hello_plugin_package 0.0.8 copy "hello_plugin_package: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
hello_plugin_package: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

A new flutter plugin project. Provide commonly used Android platform functions.

hello plugin package #

Integrate the functions of multiple plug-ins for daily use.

Get platform version for Android #

Get the release and sdk versions of the platform.

Get device space for Android #

Get the information about free, used and total storage or memory space.

Package Manager for Android #

This plugin offers the ability of android's PackageManager. You can retrieve the app name, app launcher icon through this package with its package name. The package should be installed on a device.

How to use #

See the ./example and ./lib folders for the details.

Get Space Info #

// Import package
import 'package:hello_plugin_package/hello_plugin_package.dart';

// Access storage space
Future<int> _getStorageTotalSpace() async {
  return await HelloPluginPackage.getStorageTotalSpace;

Future<int> _getStorageFreeSpace() async {
  return await HelloPluginPackage.getStorageFreeSpace;

Future<int> _getStorageUsedSpace() async {
  return await HelloPluginPackage.getStorageUsedSpace;

// Access memory space
Future<int> _getMemoryTotalSpace() async {
  return await HelloPluginPackage.getMemoryTotalSpace;

Future<int> _getMemoryFreeSpace() async {
  return await HelloPluginPackage.getMemoryFreeSpace;

Future<int> _getMemoryUsedSpace() async {
  return await HelloPluginPackage.getMemoryUsedSpace;

Get package information from the package name #

import 'package:hello_plugin_package/hello_plugin_package.dart';

/// ... other codes

Future<PackageInfo> getPackageInfoByPackageName() async {
  final PackageInfo info =
    await HelloPluginPackage.getPackageInfoByPackageName('com.facebook.katana');
  return info;

PackageInfo class contains packageName, appName and appIconByteArray. appIconByteArray is an array of base64 byte image of app icon. You can get flutter's Image widget icon by appIcon getter. If the app is not installed, than null is returned.

Get package names of the all applications installed on the device #

import 'package:hello_plugin_package/hello_plugin_package.dart';

/// ... other codes

Future<List> getInstalledPackageNames() async {
  // All apps including system apps
  List packages = await HelloPluginPackage.getInstalledPackageNames();

  // Apps installed by user
  List userInstalledPackages = await HelloPluginPackage.getUserInstalledPackages();
  return packages;

getUserInstalledPackages on Android 11 is limit. You should declaration android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission.

pub points


verified publisheryinghuihong.com

A new flutter plugin project. Provide commonly used Android platform functions.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




flutter, http


Packages that depend on hello_plugin_package