fuse_wallet_sdk 0.3.8 copy "fuse_wallet_sdk: ^0.3.8" to clipboard
fuse_wallet_sdk: ^0.3.8 copied to clipboard

Fuse Wallet SDK now has a Dart implementation, making it even easier to integrate blockchain technology into your mobile apps.

[0.3.7] #

Changed #

  • Updated TimeFrame enum:
    • Removed: hour, day, and all values
    • Added: year value

Breaking Changes #

  • The removal of hour, day, and all from the TimeFrame enum may affect existing code that relies on these values.

[0.3.6] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed the getTokenList method.

[0.3.5] #

Added #

  • Introduced a new module, BalancesModule, for interacting with the Fuse Balances API.

[0.3.4] #

Changed #

  • Upgraded all the dependencies to the latest versions.

Added #

  • WebSocketConnection is now available in the SDK. It allows you to listen to events in real-time.

[0.3.3] #

Changed #

  • Breaking Change: FuseWalletSDK Updated the swapTokens method to retrieve quotes through the new API, utilizing Voltage V3, the latest router contract. It now gets TradeRequest instead of TradeRequestBody, the amount of tokens to swap is now a BigInt instead of a String.
  • TradeRequestBody, Trade & TradeCallParameters models have been removed.
  • Trade object has been removed from Action.Swap type.
  • Update dependencies.

[0.3.2] #

Changed #

  • Breaking Change: FuseSDK Updated the swapTokens method to retrieve quotes through the new API, utilizing Voltage V3, the latest router contract. It now gets TradeRequest instead of TradeRequestBody, the amount of tokens to swap is now a BigInt instead of a String.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of userop.
  • Upgraded to the latest version of web3dart.
  • Downgraded http package to 1.2.0.

[0.3.1] #

Changed #

  • Upgraded to the latest version of userop.

[0.3.0] #

Added #

  • Introduced a new module, GraphQLModule, for interacting with the subgraphs on Fuse.

Changes #

  • Breaking Change: The NFT has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

[0.2.20] #

Changed #

  • Update dependencies.
  • Removed feePerGas from TxOptions as it is no longer used. Instead of setting it manually, the SDK now fetches the current gas price from the network.

[0.2.19] #

Changed #

  • Update dependencies.

[0.2.18] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade dependencies.

[0.2.17] #

Fixed #

  • Get balance for native token.

[0.2.16] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade dependencies.

[0.2.15] #

Changed #

  • Instead of retrieving the ERC-20 information from the explorer, it now fetches it directly via RPC

[0.2.14] #

Added #

  • Introduced a new property to the txOptions object, customNonceKey, which gives account holders greater control over the semi-abstracted nonce system.

[0.2.13] #

Fixed #

  • Use a lock to ensure only one execution accesses the nonce at a time.

[0.2.12] #

Added #

  • Introduced a new property, useNonceSequence, to TxOptions for facilitating the use of two-dimensional nonces.

[0.2.11] #

Added #

  • An expired property to the StakingOption model. This property indicates whether the staking option has expired or not.

[0.2.10] #

Changed #

  • Increased the default feePerGas setting to 10 Gwei.

[0.2.9] #

Fixed #

  • Fixed an issue that causes getting 404 status code while getting native token balance for newly created ERC-4337 wallets.

[0.2.8] #

Added #

  • The from and to fields are now available in TokenEvent instances.

[0.2.7] #

Added #

  • The Websocket server url can now be provided into the SDK.
  • The createWallet method has been brought back along with its corresponding example create_wallet.dart.

[0.2.6] #

Fixed #

  • The receive wallet actions are parsed correctly.

Changed #

  • The default gasLimit used in the legacy SDK is now 700000.

[0.2.5] #

Added #

  • Get wallet actions of the ERC-4337 - Account Abstraction wallets.

Changed #

  • The base URL can now be provided into the SDK. With this, you can get early access to features that are not yet available in production.

[0.2.4] #

Changed #

  • Upgraded to the latest version of userop.
  • The details of the userop is printed to the console before sending it.

[0.2.3] #

Fixed #

  • Transfer NFT method was fixed.

[0.2.2+1] #

Fixed #

  • Swap VoltToken to Fuse native token.

[0.2.2] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade userop - It now uses the latest EtherspotWalletFactory contract.

[0.2.1] #

Fixed #

  • Transfer NFT method was fixed.

[0.2.0] #

Changes #

  • Breaking Change: Revamped the entire SDK infrastructure.
    • Smart Wallets are now 4337 compliant.
    • Transitioned to using the new API set.

[0.1.2] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade dependencies.

[0.1.1] #

Added #

  • Introduced tvl (total value locked) property in the StakingOption model.
  • Added stakingApr property to the StakedToken model.
  • Enhanced getHistoricalActions by introducing limit query parameter, enabling clients to retrieve more items per page.

[0.1.0+2] #

Fixed #

  • Collectible serialization

[0.1.0+1] #

Fixed #

  • Collectible fromJson function

[0.1.0] #

Changed #

  • Breaking: Introduced a new NFT module for fetching non-fungible tokens (ERC-721) on FUSE network.

[0.0.17] #

Added #

  • Expose a function to reconnect to the websocket when app goes to the foreground.

[0.0.16] #

Changed #

  • Added more properties to ActionResult model.

[0.0.15] #

Changed #

  • Expose ContractsUtils for clients.

[0.0.14] #

Changed #

  • Upgrade dependencies: dio & web3dart.

[0.0.13] #

Added #

  • Expose a function to disconnect from the websocket when a application goes to the background.

[0.0.12] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved unstakeToken

[0.0.11] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved webSocketConnection already been initialized issue

[0.0.10] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved FormatException issue

[0.0.9] #

Added #

  • Return WalletAlreadyExistsException from createWallet

[0.0.8] #

Fixed #

  • ABI reader fixed

[0.0.7] #

Fixed #

  • JSON serialization for the Action model

[0.0.6] #

Fixed #

  • Resolved issue with getTokenBalance function in ExplorerModule

Added #

  • Introduced ExplorerModule.getABI function - Retrieves the contract ABI for a given contract address.

Changed #

  • Breaking: Sections renamed to Modules

[0.0.5] #

Added #

  • Added comprehensive documentation to the package, making it easier for users to understand and use the package effectively.
  • Introduced a new model ActionResult which provides information on the next page of actions, the next page number, and a list of actions.

[0.0.4] #

Changed #

  • Replaced custom EventEmitter extension with the built-in Stream class for improved compatibility and maintainability.
  • Added a getBalance function to allow users to retrieve token balances directly from the blockchain.

[0.0.3] #

(No changes in this version)

[0.0.2] #

Added #

  • Implemented historical transactions functionality to enable users to access and analyze past transactions.

[0.0.1] #

  • Initial release of the package.


verified publisherfuse.io

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Fuse Wallet SDK now has a Dart implementation, making it even easier to integrate blockchain technology into your mobile apps.

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API reference


MIT (license)


bip32, bip39, centrifuge, compute, data_channel, decimal, dio, freezed_annotation, hex, http, json_annotation, synchronized, userop, web3dart


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