fuse_wallet_sdk 0.2.1 copy "fuse_wallet_sdk: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
fuse_wallet_sdk: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard

Fuse Wallet SDK now has a Dart implementation, making it even easier to integrate blockchain technology into your mobile apps.


[0.2.1] #

Fixed #

  • Transfer NFT method was fixed.

[0.2.0] #

Changes #

  • Breaking Change: Revamped the entire SDK infrastructure.
    • Smart Wallets are now 4337 compliant.
    • Transitioned to using the new API set.

[0.1.2] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade dependencies.

[0.1.1] #

Added #

  • Introduced tvl (total value locked) property in the StakingOption model.
  • Added stakingApr property to the StakedToken model.
  • Enhanced getHistoricalActions by introducing limit query parameter, enabling clients to retrieve more items per page.

[0.1.0+2] #

Fixed #

  • Collectible serialization

[0.1.0+1] #

Fixed #

  • Collectible fromJson function

[0.1.0] #

Changed #

  • Breaking: Introduced a new NFT module for fetching non-fungible tokens (ERC-721) on FUSE network.

[0.0.17] #

Added #

  • Expose a function to reconnect to the websocket when app goes to the foreground.

[0.0.16] #

Changed #

  • Added more properties to ActionResult model.

[0.0.15] #

Changed #

  • Expose ContractsUtils for clients.

[0.0.14] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade dependencies: dio & web3dart.

[0.0.13] #

Added #

  • Expose a function to disconnect from the websocket when a application goes to the background.

[0.0.12] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved unstakeToken

[0.0.11] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved webSocketConnection already been initialized issue

[0.0.10] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved FormatException issue

[0.0.9] #

Added #

  • Return WalletAlreadyExistsException from createWallet

[0.0.8] #

Fixed #

  • ABI reader fixed

[0.0.7] #

Fixed #

  • JSON serialization for the Action model

[0.0.6] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved issue with getTokenBalance function in ExplorerModule

Added #

  • Introduced ExplorerModule.getABI function - Retrieves the contract ABI for a given contract address.

Changed #

  • Breaking: Sections renamed to Modules

[0.0.5] #

Added #

  • Added comprehensive documentation to the package, making it easier for users to understand and use the package effectively.
  • Introduced a new model ActionResult which provides information on the next page of actions, the next page number, and a list of actions.

[0.0.4] #

Changed #

  • Replaced custom EventEmitter extension with the built-in Stream class for improved compatibility and maintainability.
  • Added a getBalance function to allow users to retrieve token balances directly from the blockchain.

[0.0.3] #

(No changes in this version)

[0.0.2] #

Added #

  • Implemented historical transactions functionality to enable users to access and analyze past transactions.

[0.0.1] #

  • Initial release of the package.
pub points


verified publisherfuse.io

Fuse Wallet SDK now has a Dart implementation, making it even easier to integrate blockchain technology into your mobile apps.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


bip32, bip39, centrifuge, compute, data_channel, decimal, dio, freezed_annotation, hex, http, json_annotation, userop, web3dart


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