geocore 0.1.0-nullsafety.0
geocore: ^0.1.0-nullsafety.0 copied to clipboard
Geospatial data structures and geometry classes for Dart.
Geospatial - geocore #
Geospatial data structures and geometry classes for Dart and Flutter mobile developers.
This package is at the alpha-stage, breaking changes are possible.
This package supports Dart null-safety.
This is a Dart code package named geocore
under the
geospatial repository.
Usage #
The package is designed null-safety in mind and requires SDK from beta channel:
sdk: '>=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0'
More information about how to switch to the latest beta release of Dart or Flutter SDKs is available in the official null-safety migration guide. Please consult it first about null-safety.
Dependencies defined in the pubspec.yaml
when using the package:
path: ^0.1.0-nullsafety.0
An example how to use geospatial data structures the package provides:
import 'package:geocore/geocore.dart';
main() {
// configure Equatable to apply toString() default impls
EquatableConfig.stringify = true;
// Cartesian points (XY, XYM, XYZ and XYZM) using doubles
print(Point2.xy(291692.0, 5707473.0));
print(Point2m.xym(291692.0, 5707473.0, 123.0));
print(, 5707473.0, 11.0));
print(Point3m.xyzm(291692.0, 5707473.0, 11.0, 123.0));
// Cartesian points (XY, XYZ) using integers
print(Point2i.xy(291692, 5707473));
print(, 5707473, 11));
// Geographical points (lon-lat, lon-lat-elev) using doubles
print(GeoPoint2.lonLat(0.0, 51.48));
print(GeoPoint3.lonLatElev(0.0, 51.48, 11));
Features #
The package contains geospatial data structures:
- Cartesian points using doubles: Point2, Point2m, Point3, Point3m
- Cartesian points using integers: Point2i, Point3i
- Geographical points using doubles: GeoPoint2, GeoPoint3
- Geographical camera: GeoCamera
- Geographical bounds: GeoBounds
- Coordinate reference systems: CRS class with two predefined identifiers
- Temporal coordinates: Instant, Interval
- Geospatial extent: Extent
- Web links: Link
Authors #
This project is authored by Navibyte.
License #
This project is licensed under the "BSD-3-Clause"-style license.
Please see the LICENSE.