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HUAWEI IAP Kit plugin for Flutter. Huawei's In-App Purchases (IAP) service allows you to offer in-app purchases and facilitates in-app payment.

Huawei IAP Kit Flutter Plugin #

Contents #

1. Introduction #

Huawei's In-App Purchases (IAP) service allows you to offer in-app purchases and facilitates in-app payment. Users can purchase a variety of virtual products, including one-time virtual products and subscriptions, directly within your app.

Huawei IAP provides the following core capabilities you need to quickly build apps with which your users can buy, consume and subscribe services you provide:

  • isEnvReady: Returns a response which indicates user's environment status.
  • isSandboxActivated: Returns a response which indicates user's account capabilities of sandbox testing.
  • obtainProductInfo: Returns a list of product information.
  • startIapActivity: Starts an activity to manage and edit subscriptions.
  • createPurchaseIntent: Starts an activity to buy the desired product or subscribe a product.
  • consumeOwnedPurchase: Consumes the desired purchased product.
  • obtainOwnedPurchases: Returns a list of products that purchased by user.
  • obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord: Returns a list of products that purchased and consumed by user.
  • enableLogger: This method enables the HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of IAP SDK's methods to improve the service quality.
  • disableLogger: This method disables the HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of IAP SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

This plugin enables communication between HUAWEI IAP Kit SDK and Flutter platform. It exposes all functionality provided by HUAWEI IAP Kit SDK.

2. Installation Guide #

  • Before you get started, you must register as a HUAWEI developer and complete identity verification on the HUAWEI Developer website. For details, please refer to Register a HUAWEI ID.

  • Create an app in your project is required in AppGallery Connect in order to communicate with Huawei services. To create an app, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2. Click your project from the project list.

Step 3. Go to Project Setting > General information, and click Add app. If an app exists in the project, and you need to add a new one, expand the app selection area on the top of the page and click Add app.

Step 4. On the Add app page, enter app information, and click OK.

  • A signing certificate fingerprint is used to verify the authenticity of an app when it attempts to access an HMS Core service through the HMS Core SDK. Before using HMS Core (APK), you must locally generate a signing certificate fingerprint and configure it in AppGallery Connect. Ensure that the JDK has been installed on your computer.

  • To use HUAWEI IAP, you need to enable the IAP service first and also set IAP parameters. For details, please refer to Enabling Services.

Configuring the Signing Certificate Fingerprint #

Step 1: Go to Project Setting > General information. In the App information field, click the icon next to SHA-256 certificate fingerprint, and enter the obtained SHA256 certificate fingerprint.

Step 2: After completing the configuration, click check mark.

Integrating Flutter IAP Plugin #

Step 1: Sign in to AppGallery Connect and select My projects.

Step 2: Find your app project, and click the desired app name.

Step 3: Go to Project Setting > General information. In the App information section, click agconnect-service.json to download the configuration file.

Step 4: Create a Flutter project if you do not have one.

Step 5: Copy the agconnect-service.json file to the android/app directory of your Flutter project.

Step 6: Copy the signature file that generated in Generating a Signing Certificate section, to the android/app directory of your Flutter project.

Step 7: Check whether the agconnect-services.json file and signature file are successfully added to the android/app directory of the Flutter project.

Step 8: Open the build.gradle file in the android directory of your Flutter project.

  • Go to buildscript then configure the Maven repository address and agconnect plugin for the HMS SDK.

        buildscript {
            repositories {
                maven { url '' }
            dependencies {
                 * <Other dependencies>
                classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
  • Go to allprojects then configure the Maven repository address for the HMS SDK.

        allprojects {
            repositories {
                maven { url '' }

Step 9: Open the build.gradle file in the android/app directory.

  • Add apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' line after the apply entries.

        apply plugin: ''
        apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle"
        apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect'
  • Set your package name in defaultConfig > applicationId and set minSdkVersion to 19 or higher.

  • Package name must match with the package_name entry in agconnect-services.json file.

        defaultConfig {
                applicationId "<package_name>"
                minSdkVersion 19
                 * <Other configurations>
  • Copy the signature file that generated in Generating a Signing Certificate to android/app directory.

  • Configure the signature in android according to the signature file information and configure Obfuscation Scripts.

        android {
             * <Other configurations>
            signingConfigs {
                config {
                    storeFile file('<keystore_file>.jks')
                    storePassword '<keystore_password>'
                    keyAlias '<key_alias>'
                    keyPassword '<key_password>'
            buildTypes {
                debug {
                    signingConfig signingConfigs.config
                release {
                    minifyEnabled true
                    shrinkResources true
                    proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
                    signingConfig signingConfigs.config
  • For Obfuscation Scripts, please refer to Configuring Obfuscation Scripts.

Step 10: On your Flutter project directory find and open your pubspec.yaml file and add library to dependencies.

  • To download the package from

      huawei_iap: { library version }


    If you downloaded the package from the HUAWEI Developer website, specify the library path on your local device.

        # Replace {library path} with actual library path of Huawei IAP Plugin for Flutter.
        path: { library path }
    • Replace {library path} with the actual library path of Flutter IAP Plugin. The following are examples:
      • Relative path example: path: ../huawei_iap
      • Absolute path example: path: D:\Projects\Libraries\huawei_iap

Step 11: Run following command to update package info.

  [project_path]> flutter pub get

Step 12: Run following command to start the app.

  [project_path]> flutter run

3. API Reference #

IapClient #

Entry class of the Huawei IAP service.

Public Constants

Constant Type Value Description
IN_APP_CONSUMABLE int 0 Consumable.
IN_APP_NONCONSUMABLE int 1 Non-consumable.
IN_APP_SUBSCRIPTION int 2 Subscription.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
isEnvReady() Future<IsEnvReadyResult> Returns a response which indicates user's environment status.
isSandboxActivated() Future<IsSandboxActivatedResult> Returns a response which indicates user's account capabilities of sandbox testing.
obtainProductInfo(ProductInfoReq request) Future<ProductInfoResult> Returns a list of product information.
startIapActivity(StartIapActivityReq request) Future<void> Starts an activity to manage and edit subscriptions.
createPurchaseIntent(PurchaseIntentRequest request) Future<PurchaseResultInfo> Starts an activity to buy the desired product or subscribe a product.
consumeOwnedPurchase(ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq request) Future<ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult> Consumes the desired purchased product.
obtainOwnedPurchases(OwnedPurchasesReq request) Future<OwnedPurchasesResult> Returns a list of products that purchased by user.
obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord(OwnedPurchasesReq request) Future<OwnedPurchasesResult> Returns a list of products that purchased and consumed by user.
disableLogger() Future<void> Disables HMS Logger.
enableLogger() Future<void> Enables HMS Logger.

Public Methods

Future<IsEnvReadyResult> isEnvReady() async

Checks whether the currently signed-in Huawei ID is located in a country or region where Huawei IAP is available.

Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<IsEnvReadyResult> Represents a response object used to gather information about user environment.
Call Example
//Call isEnvReady API.
IsEnvReadyResult result = await IapClient.isEnvReady();

//Print the returnCode property.
Future<IsSandboxActivatedResult> isSandboxActivated() async

Checks whether the signed-in Huawei ID and the app APK version meet the requirements of the sandbox testing.

Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<IsSandboxActivatedResult> Represents a response object to gather information about user's sandbox permissions.
Call Example
//Call isSandboxActivated API.
IsSandboxActivatedResult result = await IapClient.isSandboxActivated();

//Print the isSandboxUser property.
Future<ProductInfoResult> obtainProductInfo(ProductInfoReq request) async

Obtains product details configured in AppGallery Connect. If you use Huawei's PMS to price products, you can use this method to obtain product details from the PMS to ensure that the product information in your app is the same as that displayed on the checkout page of Huawei IAP.

Name Description
request ProductInfoReq object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<ProductInfoResult> Represents a response object used to obtain product information.
Call Example
//Constructing request.
ProductInfoReq request = ProductInfoReq();
request.priceType = IapClient.IN_APP_CONSUMABLE; //You may also use 0 for consumables.
request.skuIds = ["consumable_product_1", "consumable_product_2"];
//Call the obtainProductInfo API.
ProductInfoResult result = await IapClient.obtainProductInfo(request);

//Print product name of the first product in the productInfoList.
Future<void> startIapActivity(StartIapActivityReq request) async

Brings up in-app payment pages, including:

  • Subscription editing page
  • Subscription management page
Name Description
request StartIapActivityReq object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
//Constructing request.
StartIapActivityReq request = StartIapActivityReq();
request.type = StartIapActivityReq.TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGER_ACTIVITY;

//Call the startIapActivity API.
await IapClient.startIapActivity(request);
Future<PurchaseResultInfo> createPurchaseIntent(PurchaseIntentReq request) async

Creates orders for PMS products, including consumables, non-consumables, and subscriptions.

After creating a product in AppGallery Connect, you can call this method to open the HUAWEI IAP checkout page and display the product, price, and payment method. Huawei can adjust product prices by foreign exchange rate changes. To ensure price consistency, your app needs to call the obtainProductInfo method to obtain product details from Huawei instead of your own server.

Name Description
request PurchaseIntentReq object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<PurchaseResultInfo> Represents a response object of purchase intent.
Call Example
//Constructing request.
PurchaseIntentReq request = PurchaseIntentReq();
request.priceType = IapClient.IN_APP_CONSUMABLE; //You may also use 0 for consumables.
request.productId = "consumable_product_1";
request.developerPayload = "Test";

//Call the createPurchaseIntent API.
PurchaseResultInfo result = await IapClient.createPurchaseIntent(request);

//Print inAppDataSignature property. 
Future<OwnedPurchasesResult> obtainOwnedPurchases(OwnedPurchasesReq request) async
Name Description
request OwnedPurchasesReq object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<OwnedPurchasesResult> Represents a response object of obtain owned purchases or owned purchase record APIs.
Call Example
//Constructing request.
OwnedPurchasesReq request = OwnedPurchasesReq();
request.priceType = IapClient.IN_APP_CONSUMABLE; //You may also use 0 for consumables.

//Call the obtainOwnedPurchases API.
OwnedPurchasesResult result = await IapClient.obtainOwnedPurchases(request);

//Print productId of the first product in inAppPurchaseDataList.
Future<ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult> consumeOwnedPurchase(ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq request) async

Consumes a consumable after the consumable is delivered to a user who has completed payment.

Name Description
request ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult> Represents details about consumed product.
Call Example
//Constructing request.
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq request = ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq();
request.purchaseToken = "PURCHASE_TOKEN"

//Call the consumeOwnedPurchase API.
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult result = await IapClient.consumeOwnedPurcases(request);

//Print dataSignature property.
Future<OwnedPurchasesResult> obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord(OwnedPurchasesReq request) async

Obtains the historical consumption information about a consumable or all subscription receipts of a subscription.

  • For consumables, this method returns information about products that have been delivered or consumed in the product list.

  • For non-consumables, this method does not return product information.

  • For subscriptions, this method returns all subscription receipts of the current user in this app

Name Description
request OwnedPurchasesReq object.
Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<OwnedPurchasesResult> Represents a response object of obtain owned purchases or owned purchase record APIs.
Call Example
//Constructing request.
OwnedPurchasesReq request = OwnedPurchasesReq();
request.priceType = IapClient.IN_APP_CONSUMABLE; //You may also use 0 for consumables.

//Call the obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord API.
OwnedPurchasesResult result = await IapClient.obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord(request);

//Print product ids from purchase history
for(int i = 0; i < result.inAppPurchaseDataList.length; i++){
Future<void> disableLogger() async

This method disables the HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of IAP SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
//Call disableLogger API.
await IapClient.disableLogger();
Future<void> enableLogger() async

This method enables the HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of IAP SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Return Type
Return Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
//Call enableLogger API.
await IapClient.enableLogger();

Data Types #

Data Types Summary

Class Description
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq Represents a request object used to consume a product.
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult Represents a response object used to consume a product.
ConsumePurchaseData Represents details about consumed product.
InAppPurchaseData Represents details about purchased product.
IsEnvReadyResult Represents a response object used to gather information about user environment.
IsSandboxActivatedResult Represents a response object to gather information about user's sandbox permissions.
OwnedPurchasesReq Represents a request object used to obtain owned purchases or owned purchase record.
OwnedPurchasesResult Represents a response object used to obtain owned purchases or owned purchase record.
ProductInfo Represents details of product.
ProductInfoReq Represents a request object used to obtain product information.
ProductInfoResult Represents a response object used to obtain product information.
PurchaseIntentReq Represents a request object used to create a purchase intent.
PurchaseResultInfo Represents a response object used to create a purchase intent.
StartIapActivityReq Represents a request object used to start activity for editing or managing subscriptions.
Status Represents status of the API call.
HmsIapResult Represents an error class for HmsIapResults.


Request information of the consumeOwnedPurchase API.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
purchaseToken String Purchase token, which is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment and returned to the app through InAppPurchaseData. The app passes this parameter for the Huawei IAP server to update the order status and then deliver the product.
developerChallenge String Custom challenge, which uniquely identifies a consumption request. After the consumption is successful, the challenge is recorded in the purchase information and returned. Note: The value length of this parameter is within (0,64).
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq({String purchaseToken, String developerChallenge}) Default constructor.
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq.fromJson(String source) Creates a ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq({String purchaseToken, String developerChallenge})

Constructor for ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq object.

Parameter Type Description
purchaseToken String Purchase token, which is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment and returned to the app through InAppPurchaseData. The app passes this parameter for the Huawei IAP server to update the order status and then deliver the product.
developerChallenge String Custom challenge, which uniquely identifies a consumption request. After the consumption is successful, the challenge is recorded in the purchase information and returned. Note: The value length of this parameter is within (0,64).
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq.fromJson(String source)

Creates a ConsumeOwnedPurchaseReq object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Information returned when the consumeOwnedPurchase API is successfully called.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
consumePurchaseData ConsumePurchaseData ConsumePurchaseData object that contains consumption result data.
dataSignature String Signature string generated after consumption data is signed using a private payment key. The signature algorithm is SHA256withRSA
errMsg String Result code description.
returnCode String Result code.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
rawValue String Unparsed JSON String of response. NOTE: IAP SDK does not return a JSON response. This field is the response class converted to JSON.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult({ConsumePurchaseData consumePurchaseData, String dataSignature, String errMsg, String returnCode, Status status}) Default Constructor
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult.fromJson(String source) Creates a ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult({ConsumePurchaseData consumePurchaseData, String dataSignature, String errMsg, String returnCode, Status status})

Constructor for ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult object.

Parameter Type Description
consumePurchaseData ConsumePurchaseData ConsumePurchaseData object that contains consumption result data.
dataSignature String Signature string generated after consumption data is signed using a private payment key. The signature algorithm is SHA256withRSA
errMsg String Result code description.
returnCode String Result code.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult.fromJson(String source)

Creates a ConsumeOwnedPurchaseResult object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Object that contains consumption result data.

Public Properties
Click to expand/collapse Properties table
Name Type Description
applicationId int ID of an app that initiates a purchase.
autoRenewing bool Indicates whether the subscription is automatically renewed. Currently, the value is always false.
confirmed int Confirmation.
orderId String Order ID on the Huawei IAP server, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
kind int Product type.
packageName String Software package name of the app that initiates a purchase.
payOrderId String Merchant ID, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
payType String Payment method. 0: HUAWEI Points 3: Credit card 4: Alipay 6: Carrier billing 13: PayPal 16: Debit card 17: WeChat Pay 19: Gift card 20: Balance 21: HUAWEI Point card 24: WorldPay 31: HUAWEI Pay 32: Ant Credit Pay 200: M-Pesa
productId String Product ID.
productName String Product name.
purchaseTime int Purchase timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds from 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 to the purchase time.
purchaseTimeMillis int Purchase time.
purchaseType int Purchase type. 0: In the sandbox 1: In the promotion period (currently unsupported). This parameter is not returned during formal purchase.
purchaseState int Order status. -1: initialized and invisible 0: Purchased 1: Canceled 2: Refunded
developerPayload String Reserved information on the merchant side, which is passed by the app during payment.
purchaseToken String Purchase token, which uniquely identifies the mapping between a product and a user. It is generated by the Huawei IAP server when the payment is complete.
developerChallenge String Challenge defined when the app initiates a consumption request, which uniquely identifies a consumption request.
consumptionState int Consumption status. 0: Not consumed 1: Consumed
acknowledged int Receiving status. 0: Not received 1: Received. This parameter is valid only for receiving APIs. The value is always 0. You can ignore this parameter.
currency String Currency. The value must be a currency defined in the ISO 4217 standard. Example: USD, CNY, and TRY
price int Value after the actual price of a product is multiplied by 100. The actual price is accurate to two decimal places. For example, if the value of this parameter is 501, the actual product price is 5.01.
country String Country or region code of a user service area. The value must comply with the ISO 3166 standard. Example: US, CN, and TR
responseCode String Response code. 0: The execution is successful.
responseMessage String Response information.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
ConsumePurchaseData({int applicationId, bool autoRenewing, String orderId, String packageName, String productId, int purchaseTime, int purchaseState, String developerPayload, String purchaseToken, String developerChallenge, int consumptionState, int acknowledged, String currency, int price, String country, String responseCode, String responseMessage, int kind, String productName, int purchaseTimeMillis, int confirmed, int purchaseType, String payOrderId, String payType}) Default constructor.
ConsumePurchaseData.fromJson(String source) Creates a ConsumePurchaseData object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
ConsumePurchaseData({int applicationId, bool autoRenewing, String orderId, String packageName, String productId, int purchaseTime, int purchaseState, String developerPayload, String purchaseToken, String developerChallenge, int consumptionState, int acknowledged, String currency, int price, String country, String responseCode, String responseMessage, int kind, String productName, int purchaseTimeMillis, int confirmed, int purchaseType, String payOrderId, String payType})

Constructor for ConsumePurchaseData object.

Click to expand/collapse Parameter table
Parameter Type Description
applicationId int ID of an app that initiates a purchase.
autoRenewing bool Indicates whether the subscription is automatically renewed. Currently, the value is always false.
confirmed int Confirmation.
orderId String Order ID on the Huawei IAP server, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
kind int Product type.
packageName String Software package name of the app that initiates a purchase.
payOrderId String Merchant ID, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
payType String Payment method. 0: HUAWEI Points 3: Credit card 4: Alipay 6: Carrier billing 13: PayPal 16: Debit card 17: WeChat Pay 19: Gift card 20: Balance 21: HUAWEI Point card 24: WorldPay 31: HUAWEI Pay 32: Ant Credit Pay 200: M-Pesa
productId String Product ID.
productName String Product name.
purchaseTime int Purchase timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds from 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 to the purchase time.
purchaseTimeMillis int Purchase time.
purchaseType int Purchase type. 0: In the sandbox 1: In the promotion period (currently unsupported). This parameter is not returned during formal purchase.
purchaseState int Order status. -1: initialized and invisible 0: Purchased 1: Canceled 2: Refunded
developerPayload String Reserved information on the merchant side, which is passed by the app during payment.
purchaseToken String Purchase token, which uniquely identifies the mapping between a product and a user. It is generated by the Huawei IAP server when the payment is complete.
developerChallenge String Challenge defined when the app initiates a consumption request, which uniquely identifies a consumption request.
consumptionState int Consumption status. 0: Not consumed 1: Consumed
acknowledged int Receiving status. 0: Not received 1: Received. This parameter is valid only for receiving APIs. The value is always 0. You can ignore this parameter.
currency String Currency. The value must be a currency defined in the ISO 4217 standard. Example: USD, CNY, and TRY
price int Value after the actual price of a product is multiplied by 100. The actual price is accurate to two decimal places. For example, if the value of this parameter is 501, the actual product price is 5.01.
country String Country or region code of a user service area. The value must comply with the ISO 3166 standard. Example: US, CN, and TR
responseCode String Response code. 0: The execution is successful.
responseMessage String Response information.
ConsumePurchaseData.fromJson(String source)

Creates a ConsumePurchaseData object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Purchase information about products including consumables, non-consumables, and subscriptions.

Public Properties
Click to expand/collapse Properties table
Name Type Description
applicationId int ID of an app that initiates a purchase.
autoRenewing bool Indicates whether the subscription is automatically renewed. Currently, the value is always false.
orderId String Order ID on the Huawei IAP server, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
packageName String Software package name of the app that initiates a purchase.
productId String Product ID.
productName String Product name.
purchaseTime int Purchase timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds from 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 to the purchase time.
purchaseState int Order status. -1: Initialized and invisible 0: Purchased 1: Canceled 2: Refunded
developerPayload String Reserved information on the merchant side, which is passed by the app during payment.
purchaseToken String Purchase token, which uniquely identifies the mapping between a product and a user. It is generated by the Huawei IAP server when the payment is complete.
purchaseType int Purchase type.0: in the sandbox1: in the promotion period (currently unsupported)This parameter is not returned during formal purchase.
currency String Currency. The value must be a currency defined in the ISO 4217 standard. Example: USD, CNY, and TRY
price int Value after the actual price of a product is multiplied by 100. The actual price is accurate to two decimal places. For example, if the value of this parameter is 501, the actual product price is 5.01.
country String Country or region code of a user service area. The value must comply with the ISO 3166 standard. Example: US, CN, and TR
lastOrderId String Order ID generated by the Huawei IAP server during fee deduction on the previous renewal.
productGroup String ID of the subscription group to which a subscription belongs.
oriPurchaseTime int First fee deduction timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
subscriptionId String Subscription ID.
quantity int Purchase quantity.
daysLasted int Days of a paid subscription, excluding the free trial period and promotion period.
numOfPeriods int Number of successful standard renewal periods (that is, renewal periods without promotion). If the parameter is set to 0 or left empty, no renewal has been performed successfully.
numOfDiscounts int Number of successful renewal periods with promotion.
expirationDate int Subscription expiration timestamp. For an automatic renewal receipt where the fee has been deducted successfully, this parameter indicates the renewal date or expiration date. If the value is a past time for the latest receipt of a product, the subscription has expired.
expirationIntent int Reason why a subscription expires. 1: Canceled by a user. 2: Product being unavailable. 3: Abnormal user signing information. 4: Billing error. 5: Price increase disagreed with by a user. 6: Unknown error
retryFlag int Indicates whether the system still tries to renew an expired subscription.
introductoryFlag int Indicates whether a subscription is in the renewal period with promotion.
trialFlag int Indicates whether a subscription is in the free trial period.
cancelTime int Subscription cancellation timestamp. This parameter has a value when a user makes a complaint and cancels a subscription through the customer service, or when a user performs subscription upgrade or cross-grade that immediately takes effect and cancels the previous receipt of the original subscription.
cancelReason int Reason why a subscription is canceled. 0: Others. For example, a user mistakenly purchases a subscription and has to cancel it. 1: A user encounters a problem within the app and cancels the subscription. 2: A user performs subscription upgrade or cross-grade.
appInfo String App information, which is reserved.
notifyClosed int Indicates whether a user has disabled the subscription notification function.
renewStatus int Renewal status. 1: The subscription renewal is normal. 0: The user cancels subscription renewal.
priceConsentStatus int User opinion on the price increase of a product. 1: The user has agreed to the price increase. 0: The user does not take any action. After the subscription expires, it becomes invalid.
renewPrice int Renewal price.
subIsvalid bool true: A user has been charged for a product, the product has not expired, and no refund has been made. In this case, you can provide services for the user. false: The purchase of a product is not finished, the product has expired, or a refund has been made for the product after its purchase is the subscription valid.
cancelledSubKeepDays int Number of days for retaining a subscription relationship after the subscription is canceled.
kind int Product type. 0: Consumable. 1: Non-consumable. 2: Renewable subscription. 3: Non-renewable subscription
developerChallenge String Challenge defined when an app initiates a consumption request, which uniquely identifies the consumption request. This parameter is valid only for one-off products.
consumptionState int Consumption status, which is valid only for one-off products. The options are as follows: 0: Not consumed. 1: Consumed.
payOrderId String Merchant ID, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
payType String Payment method. 0: HUAWEI Points 3: Credit card 4: Alipay 6: Carrier billing 13: PayPal 16: Debit card 17: WeChat Pay 19: Gift card 20: Balance 21: HUAWEI Point card 24: WorldPay 31: HUAWEI Pay 32: Ant Credit Pay 200: M-Pesa
deferFlag int Indicates whether to postpone the settlement date. The value 1 indicates that the settlement date is postponed.
oriSubscriptionId String Original subscription ID. If the parameter is set to a value, the current subscription is switched from another one. The value can be associated with the original subscription.
cancelWay int Subscription cancellation initiator. 0: User 1: Developer 2: Huawei
cancellationTime int Subscription cancellation time in UTC.
resumeTime int Time when a subscription is resumed.
accountFlag int Account type. 1: AppTouch ID. Other values: HUAWEI ID
purchaseTimeMillis int Purchase time.
confirmed int Confirmation.
graceExpirationTime int Obtains timestamp when a grace period ends.
Public Constants
Constant Type Value Description
NOT_PRESENT int -2147483648 Not present.
INITIALIZED int -2147483648 Initialized.
PURCHASED int 0 Purchased.
CANCELED int 1 Canceled.
REFUNDED int 2 Refunded.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
InAppPurchaseData({int applicationId, bool autoRenewing, String orderId, String packageName, String productId, String productName, int purchaseTime, int purchaseState, String developerPayload, String purchaseToken, int purchaseType, String currency, int price, String country, String lastOrderId, String productGroup, int oriPurchaseTime, String subscriptionId, int quantity, int daysLastes, int numOfPeriods, int numOfDiscounts, int expirationDate, int expirationIntent, int retryFlag, int introductoryFlag, int TrialFlag, int cancelTime, int cancelReason, String appInfo, int notifyClosed, int renewStatus, int priceConsentStatus, int renewPrice, bool subIsvalid, int cancelledSubKeepDays, int kind, String developerChallenge, int consumptionState, String payOrderId, String payType, int deferFlag, String orioriSubscriptionId, int cancelWay, int cancellationTime, int resumeTime, int accountFlag, int purchaseTimeMillis, int confirmed}) Default constructor.
InAppPurchaseData.fromJson(String source) Creates an InAppPurchaseData object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
InAppPurchaseData({int applicationId, bool autoRenewing, String orderId, String packageName, String productId, String productName, int purchaseTime, int purchaseState, String developerPayload, String purchaseToken, int purchaseType, String currency, int price, String country, String lastOrderId, String productGroup, int oriPurchaseTime, String subscriptionId, int quantity, int daysLastes, int numOfPeriods, int numOfDiscounts, int expirationDate, int expirationIntent, int retryFlag, int introductoryFlag, int TrialFlag, int cancelTime, int cancelReason, String appInfo, int notifyClosed, int renewStatus, int priceConsentStatus, int renewPrice, bool subIsvalid, int cancelledSubKeepDays, int kind, String developerChallenge, int consumptionState, String payOrderId, String payType, int deferFlag, String orioriSubscriptionId, int cancelWay, int cancellationTime, int resumeTime, int accountFlag, int purchaseTimeMillis, int confirmed, int graceExpirationTime})

Constructor for InAppPurchaseData object.

Click to expand/collapse Parameter table
Parameter Type Description
applicationId int ID of an app that initiates a purchase.
autoRenewing bool Indicates whether the subscription is automatically renewed. Currently, the value is always false.
orderId String Order ID on the Huawei IAP server, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
packageName String Software package name of the app that initiates a purchase.
productId String Product ID.
productName String Product name.
purchaseTime int Purchase timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds from 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 to the purchase time.
purchaseState int Order status. -1: Initialized and invisible 0: Purchased 1: Canceled 2: Refunded
developerPayload String Reserved information on the merchant side, which is passed by the app during payment.
purchaseToken String Purchase token, which uniquely identifies the mapping between a product and a user. It is generated by the Huawei IAP server when the payment is complete.
purchaseType int Purchase type.0: in the sandbox1: in the promotion period (currently unsupported)This parameter is not returned during formal purchase.
currency String Currency. The value must be a currency defined in the ISO 4217 standard. Example: USD, CNY, and TRY
price int Value after the actual price of a product is multiplied by 100. The actual price is accurate to two decimal places. For example, if the value of this parameter is 501, the actual product price is 5.01.
country String Country or region code of a user service area. The value must comply with the ISO 3166 standard. Example: US, CN, and TR
lastOrderId String Order ID generated by the Huawei IAP server during fee deduction on the previous renewal.
productGroup String ID of the subscription group to which a subscription belongs.
oriPurchaseTime int First fee deduction timestamp, which is the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970.
subscriptionId String Subscription ID.
quantity int Purchase quantity.
daysLasted int Days of a paid subscription, excluding the free trial period and promotion period.
numOfPeriods int Number of successful standard renewal periods (that is, renewal periods without promotion). If the parameter is set to 0 or left empty, no renewal has been performed successfully.
numOfDiscounts int Number of successful renewal periods with promotion.
expirationDate int Subscription expiration timestamp. For an automatic renewal receipt where the fee has been deducted successfully, this parameter indicates the renewal date or expiration date. If the value is a past time for the latest receipt of a product, the subscription has expired.
expirationIntent int Reason why a subscription expires. 1: Canceled by a user. 2: Product being unavailable. 3: Abnormal user signing information. 4: Billing error. 5: Price increase disagreed with by a user. 6: Unknown error
retryFlag int Indicates whether the system still tries to renew an expired subscription.
introductoryFlag int Indicates whether a subscription is in the renewal period with promotion.
trialFlag int Indicates whether a subscription is in the free trial period.
cancelTime int Subscription cancellation timestamp. This parameter has a value when a user makes a complaint and cancels a subscription through the customer service, or when a user performs subscription upgrade or cross-grade that immediately takes effect and cancels the previous receipt of the original subscription.
cancelReason int Reason why a subscription is canceled. 0: Others. For example, a user mistakenly purchases a subscription and has to cancel it. 1: A user encounters a problem within the app and cancels the subscription. 2: A user performs subscription upgrade or cross-grade.
appInfo String App information, which is reserved.
notifyClosed int Indicates whether a user has disabled the subscription notification function.
renewStatus int Renewal status. 1: The subscription renewal is normal. 0: The user cancels subscription renewal.
priceConsentStatus int User opinion on the price increase of a product. 1: The user has agreed to the price increase. 0: The user does not take any action. After the subscription expires, it becomes invalid.
renewPrice int Renewal price.
subIsvalid bool true: A user has been charged for a product, the product has not expired, and no refund has been made. In this case, you can provide services for the user. false: The purchase of a product is not finished, the product has expired, or a refund has been made for the product after its purchase is the subscription valid.
cancelledSubKeepDays int Number of days for retaining a subscription relationship after the subscription is canceled.
kind int Product type. 0: Consumable. 1: Non-consumable. 2: Renewable subscription. 3: Non-renewable subscription
developerChallenge String Challenge defined when an app initiates a consumption request, which uniquely identifies the consumption request. This parameter is valid only for one-off products.
consumptionState int Consumption status, which is valid only for one-off products. The options are as follows: 0: Not consumed. 1: Consumed.
payOrderId String Merchant ID, which uniquely identifies a transaction and is generated by the Huawei IAP server during payment.
payType String Payment method. 0: HUAWEI Points 3: Credit card 4: Alipay 6: Carrier billing 13: PayPal 16: Debit card 17: WeChat Pay 19: Gift card 20: Balance 21: HUAWEI Point card 24: WorldPay 31: HUAWEI Pay 32: Ant Credit Pay 200: M-Pesa
deferFlag int Indicates whether to postpone the settlement date. The value 1 indicates that the settlement date is postponed.
oriSubscriptionId String Original subscription ID. If the parameter is set to a value, the current subscription is switched from another one. The value can be associated with the original subscription.
cancelWay int Subscription cancellation initiator. 0: User 1: Developer 2: Huawei
cancellationTime int Subscription cancellation time in UTC.
resumeTime int Time when a subscription is resumed.
accountFlag int Account type. 1: AppTouch ID. Other values: HUAWEI ID
purchaseTimeMillis int Purchase time.
confirmed int Confirmation.
graceExpirationTime int Obtains timestamp when a grace period ends.
InAppPurchaseData.fromJson(String source)

Creates an InAppPurchaseData object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Information returned when the isEnvReady API is successfully called.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
returnCode String Result code. 0: The country or region of the signed-in HUAWEI ID supports HUAWEI IAP.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
IsEnvReadyResult({String returnCode, Status status}) Default constructor.
IsEnvReadyResult.fromJson(String source) Creates an IsEnvReadyResult object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
IsEnvReadyResult({String returnCode, Status status})

Constructor for IsEnvReadyResult object.

Parameter Type Description
returnCode String Result code. 0: The country or region of the signed-in HUAWEI ID supports HUAWEI IAP.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
IsEnvReadyResult.fromJson(String source)

Creates an IsEnvReadyResult object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Information returned when the isSandboxActivated API is successfully called.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
errMsg String Result code description.
isSandboxApk bool Indicates whether the app APK version meets the requirements of the sandbox testing.
isSandboxUser bool Indicates whether a sandbox testing account is used.
returnCode String Result code. 0: Success
versionFrMarket String Information about the app version that is last released on HUAWEI AppGallery.
versionInApk String App version information.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
IsSandboxActivatedResult({String errMsg, bool isSandboxApk, isSandboxUser, String returnCode, String versionFrMarket, String versionInApk, Status status}) Default constructor.
IsSandboxActivatedResult.fromJson(String source) Creates an IsSandboxActivatedResult object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
IsSandboxActivatedResult({String errMsg, bool isSandboxApk, isSandboxUser, String returnCode, String versionFrMarket, String versionInApk, Status status})

Constructor for IsSandboxActivatedResult object.

Parameter Type Description
errMsg String Result code description.
isSandboxApk bool Indicates whether the app APK version meets the requirements of the sandbox testing.
isSandboxUser bool Indicates whether a sandbox testing account is used.
returnCode String Result code. 0: Success
versionFrMarket String Information about the app version that is last released on HUAWEI AppGallery.
versionInApk String App version information.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
IsSandboxActivatedResult.fromJson(String source)

Creates an IsSandboxActivatedResult object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Request information of the obtainOwnedPurchases and obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord API.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
priceType int Type of a product to be queried. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
continuationToken String Data location flag for query in pagination mode. This parameter is optional for the first query. After the API is called, the returned information contains this parameter. If query in pagination mode is required for the next API call, this parameter can be set for the second query.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
OwnedPurchasesReq({int priceType, String continuationToken}) Default constructor.
OwnedPurcahsesReq.fromJson(String source) Creates an OwnedPurchasesReq object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
OwnedPurchasesReq({int priceType, String continuationToken})

Constructor for OwnedPurchasesReq object.

Parameter Type Description
priceType int Type of a product to be queried. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
continuationToken String Data location flag for query in pagination mode. This parameter is optional for the first query. After the API is called, the returned information contains this parameter. If query in pagination mode is required for the next API call, this parameter can be set for the second query.
OwnedPurcahsesReq.fromJson(String source)

Creates an OwnedPurchasesReq object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Information returned when the obtainedOwnedPurchases and obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord API is successfully called.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
continuationToken String Data location flag. If a user has a large number of products and the response contains continuationToken, the app must initiate another call on the current method and pass continuationToken currently received. If product query is still incomplete, the app needs to call the API again until no continuationToken is returned, indicating that all products are returned.
errMsg String Result code description.
inAppPurchaseDataList List<InAppPurchaseData> Information about products that have been purchased but not consumed or about all existing subscription relationships of users using the obtainOwnedPurchases method. Historical consumable information or all subscription receipts, which are returned using the obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord method.
inAppSignature List<String> Signature character string of each subscription relationship in the InAppPurchaseDataList list.
itemList List<String> ID list of found products. The value is a string array.
returnCode String Result code.0: The query is successful.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
placedInappPurchaseDataList List<String> Subscription relationship information about a user who has performed subscription switchover. The value is a JSON string array. For details about the parameters contained in each JSON string, please refer to the description of InAppPurchaseData.
placedInappSignatureList List<String> Signature string of each subscription relationship in the placedInappPurchaseDataList list.
rawValue String Unparsed JSON String of response. NOTE: IAP SDK does not return a JSON response. This field is the response class converted to JSON.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
OwnedPurchasesResult({String continuationToken, String errMsg, List<InAppPurchaseData> inAppPurchaseDataList, List<String> inAppSignature, List<String> itemList, String returnCode, Status status, List<String> placedInappPurchaseDataList, List<String> placedInappSignatureList}) Default constructor.
OwnedPurchasesResult.fromJson(String source) Creates an OwnedPurchasesResult object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
OwnedPurchasesResult({String continuationToken, String errMsg, List<InAppPurchaseData> inAppPurchaseDataList, List<String> inAppSignature, List<String> itemList, String returnCode, Status status, List<String> placedInappPurchaseDataList, List<String> placedInappSignatureList})

Constructor for OwnedPurchasesResult object.

Parameter Type Description
continuationToken String Data location flag. If a user has a large number of products and the response contains continuationToken, the app must initiate another call on the current method and pass continuationToken currently received. If product query is still incomplete, the app needs to call the API again until no continuationToken is returned, indicating that all products are returned.
errMsg String Result code description.
inAppPurchaseDataList List<InAppPurchaseData> Information about products that have been purchased but not consumed or about all existing subscription relationships of users using the obtainOwnedPurchases method. Historical consumable information or all subscription receipts, which are returned using the obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord method.
inAppSignature List<String> Signature character string of each subscription relationship in the InAppPurchaseDataList list.
itemList List<String> ID list of found products. The value is a string array.
returnCode String Result code.0: The query is successful.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
placedInappPurchaseDataList List<String> Subscription relationship information about a user who has performed subscription switchover. The value is a JSON string array. For details about the parameters contained in each JSON string, please refer to the description of InAppPurchaseData.
placedInappSignatureList List<String> Signature string of each subscription relationship in the placedInappPurchaseDataList list.
OwnedPurchasesResult.fromJson(String source)

Creates an OwnedPurchasesResult object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Details of a product.

Public Properties
Click to expand/collapse Properties table
Name Type Description
productId String Product ID.
priceType int Product type. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
price String Displayed price of a product, including the currency symbol and actual price of the product. The value is in the Currency symbolPrice format, for example, ¥0.15. The price includes the tax.
microsPrice int Product price in micro unit, which equals to the actual product price multiplied by 1,000,000. For example, if the actual price of a product is US$1.99, the product price in micro unit is 1990000 (1.99 x 1000000).
originalLocalPrice String Original price of a product, including the currency symbol and actual price of the product. The value is in the Currency symbolPrice format, for example, ¥0.15. The price includes the tax.
originalMicroPrice int Original price of a product in micro unit, which equals to the original product price multiplied by 1,000,000. For example, if the original price of a product is US$1.99, the product price in micro unit is 1990000 (1.99 x 1000000).
currency String Currency used to pay for a product. The value must comply with the ISO 4217 standard. Example: USD, CNY, and TRY
productName String Product name, which is set during product information configuration. The name is displayed on the checkout page.
productDesc String Description of a product, which is set during product information configuration.
subSpecialPriceMicros int Promotional subscription price in micro unit, which equals to the actual promotional subscription price multiplied by 1,000,000. For example, if the actual price of a product is US$1.99, the product price in micro unit is 1990000 (1.99 x 1000000). This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subSpecialPeriodCycles int Number of promotion periods of a subscription. It is set when you set the promotional price of a subscription in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Setting a Promotional Price. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subProductLevel int Level of a subscription in its subscription group.
status int Product status. 0: Valid. 1: Deleted. Products in this state cannot be renewed or subscribed to. 6: Removed. New subscriptions are not allowed, but users who have subscribed to products can still renew them.
subFreeTrialPeriod String Free trial period of a subscription. It is set when you set the promotional price of a subscription in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Setting a Promotional Price.
subGroupId String ID of the subscription group to which a subscription belongs.
subGroupTitle String Description of the subscription group to which a subscription belongs.
subSpecialPeriod String Promotion period unit of a subscription, which complies with the ISO 8601 standard. For example, P1W indicates 1 week, P1M indicates 1 month, P2M indicates 2 months, P6M indicates 6 months, and P1Y indicates 1 year. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subPeriod String Unit of a subscription period, which complies with the ISO 8601 standard. For example, P1W indicates 1 week, P1M indicates 1 month, P2M indicates 2 months, P6M indicates 6 months, and P1Y indicates 1 year. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subSpecialPrice String Promotional price of a subscription, including the currency symbol and actual price. The value is in the Currency symbolPrice format, for example, ¥0.15. The price includes the tax. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
ProductInfo({String productId, int priceType, String price, int microsPrice, String originalLocalPrice, int originalMicroPrice, String currency, String productName, String productDesc, int subSpecialPriceMicros, int subSpecialPeriodCycles, int subProductLevel, int status, String subFreeTrialPeriod, String subGroupId, String subGroupTitle, String subSpecialPeriod, String subPeriod, String subSpecialPrice}) Default constructor.
ProductInfo.fromJson(String source) Creates a ProductInfo object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
ProductInfo({String productId, int priceType, String price, int microsPrice, String originalLocalPrice, int originalMicroPrice, String currency, String productName, String productDesc, int subSpecialPriceMicros, int subSpecialPeriodCycles, int subProductLevel, int status, String subFreeTrialPeriod, String subGroupId, String subGroupTitle, String subSpecialPeriod, String subPeriod, String subSpecialPrice})

Constructor for ProductInfo object.

Click to expand/collapse Parameter table
Parameter Type Description
productId String Product ID.
priceType int Product type. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
price String Displayed price of a product, including the currency symbol and actual price of the product. The value is in the Currency symbolPrice format, for example, ¥0.15. The price includes the tax.
microsPrice int Product price in micro unit, which equals to the actual product price multiplied by 1,000,000. For example, if the actual price of a product is US$1.99, the product price in micro unit is 1990000 (1.99 x 1000000).
originalLocalPrice String Original price of a product, including the currency symbol and actual price of the product. The value is in the Currency symbolPrice format, for example, ¥0.15. The price includes the tax.
originalMicroPrice int Original price of a product in micro unit, which equals to the original product price multiplied by 1,000,000. For example, if the original price of a product is US$1.99, the product price in micro unit is 1990000 (1.99 x 1000000).
currency String Currency used to pay for a product. The value must comply with the ISO 4217 standard. Example: USD, CNY, and TRY
productName String Product name, which is set during product information configuration. The name is displayed on the checkout page.
productDesc String Description of a product, which is set during product information configuration.
subSpecialPriceMicros int Promotional subscription price in micro unit, which equals to the actual promotional subscription price multiplied by 1,000,000. For example, if the actual price of a product is US$1.99, the product price in micro unit is 1990000 (1.99 x 1000000). This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subSpecialPeriodCycles int Number of promotion periods of a subscription. It is set when you set the promotional price of a subscription in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Setting a Promotional Price. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subProductLevel int Level of a subscription in its subscription group.
status int Product status. 0: Valid. 1: Deleted. Products in this state cannot be renewed or subscribed to. 6: Removed. New subscriptions are not allowed, but users who have subscribed to products can still renew them.
subFreeTrialPeriod String Free trial period of a subscription. It is set when you set the promotional price of a subscription in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Setting a Promotional Price.
subGroupId String ID of the subscription group to which a subscription belongs.
subGroupTitle String Description of the subscription group to which a subscription belongs.
subSpecialPeriod String Promotion period unit of a subscription, which complies with the ISO 8601 standard. For example, P1W indicates 1 week, P1M indicates 1 month, P2M indicates 2 months, P6M indicates 6 months, and P1Y indicates 1 year. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subPeriod String Unit of a subscription period, which complies with the ISO 8601 standard. For example, P1W indicates 1 week, P1M indicates 1 month, P2M indicates 2 months, P6M indicates 6 months, and P1Y indicates 1 year. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
subSpecialPrice String Promotional price of a subscription, including the currency symbol and actual price. The value is in the Currency symbolPrice format, for example, ¥0.15. The price includes the tax. This parameter is returned only when subscriptions are queried.
ProductInfo.fromJson(String source)

Creates a ProductInfo object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Request object of the obtainProductInfo API.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
priceType int Type of a product to be queried. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
skuIds List<String> ID list of products to be queried. Each product ID must exist and be unique in the current app. The product ID is the same as that you set when configuring product information in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Adding a Product.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
ProductInfoReq({int priceType, List<String> skuIds}) Default constructor.
ProductInfoReq.fromJson(String source) Creates a ProductInfoReq object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
ProductInfoReq({int priceType, List<String> skuIds})

Constructor for ProductInfoReq object.

Parameter Type Description
priceType int Type of a product to be queried. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
skuIds List<String> ID list of products to be queried. Each product ID must exist and be unique in the current app. The product ID is the same as that you set when configuring product information in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Adding a Product.
ProductInfoReq.fromJson(String source)

Creates a ProductInfoReq object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Information returned when the obtainProductInfo API is successfully called.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
errMsg String Result code description.
productInfoList List<ProductInfo> List of found products.
returnCode String Result code. 0: The query is successful.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
ProductInfoResult({String errMsg, List<ProductInfo> productInfoList, String returnCode, Status status}) Default constructor.
ProductInfoResult.fromJson(String source) Creates a ProductInfoResult object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
ProductInfoResult({String errMsg, List<ProductInfo> productInfoList, String returnCode, Status status})

Constructor for ProductInfoResult object.

Parameter Type Description
errMsg String Result code description.
productInfoList List<ProductInfo> List of found products.
returnCode String Result code. 0: The query is successful.
status Status Status object that contains the task processing result.
ProductInfoResult.fromJson(String source)

Creates a ProductInfoResult object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Request object of the createPurchaseIntent API.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
priceType int Product type. 0: Consumable 1: Non-consumable 2: Auto-renewable subscription
productId String ID of a product to be paid. The product ID is the same as that you set when configuring product information in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Adding a Product.
developerPayload String Information stored on the merchant side. If this parameter is set, the value will be returned in the callback result to the app after successful payment. Note: The value length of this parameter is within (0, 128).
reservedInfor String This parameter is used to pass the extra fields set by a merchant in a JSON string in the key-value format.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
PurchaseIntentReq({int priceType, String productId, String developerPayload, String reservedInfor}) Default constructor.
PurchaseIntentReq.fromJson(String source) Creates a PurchaseIntentReq object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
PurchaseIntentReq({int priceType, String productId, String developerPayload, String reservedInfor})

Constructor for PurchaseIntentReq object.

Parameter Type Description
priceType int Product type.0: consumable1: non-consumable2: auto-renewable subscription
productId String ID of a product to be paid. The product ID is the same as that you set when configuring product information in AppGallery Connect. For details, please refer to Adding a Product.
developerPayload String Information stored on the merchant side. If this parameter is set, the value will be returned in the callback result to the app after successful payment. Note: The value length of this parameter is within (0, 128).
reservedInfor String This parameter is used to pass the extra fields set by a merchant in a JSON string in the key-value format.
PurchaseIntentReq.fromJson(String source)

Creates a PurchaseIntentReq object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Returned payment result information.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
returnCode String Result code. 0: The payment is successful. Other values: The payment failed. For details about the result codes, please refer to Troubleshooting and Common Result Codes.
inAppPurchaseData InAppPurchaseData InAppPurchaseData object that contains purchase order details. For details about the parameters contained in the string, please refer to InAppPurchaseData.
inAppDataSignature String Signature string generated after purchase data is signed using a private payment key. The signature algorithm is SHA256withRSA. After the payment is successful, the app needs to perform signature verification on the string of InAppPurchaseData using the payment public key. For details about how to obtain the public key, please refer to Querying IAP Information.
errMsg String Result code description.
rawValue String Unparsed JSON String of response. NOTE: IAP SDK does not return a JSON response. This field is the response class converted to JSON.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
PurchaseResultInfo({String returnCode, InAppPurchaseData inAppPurchaseData, String inAppDataSignature, String errMsg}) Default constructor.
PurchaseResultInfo.fromJson(String source) Creates a PurchaseResultInfo object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
PurchaseResultInfo({String returnCode, InAppPurchaseData inAppPurchaseData, String inAppDataSignature, String errMsg})

Constructor for PurchaseResultInfo object

Parameter Type Description
returnCode String Result code. 0: The payment is successful. Other values: The payment failed. For details about the result codes, please refer to Troubleshooting and Common Result Codes.
inAppPurchaseData InAppPurchaseData InAppPurchaseData object that contains purchase order details. For details about the parameters contained in the string, please refer to InAppPurchaseData.
inAppDataSignature String Signature string generated after purchase data is signed using a private payment key. The signature algorithm is SHA256withRSA. After the payment is successful, the app needs to perform signature verification on the string of InAppPurchaseData using the payment public key. For details about how to obtain the public key, please refer to Querying IAP Information.
errMsg String Result code description.
PurchaseResultInfo.fromJson(String source)

Creates a PurchaseResultInfo object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Request object of startIapActivity API.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
type int Type of the page to be redirected to. 2: Subscription management page. 3: Subscription editing page.
productId String ID of a subscription.
Public Constants
Constant Type Description
TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_MANAGER_ACTIVITY int Redirects your app to the subscription management page of HUAWEI IAP.
TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_EDIT_ACTIVITY int Redirects your app to the subscription editing page of HUAWEI IAP.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
StartIapActivityReq({int type, String productId}) Default constructor.
StartIapActivityReq.fromJson(String source) Creates a StartIapActivityReq object from a JSON string.
Public Constructors
StartIapActivityReq({int type, String productId})

Constructor for StartIapActivityReq object.

Parameter Type Description
type int Type of the page to be redirected to. 2: Subscription management page. 3: Subscription editing page.
productId String ID of a subscription
StartIapActivityReq.fromJson(String source)

Creates a StartIapActivityReq object from a JSON string.

Parameter Type Description
source String JSON string as a source.


Task processing result.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
statusCode int Status code. 0: Success. 1: Failure. 404: No resource found. 500: Internal error.
statusMessage String Status description.
status Status Task processing result.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
Status({int statusCode, String statusMessage, Status status}) Default constructor.
Public Constructors
Status({int statusCode, String statusMessage, Status status})

Constructor for Status object.

Parameter Type Description
statusCode int Status code. 0: Success. 1: Failure. 404: No resource found. 500: Internal error.
statusMessage String Status description.
status Status Task processing result.


Represents an error class for HmsIapResults.

Public Properties
Name Type Description
resultCode String Result code.
resultMessage String Result message.
Public Constructor Summary
Constructor Description
HmsIapResult({String resultCode, String resultMessage}) Default constructor.
Public Constructors
HmsIapResult({String resultCode, String resultMessage})

Constructor for HmsIapResult object.

Parameter Type Description
resultCode String Result code.
resultMessage String Result message.

Constants #


Click to expand/collapse Constants table
Constant Type Result Code (String) Result Message Possible Solution
ORDER_STATE_SUCCESS HmsIapResult 0 Success -
ORDER_STATE_FAILED HmsIapResult -1 Common failure result code. If this result code is returned by the purchase request, you are advised to use the obtainOwnedPurchases API to check whether the user has purchased the product.
ORDER_STATE_CANCEL HmsIapResult 60000 The user cancels the payment. Record the order ID and execute the payment process when the user performs the payment operation again.
ORDER_STATE_PARAM_ERROR HmsIapResult 60001 Parameter error (including no parameter). Check whether request parameters are missing and whether the parameter format is correct.
ORDER_STATE_IAP_NOT_ACTIVATED HmsIapResult 60002 Huawei IAP is not enabled. To use HUAWEI IAP, you first need to enable the IAP service and also set IAP parameters. For details, please refer to Enabling Services.
ORDER_STATE_PRODUCT_INVALID HmsIapResult 60003 Incorrect product information. Sign in to AppGallery Connect. Choose My apps, select an app, and go to Operate > Products > Product Management. In the product list, check whether the product exists or whether all its mandatory information is available.
ORDER_STATE_CALLS_FREQUENT HmsIapResult 60004 Too frequent API calls. Control the API call frequency.
ORDER_STATE_NET_ERROR HmsIapResult 60005 Network connection exception. The app displays a message, asking the user to check the network.
ORDER_STATE_PMS_TYPE_NOT_MATCH HmsIapResult 60006 Inconsistent product. Sign in to AppGallery Connect. Choose My apps, select an app, and go to Operate > Products > Product Management. Find the product in the product list and check its type.
ORDER_STATE_PRODUCT_COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTED HmsIapResult 60007 Country not supported. Sign in to AppGallery Connect. Choose My apps, select an app, and go to Operate > Products > Product Management. In the product list, check whether the product exists or whether all its mandatory information is available.
ORDER_VR_UNINSTALL_ERROR HmsIapResult 60020 VR APK is not installed. This code is returned in the VR payment scenario. Install the VR APK first.
ORDER_HWID_NOT_LOGIN HmsIapResult 60050 Huawei ID is not signed in. The sign-in scenario needs to be processed. For the payment and isEnvReady APIs, you can use status to instruct users to sign in. For other APIs, perform operations as needed.
ORDER_PRODUCT_OWNED HmsIapResult 60051 User already owns the product. Use the obtainOwnedPurcases API to check whether the user has purchased the product. For a consumable that has been purchased, call the ConsumeOwnedPurchase API to consume the product after it is delivered. After being consumed, the product can be purchased next time. If the product is a non-consumable product or a subscription, the product cannot be purchased again.
ORDER_PRODUCT_NOT_OWNED HmsIapResult 60052 User does not owns the product. Use the obtainOwnedPurchases API to check whether the user has purchased the product.
ORDER_PRODUCT_CONSUMED HmsIapResult 60053 Product already consumed. Use the obtainOwnedPurchaseRecord API to check whether the product has a consumption record.
ORDER_ACCOUNT_AREA_NOT_SUPPORTED HmsIapResult 60054 Huawei IAP does not support country/region. This result code may be returned when HUAWEI IAP is supported by a country or region but there is a service error. In this case, call related APIs again or contact Huawei technical support.
ORDER_NOT_ACCEPT_AGREEMENT HmsIapResult 60055 Agreement error. Please accept user agreement.
ORDER_HIGH_RISK_OPERATIONS HmsIapResult 60056 User triggers risk control. -
LOG_IN_ERROR HmsIapResult ERR_CAN_NOT_LOG_IN Can not log in. The sign-in scenario needs to be processed again.
UNKNOWN_REQUEST_CODE HmsIapResult UNKNOWN_REQUEST_CODE This request code does not match with any available request codes. Try recalling the API.
ACTIVITY_RESULT HmsIapResult ACTIVITY_RESULT_ERROR Result is not OK. Try recalling the API.
NO_RESOLUTION HmsIapResult NO_RESOLUTION There is no resolution for error. Try recalling the API.

You can read more and get detailed information about the interfaces described above from

4. Configuration and Description #

Preparing for Release #

Before building a release version of your app you may need to customize the obfuscation configuration file to prevent the HMS Core SDK from being obfuscated. Add the configurations below to exclude the HMS Core SDK from obfuscation. For more information on this topic refer to this Android developer guide.


-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Exceptions
-keepattributes InnerClasses
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
-keep class**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.updatesdk.**{*;}
-keep class com.huawei.hms.**{*;}


buildTypes {
    debug {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.config
        // Enables code shrinking, obfuscation and optimization for release builds
        minifyEnabled true
        // Unused resources will be removed, resources defined in the res/raw/keep.xml will be kept.
        shrinkResources true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

5. Sample Project #

This plugin includes a demo project in the example folder, there you can find more usage examples.

6. Questions or Issues #

If you have questions about how to use HMS samples, try the following options:

  • Stack Overflow is the best place for any programming questions. Be sure to tag your question with huawei-mobile-services.
  • Github is the official repository for these plugins, You can open an issue or submit your ideas.
  • Huawei Developer Forum HMS Core Module is great for general questions, or seeking recommendations and opinions.
  • Huawei Developer Docs is place to official documentation for all HMS Core Kits, you can find detailed documentations in there.

If you run into a bug in our samples, please submit an issue to the GitHub repository.

7. Licensing and Terms #

Huawei IAP Kit Flutter Plugin is licensed under Apache 2.0 license

pub points



HUAWEI IAP Kit plugin for Flutter. Huawei's In-App Purchases (IAP) service allows you to offer in-app purchases and facilitates in-app payment.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on huawei_iap