google_maps_custom_marker 1.0.3
google_maps_custom_marker: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A flexible package for creating various shapes of highly customizable markers with optional labels.
google_maps_custom_marker #
A flexible package for creating various shapes of highly customizable markers with optional labels.
Features #
Use this package in your Flutter app to:
- Dynamically create markers to use with
- Add text labels to markers
- Create circle, pin, and text bubble marker shapes
- Customize the appearance, including options for colors, padding, shadow, and more
Getting started #
- Follow the instructions for getting started with
- Create a marker with your desired position and other properties
- Import this package, pass your marker to
- Configure the shape, style, and shape-specific options
- The returned marker has the updated icon and anchor, and is ready for use with your map
Usage #
Marker pinMarker = await GoogleMapsCustomMarker.createCustomMarker(
marker: const Marker(
markerId: MarkerId('pin'),
position: LatLng(49,-123),
title: '99',
Marker circleMarker = await GoogleMapsCustomMarker.createCustomMarker(
marker: const Marker(
markerId: MarkerId('circle'),
position: LatLng(49.01,-123),
title: '99',
Marker bubbleMarkerCustomized = await GoogleMapsCustomMarker.createCustomMarker(
marker: const Marker(
markerId: MarkerId('bubble'),
position: LatLng(49.02,-123),
shape: MarkerShape.bubble,
title: 'Customize Me!',
backgroundColor: GoogleMapsCustomMarkerColor.markerYellow.withOpacity(.8),
textSize: 38,
enableShadow: false,
padding: 150,
textStyle: const TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.underline),
imagePixelRatio: 1.5,
bubbleOptions: BubbleMarkerOptions(
anchorTriangleWidth: 32,
anchorTriangleHeight: 48,
cornerRadius: 12,
_markers.addAll([pinMarker, circleMarker, bubbleMarkerCustomized]);
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
This package was developed to help more easily create beautiful, semantic maps.
If you have suggestions for changes, additions, or would like to contribute, that is more than welcome.