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gen_keys: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard

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Code generator for widget keys. Builds a keys class in a separate parts file for classes annotated with @GenKeys().

gen_keys #


Code generator for widget keys. Builds a keys class in a separate parts file for classes annotated with @GenKeys().

How it works #

Add your keys to widgets with the format KeyClassName.keyName:

class MyWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('Hello', key: MyWidgetKeys.greeting);    // <- Your key

Then annotate the class with @GenKeys():

@GenKeys()      // <- Add annotation
class MyWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('Hello', key: MyWidgetKeys.greeting);

The key class is a separate file that ends in .keys.dart, so add the part directive at the top of your file:

part `my_widget.keys.dart`

Now build the .keys.dart file! #

Execute pub run build runner build to generate your my_widget.keys.dart file which has your new keys class:

part of 'my_widget.dart';

class MyWidgetKeys {
  static const String _prefix = '__MyWidgetKeys__';
  static const Key greeting = Key('${_prefix}greeting');

For finer control... #

Sometimes a class references references keys your don't want. In that cases, give all the class names you want to the @GenKeys command:

@GenKeys((keyClasses: ['MyWidgetKeys']) // <- Optionally specify the key class to generate
class MyWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Row(children: <Widget> [
      Text('Hello', key: MyWidgetKeys.greeting), // <- Generates this key
      Text('There', key: YourWidgetKeys.buttonText), // <- But not this one

Example #

Rich, infill

That's it! #

For questions on anything gen_key please reach out or create an issue.

pub points



Code generator for widget keys. Builds a keys class in a separate parts file for classes annotated with @GenKeys().

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


analyzer, build, flutter, source_gen


Packages that depend on gen_keys