gg_json_hash 2.0.5 gg_json_hash: ^2.0.5 copied to clipboard
Hashes JSON objects deeply. Good or JSON comparison, sync and more.
gg_json_hash #
is a lightweight dart package designed to traverse JSON data
structures and add unique hash identifiers to all objects within them.
Motivation #
Hashing nested JSON objects makes sense for several key reasons:
- Change Detection: By generating a unique hash for each object, you can easily detect changes in complex data structures without manually comparing all fields.
- Efficient Synchronization: Hashes allow systems to sync only modified or new data, reducing bandwidth and improving performance.
- Cache Management: Hashes act as unique keys for caching, enabling quick retrieval and ensuring data consistency.
- Data Integrity: Hashes verify that nested objects remain unaltered, adding an extra layer of security and reliability.
- Simplified Tracking: In complex systems, hashes provide a consistent way to identify and track objects, even across distributed environments.
Features #
- Recursive Processing: Add hashes to nested JSON objects.
- SHA256 Uses SHA256 algorithm for hashing.
- Hash truncation Specify the length of the added hashes.
- Non-Intrusive: If desired, add hashes without altering existing data.
- Floating points: Assign same hashes to similiar floating point numbers
Example #
import 'package:gg_json_hash/gg_json_hash.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
void main() {
var jh = JsonHash.defaultInstance;
// ...........................................................................
print('Create a json structure');
Map<String, dynamic> json = {
'a': '0',
'b': '1',
'child': {
'd': 3,
'e': 4,
// ...........................................................................
print('Add hashes to the json structure.');
json = jh.apply(json);
print(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(json));
// ...........................................................................
print('Set a maximum floating point precision.');
final config = HashConfig(
numberConfig: NumberHashingConfig.defaultConfig.copyWith(precision: 0.001),
jh = JsonHash(config: config);
try {
'a': 1.000001,
} catch (e) {
print(e.toString()); // Number 1.000001 has a higher precision than 0.001
// ...........................................................................
print('Use the "inPlace" option to modify the input object directly.');
json = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
var ac = ApplyJsonHashConfig.defaultConfig.copyWith(inPlace: true);
jh.apply(json, applyConfig: ac);
assert(json['_hash'] == 'QyWM_3g_5wNtikMDP4MK38');
// ...........................................................................
'Set "upateExistingHashes: false" to create missing hashes but '
'without touching existing ones.',
json = <String, dynamic>{
'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'child': <String, dynamic>{'c': 3},
'child2': <String, dynamic>{'_hash': 'ABC123', 'd': 4},
ac = ac.copyWith(updateExistingHashes: false);
json = jh.apply(json, applyConfig: ac);
assert(json['_hash'] == 'pos6bn6mON0sirhEaXq41-');
assert(json['child']['_hash'] == 'yrqcsGrHfad4G4u9fgcAxY');
assert(json['child2']['_hash'] == 'ABC123');
// ...........................................................................
print('If existing hashes do not match new ones, an error is thrown.');
ac = ac.copyWith(throwIfOnWrongHashes: true);
try {
jh.apply({'a': 1, '_hash': 'invalid'});
} catch (e) {
// 'Hash "invalid" does not match the newly calculated
// one "AVq9f1zFei3ZS3WQ8ErYCE". Please make sure that all systems
// are producing the same hashes.'
// ...........................................................................
print('Set "throwIfOnWrongHashes" to false to replace invalid hashes.');
ac = ac.copyWith(
throwIfOnWrongHashes: false,
updateExistingHashes: true,
json = jh.apply({'a': 1, '_hash': 'invalid'}, applyConfig: ac);
print(json['_hash']); // AVq9f1zFei3ZS3WQ8ErYCE
// ...........................................................................
print('Use validate to check if the hashes are correct');
json = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
json = jh.apply(json);
jh.validate(json); // true
try {
json['a'] = 3;
jh.validate({'a': 3, '_hash': 'invalid'});
} catch (e) {