git_lfs_server 0.0.1 copy "git_lfs_server: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
git_lfs_server: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A simple git-lfs server.

A simple Git LFS server implementation in Dart #

Overview #

Git Large File Storage (LFS) is a free, open-source extension that replaces large files with text pointers inside Git and stores the contents of those files on a remote server. -- GitHub Training & Guides

Git LFS protocol requires a Git server that supports LFS, and a Git LFS client. There is only one official open-source LFS client. But there are several LFS server implementations. This implementation provides a simple solution that works with Git mirrors.

An example that this implementation can be used for #

Your team has a (LFS) repo at GitHub (which supports LFS). That repo contains very large file(s) so you mirror it to your local machine to share with your team to save bandwidth. Your teammates can clone/fetch/pull from your local machine instead of GitHub. The problem is git lfs always fails to fetch the file. You run git lfs fetch --all on the mirror but it doesn't solve the problem. That's because your machine doesn't have a Git LFS server. So this implementation now comes in handy. Just install, run it, then your teammates can clone/fetch/pull from your local machine, with LFS. Note that this implementation only supports download operations, i.e. git lfs fetch. You cannot upload files, i.e. git lfs push.

Installing #

Dependencies #

macOS #

Modify the following script to run the server:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 2100 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "YOUR_CERT_FILE" -out "YOUR_KEY_FILE"

git config --global http."YOUR_SERVER_URL.sslverify" false

export GIT_LFS_SERVER_URL="YOUR_SERVER_URL" # Example: "https://localhost:8080"
export GIT_LFS_SERVER_CERT= "YOUR_CERT_FILE" # Example "${HOME}/certificates/mine.crt"
export GIT_LFS_SERVER_KEY="YOUR_KEY_FILE" # Example "${HOME}/certificates/mine.key"

# export GIT_LFS_SERVER_TRACE=1 # Uncomment to see the logs

dart pub global activate --source git

dart pub global run git_lfs_server:git_lfs_server_install

# In case you're upgrading
launchctl remove com.khoa-io.git-lfs-server-agent

launchctl load ${HOME}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.khoa-io.git-lfs-server-agent.plist
launchctl start com.khoa-io.git-lfs-server-agent

Linux #

Modify the following script to run the server:

sudo openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 2100 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "YOUR_CERT_FILE" -out "YOUR_KEY_FILE"
sudo openssl x509 -in YOUR_CERT_FILE -out YOUR_PEM_FILE

git config --global http."YOUR_SERVER_URL.sslverify" false

export GIT_LFS_SERVER_URL="YOUR_SERVER_URL" # Example: "https://localhost:8080"
export GIT_LFS_SERVER_CERT= "YOUR_CERT_FILE" # Example "${HOME}/certificates/mine.crt"
export GIT_LFS_SERVER_KEY="YOUR_KEY_FILE" # Example "${HOME}/certificates/mine.key"

# export GIT_LFS_SERVER_TRACE=1 # Uncomment to see the logs

dart pub global activate --source git

dart pub global run git_lfs_server:git_lfs_server_install

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start git-lfs-server

Usage #

Configure HTTPS #

  • Server:
    • Generate a key pair: openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 2100 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mine.key -out mine.crt
    • Convert the key pair to a PEM file: openssl x509 -in mine.crt -out mine.pem
  • Client: modify ~/.gitconfig
[http "https://address:port"]
	sslverify = false

Environment Variables #

The git-lfs-server needs some environment variables in order to run:

  • GIT_LFS_SERVER_URL: The URL of the git-lfs-server, for example: http://localhost:8080.
  • GIT_LFS_EXPIRES_IN: The number of seconds after which the server will expire the file object, for example 86400.
  • GIT_LFS_SERVER_CERT: The path to the certificate file, for example mine.crt.
  • GIT_LFS_SERVER_KEY: The path to the key file, for example mine.key.
  • GIT_LFS_SERVER_TRACE: Controls logging of git-lfs-server command.

Developing #

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unverified uploader

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A simple git-lfs server.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


grpc, http_multi_server, logging, protobuf, shelf, shelf_router, shelf_static, tuple


Packages that depend on git_lfs_server