HwLocationType Special school.
SPECIALIST_CLINIC HwLocationType Specialist clinic.
SPECIALIZED_HOSPITAL HwLocationType Specialized hospital.
SPECIALTY_FOOD_STORE HwLocationType Specialty food store.
SPECIALTY_STORE HwLocationType Specialty store.
SPORT HwLocationType Sport.
SPORTS_CENTER HwLocationType Sports center.
SPORTS_CENTER_SUB HwLocationType Sports center sub.
SPORTS_SCHOOL HwLocationType Sports school.
SPORTS_STORE HwLocationType Sports store.
SQUASH_COURT HwLocationType Squash court.
STADIUM HwLocationType Stadium.
STAMP_SHOP HwLocationType Stamp shop.
STATION_ACCESS HwLocationType Station access.
STATUE HwLocationType Statue.
STEAK_HOUSE HwLocationType Steak house.
STOCK_EXCHANGE HwLocationType Stock exchange.
STORE HwLocationType Store.
STREET_ADDRESS HwLocationType Street address.
SUDANESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Sudanese restaurant.
SUPERMARKET_HYPERMARKET HwLocationType Supermarket hypermarket.
SURINAMESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Surinamese restaurant.
SUSHI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Sushi restaurant.
SWEDISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Swedish restaurant.
SWIMMING_POOL HwLocationType Swimming pool.
SWISS_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Swiss restaurant.
SYNAGOGUE HwLocationType Synagogue.
SYRIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Syrian restaurant.
TABLE_TENNIS_HALL HwLocationType Table tennis hall.
TAILOR_SHOP HwLocationType Tailor shop.
TAIWANESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Taiwanese restaurant.
TAKE_AWAY_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Take away restaurant.
TAPAS_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Tapas restaurant.
TAX_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Tax service company.
TAXI_LIMOUSINE_SHUTTLE_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Taxi limousine shuttle service company.
TAXI_STAND HwLocationType Taxi stand.
TEA_HOUSE HwLocationType Tea house.
TECHNICAL_SCHOOL HwLocationType Technical school.
TELECOMMUNICATIONS_COMPANY HwLocationType Telecommunications company.
TEMPLE HwLocationType Temple.
TENNIS_COURT HwLocationType Tennis court.
TEPPANYAKKI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Teppanyakki restaurant.
TERMINAL HwLocationType Terminal.
THAI_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Thai restaurant.
THEATER HwLocationType Theater.
THEATER_SUB HwLocationType Theater sub.
THEMED_SPORTS_HALL HwLocationType Themed sports hall.
THREE_STAR_HOTEL HwLocationType Three star hotel.
TIBETAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Tibetan restaurant.
TIRE_REPAIR_SHOP HwLocationType Tire repair shop.
TOILET HwLocationType Toilet.
TOLL_GATE HwLocationType Toll gate.
TOURISM HwLocationType Tourism.
TOURIST_INFORMATION_OFFICE HwLocationType Tourist information office.
TOWER HwLocationType Tower.
TOWN HwLocationType Town.
TOWN_GOVERNMENT HwLocationType Town government.
TOWNHOUSE_COMPLEX HwLocationType Townhouse complex.
TOYS_AND_GAMES_STORE HwLocationType Toys and games store.
TRAFFIC HwLocationType Traffic.
TRAFFIC_CONTROL_DEPARTMENT HwLocationType Traffic control department.
TRAFFIC_LIGHT HwLocationType Traffic light.
TRAFFIC_MANAGEMENT_BUREAU HwLocationType Traffic management bureau.
TRAFFIC_SIGN HwLocationType Traffic sign.
TRAFFIC_SIGNAL HwLocationType Traffic signal.
TRAIL_SYSTEM HwLocationType Trail system.
TRAILHEAD HwLocationType Trailhead.
TRAM_STOP HwLocationType Tram stop.
TRANSPORT HwLocationType Transport.
TRANSPORT__CENTER HwLocationType Transport center.
TRANSPORTATION_COMPANY HwLocationType Transportation company.
TRAVEL_AGENCY HwLocationType Travel agency.
TRUCK_DEALER HwLocationType Truck dealer.
TRUCK_PARKING_AREA HwLocationType Truck parking area.
TRUCK_REPAIR_SHOP HwLocationType Truck repair shop.
TRUCK_STOP HwLocationType Truck stop.
TRUCK_WASH HwLocationType Truck wash.
TSUNAMI_ASSEMBLY_POINT HwLocationType Tsunami assembly point.
TUNISIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Tunisian restaurant.
TUNNEL HwLocationType Tunnel.
TURKISH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Turkish restaurant.
UNRATED_HOTEL HwLocationType Unrated hotel.
URUGUAYAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Uruguayan restaurant.
USED_CAR_DEALER HwLocationType Used car dealer.
VALLEY HwLocationType Valley.
VAN_DEALER HwLocationType Van dealer.
VARIETY_STORE HwLocationType Variety store.
VEGETARIAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Vegetarian restaurant.
VENEZUELAN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Venezuelan restaurant.
VETERINARY_CLINIC HwLocationType Veterinary clinic.
VIDEO_ARCADE_GAMING_ROOM HwLocationType Video arcade gaming room.
VIETNAMESE_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Vietnamese restaurant.
VILLA HwLocationType Villa.
VOCATIONAL_TRAINING_SCHOOL HwLocationType Vocational training school.
VOLCANIC_ERUPTION_ASSEMBLY_POINT HwLocationType Volcanic eruption assembly point.
WAREHOUSE_SUPERMARKET HwLocationType Warehouse supermarket.
WATER_HOLE HwLocationType Water hole.
WATER_SPORTS_CENTER HwLocationType Water sports center.
WEDDING_SERVICE_COMPANY HwLocationType Wedding service company.
WEIGH_SCALES HwLocationType Weigh scales.
WEIGH_STATION HwLocationType Weigh station.
WEIGH_STATION_SUB HwLocationType Weigh station sub.
WELFARE_ORGANIZATION HwLocationType Welfare organization.
WELL HwLocationType Well.
WELSH_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Welsh restaurant.
WESTERN_RESTAURANT HwLocationType Western restaurant.
WILDERNESS_AREA HwLocationType Wilderness area.
WILDLIFE_PARK HwLocationType Wildlife park.
WINE_BAR HwLocationType Wine bar.
WINE_SPIRITS_STORE HwLocationType Wine spirits store.
WINERY HwLocationType Winery.
WINERY_TOURIST HwLocationType Winery tourist.
WINTER_SPORT_AREA HwLocationType Winter sport area.
YACHT_BASIN HwLocationType Yacht basin.
YOGURT_JUICE_BAR HwLocationType Yogurt juice bar.
ZOO HwLocationType Zoo.
ZOO_ARBORETA_BOTANICAL_GARDEN HwLocationType Zoo arboreta botanical garden.


Request object used to search for nearby places.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
hwPoiType HwLocationType Huawei POI type.
language String Language in which search results are returned. If this parameter is not passed, the local language is used.
location Coordinate Current location of a user.
pageIndex int Number of the current page. The default value is 1. The value ranges from 1 to 60.
pageSize int Number of records on each page. The default value is 20. The value ranges from 1 to 20.
poiType LocationType POI type.
politicalView String Political view. The value is a two-digit country code that complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.
query String Search keyword.
radius int Search radius, in meters. The default value is 1000. The value ranges from 1 to 50000.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
NearbySearchRequest({HwLocationType hwPoiType, String language, Coordinate location, int pageIndex, int pageSize, LocationType poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius}) Default constructor.
NearbySearchRequest.fromJson(String source) Creates a NearbySearchRequest object from a JSON string.
NearbySearchRequest.fromMap(Map <String, dynamic> map) Creates a NearbySearchRequest object from a map.
Public Constructors
NearbySearchRequest({HwLocationType hwPoiType, String language, Coordinate location, int pageIndex, int pageSize, LocationType poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius})

Constructor for NearbySearchRequest object.

NearbySearchRequest.fromJson(String source)

Creates a NearbySearchRequest object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
NearbySearchRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a NearbySearchRequest object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Response object containing the search result of nearby places.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
totalCount int Total number of place records.
sites List<Site> List of place records that are found.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
NearbySearchResponse({int totalCount, List Default constructor.
NearbySearchResponse.fromJson(String source) Creates a NearbySearchResponse object from a JSON string.
NearbySearchResponse.fromMap(Map <String, dynamic> map) Creates a NearbySearchResponse object from a map.
Public Constructors
NearbySearchResponse({int totalCount, List

Constructor for NearbySearchResponse object.

NearbySearchResponse.fromJson(String source)

Creates a NearbySearchResponse object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
NearbySearchResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a NearbySearchResponse object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Weekly opening hours of a place.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
periods List<Period> Weekly opening hours of a place.
texts List<String> Description of weekly opening hours of a place.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
OpeningHours({List<String> texts, List<Period> periods}) Default constructor.
OpeningHours.fromJson(String source) Creates an OpeningHours object from a JSON string.
OpeningHours.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates an OpeningHours object from a map.
Public Constructors
OpeningHours({List<String> texts, List<Period> periods})

Constructor for OpeningHours object.

OpeningHours.fromJson(String source)

Creates an OpeningHours object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
OpeningHours.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates an OpeningHours object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Period of time.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
close TimeOfWeek Close time of a place.
open TimeOfWeek Open time of a place.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
Period({TimeOfWeek open, TimeOfWeek close}) Default constructor.
Period.fromJson(String source) Creates a Period object from a JSON string.
Period.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a Period object from a map.
Public Constructors
Period({TimeOfWeek open, TimeOfWeek close})

Constructor for Period object.

Period.fromJson(String source)

Creates a Period object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
Period.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a Period object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Point of interest (POI) object containing detailed POI information.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
internationalPhone String International phone number.
openingHours OpeningHours Opening hours.
phone String Phone number.
photoUrls List<String> List of photo URLs.
poiTypes List<String> List of POI types.
hwPoiTypes List<String> List of Huawei POI types.
rating double Rating.
websiteUrl String Official website.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
Poi({String internationalPhone, OpeningHours openingHours, String phone, List<String> photoUrls, List<String> poiTypes, List<String> hwPoiTypes, double rating, String websiteUrl}) Default constructor.
Poi.fromJson(String source) Creates a Poi object from a JSON string.
Poi.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a Poi object from a map.
Public Constructors
Poi({String internationalPhone, OpeningHours openingHours, String phone, List<String> photoUrls, List<String> poiTypes, List<String> hwPoiTypes, double rating, String websiteUrl})

Constructor for Poi object.

Poi.fromJson(String source)

Creates a Poi object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
Poi.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a Poi object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Request object used to return search suggestions during user input.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
bounds CoordinateBounds Coordinate bounds on which search suggestions need to be based.
countryCode String Country code, which complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards. This parameter is used to restrict search results to a specified country.
language String Language in which search results are returned. If this parameter is not passed, the local language is used.
location Coordinate Latitude and longitude on which search suggestions need to be based.
poiType List<LocationType> List of POI types.
politicalView String Political view. The value is a two-digit country code that complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.
query String Search keyword.
radius int Search radius, in meters. The default value is 50000. The value ranges from 1 to 50000.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
QuerySuggestionRequest({CoordinateBounds bounds, String countryCode, String language, Coordinate location, List<LocationType> poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius}) Default constructor.
QuerySuggestionRequest.fromJson(String source) Creates a QuerySuggestionRequest object from a JSON string.
QuerySuggestionRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a QuerySuggestionRequest object from a map.
Public Constructors
QuerySuggestionRequest({CoordinateBounds bounds, String countryCode, String language, Coordinate location, List<LocationType> poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius})

Constructor for QuerySuggestionRequest object.

QuerySuggestionRequest.fromJson(String source)

Creates a QuerySuggestionRequest object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
QuerySuggestionRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a QuerySuggestionRequest object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Response object containing search suggestions.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
sites List<Site> List of search suggestions.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
QuerySuggestionResponse({List<Site> sites}) Default constructor.
QuerySuggestionResponse.fromJson(String source) Creates a QuerySuggestionResponse object from a JSON string.
QuerySuggestionResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a QuerySuggestionResponse object from a map.
Public Constructors
QuerySuggestionResponse({List<Site> sites})

Constructor for QuerySuggestionResponse object.

QuerySuggestionResponse.fromJson(String source)

Creates a QuerySuggestionResponse object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
QuerySuggestionResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a QuerySuggestionResponse object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Place object.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
address AddressDetail Place details.
distance double Linear distance between a predicted place and the location specified by the input parameter location, in meters.
formatAddress String Formatted detailed address of a place.
location Coordinate Latitude and longitude of a place.
name String Name of a place.
poi Poi POI of a place.
siteId String Unique ID of a place.
viewport CoordinateBounds Viewport of a place.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
Site({String siteId, String name, String formatAddress, AddressDetail address, Coordinate location, CoordinateBounds viewport, double distance, Poi poi}) Default constructor.
Site.fromJson(String source) Creates a Site object from a JSON string.
Site.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a Site object from a map.
Public Constructors
Site({String siteId, String name, String formatAddress, AddressDetail address, Coordinate location, CoordinateBounds viewport, double distance, Poi poi})

Constructor for Site object.

Site.fromJson(String source)

Creates a Site object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
Site.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a Site object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Indicates the API call error status.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
errorCode String Result code.
errorMessage String Result description.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
SearchStatus({String errorCode, String errorMessage}) Default constructor.
SearchStatus.fromJson(String source) Creates a SearchStatus object from a JSON string.
SearchStatus.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a SearchStatus object from a map.
Public Constructors
SearchStatus({String errorCode, String errorMessage})

Constructor for SearchStatus object.

SearchStatus.fromJson(String source)

Creates a SearchStatus object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
SearchStatus.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a SearchStatus object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Criteria for Site search. Used in SearchIntent object.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
bounds CoordinateBounds Coordinate bounds on which search suggestions need to be based.
countryCode String Country code, which complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards. This parameter is used to restrict search results to a specified country.
language String Language in which search results are returned. If this parameter is not passed, the local language is used.
location Coordinate Latitude and longitude on which search results need to be based.
poiType List<LocationType> List of POI types.
politicalView String Political view. The value is a two-digit country code that complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.
query String Search keyword.
radius int Search radius, in meters. The default value is 50000. The value ranges from 1 to 50000.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
SearchFilter({CoordinateBounds bounds, String countryCode, String language, Coordinate location, List<LocationType> poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius}) Default constructor.
SearchFilter.fromJson(String source) Creates a SearchFilter object from a JSON string.
SearchFilter.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a SearchFilter object from a map.
Public Constructors
SearchFilter({CoordinateBounds bounds, String countryCode, String language, Coordinate location, List<LocationType> poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius})

Constructor for SearchFilter object.

SearchFilter.fromJson(String source)

Creates a SearchFilter object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
SearchFilter.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a SearchFilter object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Used to start the Site search.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
hint String Default text in the search box.
filter SearchFilter SearchFilter object containing the search criteria.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
SearchIntent({String hint, SearchFilter filter}) Default constructor.
SearchIntent.fromJson(String source) Creates a SearchIntent object from a JSON string.
SearchIntent.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a SearchIntent object from a map.
Public Constructors
SearchIntent({String hint, SearchFilter filter})

Constructor for SearchIntent object.

SearchIntent.fromJson(String source)

Creates a SearchIntent object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
SearchIntent.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a SearchIntent object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Request object used to search for places.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
countryCode String Country code, which complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards. This parameter is used to restrict search results to a specified country.
hwPoiType HwLocationType Huawei POI type.
language String Language in which search results are returned. If this parameter is not passed, the local language is used.
location Coordinate Latitude and longitude on which search results need to be based.
pageIndex int Number of the current page. The default value is 1. The value ranges from 1 to 60.
pageSize int Number of records on each page. The default value is 20. The value ranges from 1 to 20.
poiType LocationType POI type.
politicalView String Political view. The value is a two-digit country code that complies with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standards.
query String Search keyword.
radius int Search radius, in meters. The default value is 50000. The value ranges from 1 to 50000.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
TextSearchRequest({String countryCode, HwLocationType hwPoiType, String language, Coordinate location, int pageIndex, int pageSize, LocationType poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius}) Default constructor.
TextSearchRequest.fromJson(String source) Creates a TextSearchRequest object from a JSON string.
TextSearchRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a TextSearchRequest object from a map.
Public Constructors
TextSearchRequest({String countryCode, HwLocationType hwPoiType, String language, Coordinate location, int pageIndex, int pageSize, LocationType poiType, String politicalView, String query, int radius})

Constructor for TextSearchRequest object.

TextSearchRequest.fromJson(String source)

Creates a TextSearchRequest object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
TextSearchRequest.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a TextSearchRequest object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Response object containing the place search result.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
totalCount int Total number of place records.
sites List<Site> List of place records that are found.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
TextSearchResponse({int totalCount, List Default constructor.
TextSearchResponse.fromJson(String source) Creates a TextSearchResponse object from a JSON string.
TextSearchResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a TextSearchResponse object from a map.
Public Constructors
TextSearchResponse({int totalCount, List

Constructor for TextSearchResponse object.

TextSearchResponse.fromJson(String source)

Creates a TextSearchResponse object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
TextSearchResponse.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a TextSearchResponse object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.


Time point on a day of the week.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
time String 24-hour time point on a day, in hhmm format. The value ranges from 0000 to 2359.
week int Day of the week. The value ranges from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Function
TimeOfWeek({String time, int week}) Default constructor.
TimeOfWeek.fromJson(String source) Creates a TimeOfWeek object from a JSON string.
TimeOfWeek.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) Creates a TimeOfWeek object from a map.
Public Constructors
TimeOfWeek({String time, int week})

Constructor for TimeOfWeek object.

TimeOfWeek.fromJson(String source)

Creates a TimeOfWeek object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.
TimeOfWeek.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map)

Creates a TimeOfWeek object from a map.

Parameter Type Description
map Map<String, dynamic> Map as a source.

You can read more and get detailed information about the interfaces described above from

Configuration Description #

Preparing for Release #

Before building a release version of your app you may need to customize the obfuscation configuration file to prevent the HMS Core SDK from being obfuscated. Add the configurations below to exclude the HMS Core SDK from obfuscation. For more information on this topic refer to this Android developer guide.

<flutter_project>/android/app/proguard-rules. pro

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}


buildTypes {
    debug {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
        // Enables code shrinking, obfuscation and optimization for release builds
        minifyEnabled true
        // Unused resources will be removed, resources defined in the res/raw/keep.xml will be kept.
        shrinkResources true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

Sample Project #

This plugin includes a demo project in the example folder, there you can find more usage examples.

Questions or Issues #

If you have questions about how to use HMS samples, try the following options:

  • Stack Overflow is the best place for any programming questions. Be sure to tag your question with huawei-mobile-services.
  • Github is the official repository for these plugins, you can open an issue or submit your ideas.
  • Huawei Developer Forum HMS Core Module is great for general questions, or seeking recommendations and opinions.
  • Huawei Developer Docs is place to official documentation for all HMS Core Kits, you can find detailed documentations in there.

If you run into a bug in our samples, please submit an issue to the Github Repository.

Licensing and Terms #

Huawei Site Kit Flutter Plugin uses the Apache 2.0 license.

pub points



HUAWEI Site Kit plugin for Flutter. With Huawei Site Kit, your app can provide users with convenient and secure access to diverse, place-related services.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




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