given_when_then_unit_test 0.0.4 copy "given_when_then_unit_test: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
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A package to make Unit Test code more readable and well documented.

given_when_then_unit_test #

pub package likes codecov style: lint Dart

A Flutter package for creating more readable tests. If you are not familiar with Flutter's Unit tests

Given we feel that our tests are the best documentation of the behaviors in our code.
When we read our tests.
Then we want them to be easy to understand.

Features #

Improve test code readability #

// Without `given_when_then`
group('calculator', () {
  // ...
  group('add 1', () => calc.add(1), then: () {
    test('result should be 1', () {
      // ...

    group('[and] subtract 1', () => calc.subtract(1), body: () {
      test('res should be 0', () {
        // ...

// 🔥 With `given_when_then` as a common English sentence
given('calculator', () {
  // ...
  when('add 1', () => calc.add(1), then: () {
    then('result should be 1', () {
      // ...

    when('[and] subtract 1', () => calc.subtract(1), body: () {
      then('res should be 0', () {
        // ...

With shouldly it makes super readable test code 😍

given('calculator', () {
  late Calculator calc;

  before(() {
    calc = Calculator();

  when('add 1', () {
    before(() => calc.add(1));

    then('result should be 1', () {;

    when('[and] subtract 1', () {
      before(() => calc.subtract(1));
      then('res should be 0', () {

Auto compose test message as BDD style #

Without given_when_then

✓ calculator When add 1 result should be 1
✓ calculator When add 1 [and] subtract 1 res should be 0

With given_when_then with minimal effort

✓ Given empty calculator When add 1 Then result should be 1
✓ Given empty calculator When add 1 and subtract 1 Then res should be 0

Usage #

Simple example #

Without given_when_then

  group('empty calculator', body: () {
    late Calculator calc;

    setUp(() {
      calc = Calculator();

    group('add 1', () {

      setUp(() {

      test('result should be 1', () {;

      group('[and] subtract 1', () {

        setUp(() {

        test('res should be 0', () {

With given_when_then

  given('empty calculator', () {
    late Calculator calc;

    before(() {
      calc = Calculator();

    when('add 1', () => calc.add(1), then: () {
      then('result should be 1', () {;

      when('[and] subtract 1', () => calc.subtract(1), body: () {
        then('res should be 0', () {

Advanced example with mocking #

given('Post Controller', body: () {
    late PostController postController;
    late IPostRepository mockPostRepository;
    late IToastr mockToastr;

    before(() {
      mockPostRepository = MockPostRepository();
      mockToastr = MockToastr();
      postController = PostController(
        repo: mockPostRepository,
        toastr: mockToastr,

    whenn('save new valid post', () {
      bool? saveResult;

      before(() async {
        when(() => mockPostRepository.addNew('new post'))
            .thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(true));

        saveResult = await postController.addNew('new post');

      then('should return true', () async {

      then('toastr shows success', () async {
        verify(() => mockToastr.success('ok')).called(1);

    whenn('save new invalid post', () {
      bool? saveResult;
      before(() async {
        when(() => mockPostRepository.addNew('new invalid post'))
            .thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(false));

        saveResult = await postController.addNew('new invalid post');

      then('should return false', () async {

      then('toastr shows error', () async {
        verify(() => mockToastr.error('invalid post')).called(1);

Known Issues #

  • Collision with mocktail or mockito packages which bring where method too, you can hide when and use whenn of this package like below
import 'package:given_when_then_unit_test/given_when_then_unit_test.dart' hide when;

void main() {
  given('Post Controller', () {
    // .. omit
    whenn('save new invalid post', () {
      // ... omit
      then('should return false', () async {

      then('toastr shows error', () async {
        verify(() => mockToastr.error('invalid post')).called(1);

Contributing #

We accept the following contributions:

  • Ideas how to improve readability or performance
  • Reporting issues
  • Fixing bugs
  • Improving documentation and comments

Maintainers #

pub points



A package to make Unit Test code more readable and well documented.

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