go_router_paths 0.1.0 copy "go_router_paths: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
go_router_paths: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Helps define paths for `go_router` and other navigation packages. Remove those hard coded strings!

Go Router Paths #

codecov style: very good analysis License: MIT style: effective dart

Overview #

This package is intended to support, but not limited to, go_router.

Go router paths was built out of necessity to remove the need to hard code paths in the application. Use this package to define your paths in one place and use them throughout your application!

Usage #

Define your paths #

import 'package:go_router_paths/go_router_paths.dart';

class AppPaths {

  static Path get home => Path('home');
  static WelcomePath get welcome => WelcomePath();

  static UsersPath get users => UsersPath();
  static Param get books => Param('books', 'bookId');

class WelcomePath extends Path<WelcomePath> {
    WelcomePath() : super('welcome');

    Path get login => Path('login', parent: this);
    Path get register => Path('register', parent: this);

class UsersPath extends Path<UsersPath> {
  UsersPath() : super('users');

  UserPath get user => UserPath(this);

class UserPath extends Param<UserPath> {
  UserPath(UsersPath usersPath) : super.only('userId', parent: usersPath);

  Path get edit => Path('edit', parent: this);
  Path get delete => Path('delete', parent: this);

Assign your paths to your router #

Go router is used in this example, but is not required.

final routes = GoRouter(
  routes: [
      path: AppPaths.home.goRoute,
      pageBuilder: (context, state) => const HomePage(),
      path: AppPaths.welcome.goRoute,
      pageBuilder: (context, state) => const WelcomePage(),
      routes: [
          path: AppPaths.welcome.login.goRoute,
          pageBuilder: (context, state) => const LoginPage(),
          path: AppPaths.welcome.register.goRoute,
          pageBuilder: (context, state) => const RegisterPage(),
      path: AppPaths.users.goRoute,
      pageBuilder: (context, state) => const UsersPage(),
      routes: [
          path: AppPaths.users.user.goRoute,
          pageBuilder: (context, state) {
            final userId = state.params[AppPaths.users.user.id]!;

            return UserPage(userId);
          routes: [
              path: AppPaths.users.user.edit.goRoute,
              pageBuilder: (context, state) {
                final userId = state.params[AppPaths.users.user.id]!;

                return EditUserPage(userId);
              path: AppPaths.users.user.delete.goRoute,
              pageBuilder: (context, state) {
                final userId = state.params[AppPaths.users.user.id]!;

                return DeleteUserPage(userId);
      path: AppPaths.books.goRoute,
      pageBuilder: (context, state) {
        final bookId = state.params[AppPaths.books.id]!;

        return BookPage(bookId);

Go router is used in this example, but is not required.

AppPaths.home.path // '/home'
AppPaths.welcome.login.path // '/welcome/login'
AppPaths.welcome.register.path // '/welcome/register'
AppPaths.users.path // '/users'
AppPaths.users.user.define('Luke Skywalker').path // '/users/Luke Skywalker'
AppPaths.users.user.define('Jar Jar Banks').edit.path // '/users/Jar Jar Banks/edit'
AppPaths.users.user.define('Darth Vader').delete.path // '/users/Darth Vader/delete'
AppPaths.books.define('Star Wars').query({'first-trilogy-only': 'true'}).path // '/books/Star Wars?first-trilogy-only=true'

Note #

Encoding #

Calling the path member on a Path or Param will return the path as an encoded string automatically, including all params and queries.

pub points


verified publishermrgnhnt.com

Helps define paths for `go_router` and other navigation packages. Remove those hard coded strings!

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