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A wrapper http client generator that allows you to quickly create http services.

Http Client Plugin #

Http Client Plugin code generator powered by Tachyon.

This plugin allows you to generate http services using Dio as your http client.

How it works #

Http Client Plugin uses Tachyon as its build engine to provide fast code generation. Also this plugin uses the analyzer system and analyzer plugin to get access on the source code, parse it and provide code actions based on that.

These code actions are similar to the ones provide by the language - e.g. wrap with try/catch - so you don't need to rely on snippets or manually typing any boilerplate code.

Installation #

  1. In your project's pubspec.yaml add

      http_client_plugin: any
      tachyon: any
  2. Create tachyon_config.yaml in the project's root folder

    file_generation_paths: # which files/paths to include for build
      - "file/path/to/watch"
      - "another/one"
    generated_file_line_length: 80 # default line length
      - http_client_plugin # register http_client_plugin
  3. Update your analysis_options.yaml (to enable code actions)

    Minimal analysis_options.yaml

    include: package:lints/recommended.yaml
    # You need to register the plugin under analyzer > plugins
        - http_client_plugin
  4. Restart the analysis server


    1. Open the Command Palette
      1. Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P
      2. MacOS: ⌘ + Shift + P
    2. Type and select "Dart: Restart Analysis Server"


    1. Open Find Action
      1. Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + A
      2. MacOS: ⌘ + Shift + A
    2. Type and select "Restart Dart Analysis Server"

Generate the code you want! #

HttpService Annotation #

  1. Create a simple class, annotate it with @HttpService()

    class AppHttpService { ... }
  2. Add an abstract method annotated with @HttpMethod.* and add a return type of FutureHttpResult<*>

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> getUser(@QueryParam() int userId);
  3. Run code actions on your IDE


    1. Windows/Linux: Ctrl + .
    2. MacOS: ⌘ + .


    1. Windows/Linux: Alt + Enter
    2. MacOS: ⌘ + Enter
  4. Select Generate http services

This will generate all the boilerplate code on the source file.

Now to generate the part file code you need to run tachyon.

Executing tachyon:

dart run tachyon build

See more options about tachyon by executing: dart run tachyon --help

Annotations #

  1. HttpService #

    Annotates a class as an http service class.

    Receives an optional path parameter.


    @HttpService('/api/v0') // all paths will be prefixed with /api/v0
    class AppHttpService {
       @HttpMethod.get('/ping') // this will become base url + /api/v0 + /ping
       FutureHttpResult<void> ping();
  2. HttpMethod #

    Annotates a method which http verb to use. Available HttpMethod verbs:

    • HttpMethod.get()
    • HttpMethod.put()
    • HttpMethod.delete()

    Receives a required path parameter. The path can be an empty string.


    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<List<User>> getUsers();
  3. QueryParam #

    Annotates a method's parameter as a query parameter.

    Receives an optional alternative name for the query parameter.

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> getUser(
          // the query parameter will be set as "userId". See next example how to change that
          @QueryParam() int userId

    Provide a different query parameter name:

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> getUser(@QueryParam('user_id') int userId);
  4. PathParam #

    Annotates a method's parameter as a path parameter.

    Together with the HttpMethod annotation, when a path segment starts with : , if an annotated (@PathParam) parameter matches the segment name then the argument value will replace the segment.

    class AppHttpService {
       @HttpMethod.get('/user/:id') // this will become /user/<value of argument id>
       FutureHttpResult<User> getUser(@PathParam() int id);
  5. HttpPayload #

    Annotates a method's parameter as the request's payload.

    This can be any primitive type (or a list or map containing primitive data). Also there is built in support for Uri (which uses toString) and DateTime (which uses toIso8601String).

    Also a class object can be used that contains a toJson method that returns any of the above.

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> updateUser(@HttpPayload() Map<String, dynamic> data);
  6. HttpHeader #

    Annotates a method with an additional http header.

    class AppHttpService {
       @HttpHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
       @HttpHeader('Accept', 'application/json')
       FutureHttpResult<User> updateUser(@HttpPayload() Map<String, dynamic> data);
  7. HttpMultipart #

    Annotates a method as a multipart request.

    Optionally accepts a parameter listFormat which indicates how a list should be formatted - default value MultipartListFormat.multi. See all options here.

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> updateUser({
          @HttpFormField() required String username,
          @HttpFormField() required String password,
  8. HttpFormField #

    Annotates a method's parameter as form field for a multipart request.

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> updateUser({
          @HttpFormField() required String username,
          @HttpFormField(name: 'pass') required String password,

    Multipart requests can also accept a file using the HttpFormField.file annotation. The parameter type for this annotation should be a String with a value that points to a file path.

    class AppHttpService {
       FutureHttpResult<User> updateUser({
          @HttpFormField() required String username,
          @HttpFormField(name: 'pass') required String password,
          @HttpFormField.file() required String pathToFile,

Http services #

Http services can be nested to provide a more convenient and easy to read code.

class AppHttpService {
   UsersHttpService get users;

class UsersHttpService {
   FutureHttpResult<User> getById(@PathParam() int id);


final AppHttpService httpService = AppHttpService();
final HttpResult<User> result = await httpService.users.getById(11);

Also http services can override the default Dio client by adding an abstract method overrideHttpClient:

class UsersHttpService {
   UsersHttpService overrideHttpClient(Dio client);

Http methods #

Http methods must have a return type of FutureHttpResult<*>.

FutureHttpResult is a shortcut for Future<HttpResult<*>>

HttpResult is a sealed class that is implemented by 2 variants:

  • HttpResultData

    Contains the parsed data from a successful response.

  • HttpResultFailure

    Contains the exception thrown from this request and optional stack trace.

HttpResult provides helper methods (when & maybeWhen) that accept callbacks based on the result.

Also you can use the method asRecord to covert the result into a record with the following format: (T?, Exception?, StackTrace?)

Example #

See example here.

pub points



A wrapper http client generator that allows you to quickly create http services.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


analyzer, analyzer_plugin, data_class_plugin, meta, tachyon


Packages that depend on http_client_plugin