graphic 2.5.1
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A grammar of data visualization and Flutter charting library.
Graphic Example #
An example app of Graphic. Please clone the Graphic repository and run this example app project.
The example charts are categorized into:
- Interval - Various bar chart examples including basic, stacked, transposed and pie charts
- Line, Area and Point - Examples of line charts, area charts and scatter plots with different interactions
- Polygon and Custom - Heatmap examples and demonstrations of custom shapes, tooltips and modifiers
- Interaction and Stream - Examples of gesture event streams and dynamic data updates
- Animation - Various chart animations including auto-update, morphing and entrance effects
- Bigdata - Performance demonstration with 10,000 data points scatter plot
- Echarts - Recreation of some classic Echarts examples with beautiful gradients
- Crosshair - Demonstration of crosshair guide with customizable styles and behaviors