html_editor_enhanced 2.1.0+1 copy "html_editor_enhanced: ^2.1.0+1" to clipboard
html_editor_enhanced: ^2.1.0+1 copied to clipboard


HTML rich text editor for Android, iOS, and Web, using the Summernote library. Enhanced with highly customizable widget-based controls, bug fixes, callbacks, dark mode, and more.

[2.1.0+1] - 2021-05-11 #

  • Hotfix for copyWith not defined for ScrollBehavior in v2.1.0

[2.1.0] - 2021-05-10 #

  • Fixed setState and Stream.first error on page dispose
  • Fixed height adjustment not working
  • Fixed getText on Web
  • Improved dropdown UX when ToolbarPosition.belowEditor by opening upwards and making it scrollable after a certain height

[2.0.1] - 2021-04-28 #

  • Added support for setting custom UserScripts on the webview (mobile only)
  • Added support for customizing the context menu (menu when user selects text) for the webview (mobile only)
  • Added LongPressGestureRecognizer to the webview to allow users to select text via a long press (mobile only)
    • You can set the duration before the long press is recognized via HtmlEditorOptions > mobileLongPressDuration
  • Added support for placing the toolbar wherever using HtmlToolbarOptions > toolbarPosition: ToolbarPosition.custom
  • See the README if you'd like to use any of these new features. UserScript and the context menu customization have external documentation via flutter_inappwebview - the docs are linked in the README.

[2.0.0+1] - 2021-04-22 #

  • Transitioned to fully native controls! These are extremely customizable and have much better UX than the previous controls.
  • [BREAKING] refactored a lot of options into separate constructors
  • [BREAKING] refactored toolbar classes, so toolbar customizations will need updating
  • Added a bunch of interceptors and callbacks for button presses
  • Added the ability to make custom buttons and set their positions
  • Added native support for numerous Summernote plugins
    • [BREAKING] removed all Summernote plugins except Summernote @ Mention. The package now supports the majority of plugins out of the box.
    • Reduced package size by removing the Summernote plugin files
    • Reduced size further by using a stripped-down version of Summernote @ Mention libs
  • Added execCommand to controller to help you create custom toolbar buttons
  • Improved automatic height adjustment
  • Bumped dependencies
  • [BREAKING] Require Flutter 2.0.0+
  • As always, see the README for full documentation on these changes
  • See the Migration Guide for help migrating your v1.x.x widget code

[1.8.0] - 2021-04-07 #

  • Add support for getSuggestionsMobile (Summernote @ Mentions Plugin) - allows you to programatically return the list of mentions.
    • Only supported on mobile.
    • [BREAKING] renamed mentions to mentionsWeb as a result of this change
  • Added support for the remainder of Summernote callbacks:
    • onBeforeCommand
    • onChangeCodeview
    • onDialogShown
    • onImageUploadError
    • onMouseDown
    • onMouseUp
    • onScroll
    • See the README for how these work.
  • Added a few new functions:
    • recalculateHeight(): recalculates the editor height and applies it
    • addNotification(): adds a notification bar to the bottom of the editor in a specified style with specified text
    • removeNotification(): removes the current notification from the bottom of the editor
  • Fixed blank space at the bottom of the editor when showBottomToolbar: false
  • Fixed 'Android resource linking failed' (bumped flutter_inappwebview to 5.3.1+1)

[1.7.1] - 2021-03-26 #

  • Fixed bug where initial text would not be inserted and default toolbar would be shown regardless of editor options
  • Significantly improved keyboard height detection (detect when keyboard comes up and goes down)
  • Adjusted HTML processing algorithm to fix issues where " and ' would not be properly escaped on HTML insertion
    • Added processNewLineAsBr - this will replace any \n in the input string to <br/> rather than the default ""
    • Applied processing to setHint() and insertHtml() functions
  • Added support for returning the file's base64 data in onImageUpload and onFileUpload
    • Now you can use MultipartFile.fromBytes() to upload to server - example
  • Added support for onFileUploadError and onFileLinkInsert (Summernote File plugin)
  • Added support for maximumFileSize (Summernote File plugin)
  • See the README for more details on these changes

[1.7.0+1] - 2021-03-22 #

  • Fixed type 'double' is not a subtype of type 'int?' in type cast on iOS
    • By extension this fixes the adjustHeightForKeyboard not working on iOS
  • Fixed Bad state: Cannot add new events after calling close exception when disposing the page containing the editor
  • Fixed web page not found when inserting a video URL (see here)

[1.7.0] - 2021-03-17 #

    • Refactored height, autoAdjustHeight, decoration, showBottomToolbar, and darkMode into new HtmlEditorOptions class - see README for how to migrate
    • Removed 'Summernote Classes' plugin
    • Sorry for all the breaking changes lately - I think I've finally figured out how I want to do the API design so there should be far less in future releases
  • Added onImageUpload callback that fires when an image is inserted via <input type="file">
  • Added onImageLinkInsert callback that fires when an image is inserted via URL
  • Added shouldEnsureVisible that scrolls the editor into view when it is focused or text is typed, kind of like TextFields
  • Added adjustHeightForKeyboard (default true) that adjusts the editor's height when the keyboard is active to ensure no content is cut off by the keyboard
  • Added filePath which allows you to provide a completely custom HTML file to load
  • If you plan on using any of the above, it is highly recommend looking at the README for more details and examples.
  • Removed disabled scroll feature since it prevented the editor from scrolling even when the editor content was larger than the height
  • Code cleanup

[1.6.0] - 2021-03-13 #

  • [BREAKING] removed dispose() method on controller
    • The editor no longer uses a Stream to get text and therefore nothing needs to be disposed
  • Added onInit callback that fires once the editor is ready to function and accept JS
  • Added a few new parameters:
    • autoAdjustHeight - for HtmlEditor: default true, automatically adjusts the height of the editor to make sure scrolling is not necessary
    • processInputHtml - for HtmlEditorController: processes input HTML (e.g. new lines become <br/>)
    • processOutputHtml - for HtmlEditorController: processes output HTML (e.g. <p><br/><p> becomes "")
  • Added more plugins:
    • Summernote Case Converter
    • Summernote List Styles
    • Summernote RTL
    • Summernote @ Mention
    • Summernote Codewrapper
    • Summernote File
    • See the README for more details.
  • Added shim for dart:ui to remove the ui.PlatformViewRegistry not found error
  • Added the summernote-no-plugins.html file to load a de-bloated HTML file when no plugins are active
  • Fixed bug where two editors would be initialized in the same webview in some cases
  • Reduced the size of assets to ~650kb - ~300kb summernote libs, ~350kb plugin libs
  • Code cleanup

[1.5.0+1] - 2021-03-10 #

  • Fixed getText() returning null on mobile for any device

[1.5.0] - 2021-03-01 #

  • Nullsafety preview
  • Added Flutter's Hybrid Composition to the HTML Editor. This significantly improves the keyboard experience on Android.

[1.4.0] - 2021-03-01 #

  • [BREAKING] removed HtmlParser for calling methods, instead you now must pass an HtmlEditorController to the plugin (like a TextField). All methods are accessible from that controller. See the usage section in the README for an example.
    • This allows you to have multiple independent editors on a page, whereas earlier the package would not know which editor the method should be called on.
  • Add support for certain Summernote plugins from Summernote Awesome. See the README for details on the API and the currently supported plugins.
  • Nullsafety pre-release coming soon.

[1.3.0] - 2021-02-23 #

  • Add official support for Flutter Web
  • Add support for modifying the toolbar options. See the README for details on the API.
  • Add support for a native dark mode
  • Removed image_picker plugin and image button in toolbar because users can insert images via the image button in Summernote
    • [BREAKING] Removed the imageWidth and useBottomSheet params due to the above change

[1.2.0+1] - 2021-02-20 #

  • Add support for accessing InAppWebViewController via a getter
  • Add support for inserting files via the editor dialog itself
  • Add methods:
    • toggle code view
    • enable/disable editor
    • undo/redo
    • inserting plaintext/HTML/images/links
  • Add callbacks:
    • onChange
    • onEnter
    • onFocus/onBlur/onBlurCodeview
    • onKeyUp/onKeyDown
    • onPaste
  • Downgraded dependencies to non-nullsafety to prevent errors
  • Updated docs and example app to showcase new features, refer to those for info on the above changes

[1.1.1] - 2021-02-19 #

  • Minor update to add documentation to code and completely refactor/reorganize code

[1.1.0] - 2021-02-19 #

  • Switch webview dependency to flutter_inappwebview
  • Remove localserver, instead get Summernote HTML directly from assets (improves performance and loading speeds)
  • [BREAKING] Switch to StatelessWidget
    • You no longer need a GlobalKey for the HtmlEditorState. All of the methods are static and can be called like so:
  • Fix deprecations and update dependencies

Flutter HTML Editor changes by xrb21 #

[1.0.1] - 2020-05-07 #

  • Update Readme usage for iOS

[1.0.0] - 2020-05-07 #

  • fixing iOS blank screen
  • fixing text hint

[0.0.2+1] - 2020-05-02 #

  • fixing path packages

[0.0.2] - 2020-05-02 #

  • Change link repo

[0.0.1] - 2020-05-02 #

  • Initial Release
pub points


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HTML rich text editor for Android, iOS, and Web, using the Summernote library. Enhanced with highly customizable widget-based controls, bug fixes, callbacks, dark mode, and more.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


file_picker, flutter, flutter_colorpicker, flutter_inappwebview, flutter_keyboard_visibility, js, numberpicker, pedantic, pointer_interceptor, visibility_detector


Packages that depend on html_editor_enhanced