html_editor_plus 0.0.2 copy "html_editor_plus: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
html_editor_plus: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

HTML rich text editor for Android, iOS, and Web, using the Summernote library. Enhanced with highly customizable widget-based controls, bug fixes, callbacks, dark mode, and more.

Flutter Html Editor Plus #

pub package

Flutter HTML Editor Plus is a text editor for Android, iOS, and Web to help write WYSIWYG HTML code with the Summernote JavaScript wrapper.

Original html_editor_plus by tneotia - repo link. This library is a fork of his repo.

I have removed documentation from this page as most of it will be inside the code itself. In the meantime you can read it in the original repo.

Main goals of this package is to:

  • Keep the package updated to latest stable versions of Flutter and dependencies (Summernote editor included).
  • Re-write the package in a more readable and maintanable format.
  • Improve functionalities.
  • Fix known issues.
  • Add support for desktop platforms.

Setup #

Platform requirements for:
Android: minSdkVersion >= 19, compileSdk >= 34, AGP version >= 7.3.0
iOS 9.0+: --ios-language swift, Xcode version >= 14.3
MacOS 10.11+: Xcode version >= 14.3

Migration guide for InAppWebView

Add html_editor_plus: ^0.0.1 as dependency to your pubspec.yaml.

Make sure to declare internet support inside AndroidManifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Additional setup is required on iOS to allow the user to pick files from storage. See here for more details.

For images, the package uses FileType.image, for video, for audio, and for any other file FileType.any. You can just complete setup for the specific buttons you plan to enable in the editor.

Basic Usage #

import 'package:html_editor/html_editor.dart';

HtmlEditorController controller = HtmlEditorController();

@override Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return HtmlEditor(
        controller: controller, //required
        htmlEditorOptions: HtmlEditorOptions(
          hint: "Your text here...",
          //initalText: "text content initial, if any",
        otherOptions: OtherOptions(
          height: 400,

Important note for Web: #

At the moment, there is quite a bit of flickering and repainting when having many UI elements draw over IframeElements. See for more details.

The current workaround is to build and/or run your Web app with flutter run --web-renderer html and flutter build web --web-renderer html.

Follow for updates on a potential fix, in the meantime the above solution should resolve the majority of the flickering issues.

API Reference #

For the full API reference, see here.

For a full example, see here.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Contribution Guide #

PRs are always welcome

pub points


unverified uploader

HTML rich text editor for Android, iOS, and Web, using the Summernote library. Enhanced with highly customizable widget-based controls, bug fixes, callbacks, dark mode, and more.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


file_picker, flex_color_picker, flutter, flutter_inappwebview, flutter_keyboard_visibility, meta, numberpicker, pointer_interceptor, visibility_detector


Packages that depend on html_editor_plus