geoform 0.0.8-beta.1 geoform: ^0.0.8-beta.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter widget to work with dynamic forms that have a geo-spatial reference asociated with the form. This tool can be used to group and simplify the work with these forms.
0.0.1 #
- TODO: Describe initial release.
0.0.3-beta.4 #
Implement geoform with custom providers and bloc pattern
0.0.4 #
Fix: vector tile provider. Implement custom widgets/buttons on selected marker
0.0.5 #
Implement bottom content and bottom actions
0.0.6-beta.1 #
Implement Layer for Circle Markers
0.0.6-beta.2 #
Add custom action for register pressed
0.0.6-beta.3 #
Add manual mode on action pressed
0.0.6-beta.4 #
Fix: Deactivate action on new marker selected
0.0.6-beta.5 #
Feat: Add custom actions buttons
0.0.6-beta.6 #
Fix: initial position on manual selection
0.0.7 #
- Move parameters to geoform bloc
- Add parameters to additional widgets
0.0.8-beta.1 #
- Add parameters to additional widgets