gg_json_hash 2.0.0 gg_json_hash: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Hashes JSON objects deeply. Good or JSON comparison, sync and more.
// @license
// Copyright (c) 2019 - 2024 Dr. Gabriel Gatzsche. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by terms that can be
// found in the LICENSE file in the root of this package.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:gg_json_hash/gg_json_hash.dart';
void main() {
var jh = const JsonHash(floatingPointPrecision: 5);
// ...........................................................................
print('Create a json structure');
var json = <String, dynamic>{
'a': '0',
'b': '1',
'child': {
'd': 3,
'e': 4,
// ...........................................................................
print('Add hashes to the json structure');
json = jh.applyTo(json);
print(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(json));
// ...........................................................................
print('set a floating point precision to handle rounding differences');
final json0 = {
'a': 1.000001,
final json1 = {
'a': 1.000002,
'Both objects have the same hash because difference is below the precision',
assert(json0['_hash'] == json1['_hash']); // true
// ...........................................................................
print('Use the "inPlace" option to modify the input object');
json = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
jh.applyTo(json, inPlace: true);
assert(json['_hash'] == 'QyWM_3g_5wNtikMDP4MK38');
// ...........................................................................
print('Set "recursive: false" to let child hashes untouched.');
json = {
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'child': {'_hash': 'ABC123'},
addHashes(json, recursive: false);
assert(json['child']['_hash'] == 'ABC123');
// ...........................................................................
print('Set "recursive: true" (default) to recalc child hashes.');
json = {
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'child': {'_hash': 'ABC123'},
json = addHashes(json, recursive: true);
assert(json['child']['_hash'] == 'RBNvo1WzZ4oRRq0W9-hknp');
// ...........................................................................
'Set "upateExistingHashes: false" to create missing hashes but '
'not touch existing ones.',
json = {
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'child': {'c': 3},
'child2': {'_hash': 'ABC123', 'd': 4},
jh = const JsonHash(updateExistingHashes: false);
json = jh.applyTo(json);
assert(json['_hash'] == 'pos6bn6mON0sirhEaXq41-');
assert(json['child']['_hash'] == 'yrqcsGrHfad4G4u9fgcAxY');
assert(json['child2']['_hash'] == 'ABC123');
// ...........................................................................
print('Use JsonHash class to create a pre configured setup');
const jsonHash = JsonHash(
floatingPointPrecision: 5,
recursive: true,
updateExistingHashes: false,
// ...........................................................................
print('Use apply to add hashes to a json object');
// ...........................................................................
print('Use validate to check if the hashes are correct');
json = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
json = jh.applyTo(json);
jh.validate(json); // true
try {
json['a'] = 3;
jh.validate({'a': 3, '_hash': 'invalid'});
} catch (e) {