geiger_indicator 3.5.0 copy "geiger_indicator: ^3.5.0" to clipboard
geiger_indicator: ^3.5.0 copied to clipboard

A toolbox-indicator from GEIGER projects

GEIGER Indicator #

The implementation of GEIGER cybersecurity Risk Indicator develop using Dart and Flutter. The GEIGER Indicator aim to support cross platform, so the Dart and Flutter is good option that provide compiling for several operating system such as Android, IOS, Windows etc.

⚙️ pubspec.yaml
Read the GEIGER Indicator Build configuration is stored in .pubspec.yaml. This is dart/flutter standard. Add your own configurations here, such as extensions. Remember that many extensions and additional Dart packages to be installed.

📚 lib/src/
All source code of GEIGER Indicator lives in lib/src, it was generated using Dart defaults. All the *.dart make up sections in the documentation.

💡 ../init.dart
It consist of initial function to get and check exist data. (physics user/device UUID, global/score data)

💡 ../listener.dart
Setting the listener using Storage API and manage the notification of metric data (e.g, sensor value, implemented recommendation etc.).

💡 ../sensors_data.dart
Manage the sensor values (e.g, check exist data and update new sensor value etc.).

💡 ../variables.dart
Include all core values of GEIGER indicator (e.g, global data, score data, storage api, node path etc.).

💡 lib/src/score/
Related calculation of score (user score,device score,aggregate score,SME score).

💡 ../aggregate_score.dart
Calculate aggregate score based on indicator algorithm with pairing data.

💡 ../geiger_score.dart
Calculate and manage user/device/aggregate score nodes based on indicator algorithm.

💡 ../sme_score.dart
Calculate and manage SME score based on indicator algorithm with pairing data.

💡 lib/src/globaldata/
Related mapping and pre-calculation data for risk score calculation (global threat,global recommendation,global profile).

💡 ../global_profile.dart
Mapping and parsing global profile (company type) for risk score calculation.

💡 ../global_recommendation.dart
Calculate, mapping and parsing global recommendation for risk score calculation.

💡 ../global_threat.dart
Mapping and parsing global threat (unique) based on global profile for risk score calculation.

📍 lib/indicator.dart
The main function 'runIndicator' is in this source code. who want to use GEIGER indicator, import this file and call main function.

Contents of this are visible on Github.

⁉️ Questions / comments
If you have questions related to this example, feel free to can ask them as a Github issue here.

Read the Docs tutorial #

To get started with Read the Docs, you may also refer to the Read the Docs tutorial.

Here is source code documentation using dartdoc source website.
This is Github URL of indicator Github.

Authors #

JongGwan An ( Nosa Daniel (

pub points


unverified uploader

A toolbox-indicator from GEIGER projects



API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


flutter, geiger_api, geiger_localstorage, intl, logger


Packages that depend on geiger_indicator