graphview 1.2.0
graphview: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard
GraphView is used to display data in graph structures. It can display Tree layout, Directed and Layered graph. Useful for Family Tree, Hierarchy View.
1.2.0 #
- Resolved Overlaping for Sugiyama Algorithm (#56, #93, #87)
- Added Enum for Coordinate Assignment in Sugiyama : DownRight, DownLeft, UpRight, UpLeft, Average(Default)
1.1.1 #
- Fixed bug for SugiyamaAlgorithm where horizontal placement was overlapping
- Buchheim Algorithm Performance Improvements
1.1.0 #
- Massive Sugiyama Algorithm Performance Improvements! (5x times faster)
- Encourage usage of for better performance
- Added tests to better check regressions
1.0.0 #
- Full Null Safety Support
- Sugiyama Algorithm Performance Improvements
- Sugiyama Algorithm TOP_BOTTOM Height Issue Solved (#48)
1.0.0-nullsafety.0 #
- Null Safety Support
0.7.0 #
- Added methods for builder pattern and deprecated directly setting Widget Data in nodes.
0.6.7 #
- Fix rect value not being set in FruchtermanReingoldAlgorithm (#27)
0.6.6 #
- Fix Index out of range for Sugiyama Algorithm (#20)
0.6.5 #
- Fix edge coloring not picked up by TreeEdgeRenderer (#15)
- Added Orientation Support in Sugiyama Configuration (#6)
0.6.1 #
- Fix coloring not happening for the whole graphview
- Fix coloring for sugiyama and tree edge render
- Use interactive viewer correctly to make the view constrained
0.6.0 #
- Add coloring to individual edges. Applicable for ArrowEdgeRenderer
- Add example for focused node for Force Directed Graph. It also showcases dynamic update
0.5.1 #
- Fix a bug where the paint was not applied after setstate.
- Proper Key validation to match Nodes and Edges
0.5.0 #
- Minor Breaking change. We now pass edge renderers as part of Layout
- Added Layered Graph (SugiyamaAlgorithm)
- Added Paint Object to change color and stroke parameters of the edges easily
- Fixed a bug where by onTap in GestureDetector and Inkwell was not working
0.1.2 #
- Used part of library properly. Now we can only implement single graphview
0.1.0 #
- Initial release.