freezed_annotation 3.0.0 copy "freezed_annotation: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
freezed_annotation: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard

Annotations for the freezed code-generator. This package does nothing without freezed too.

3.0.0 - 2025-02-25 #

  • Breaking removed when/map related options

2.4.4 - 2024-07-15 #

  • Require json_annotation ^4.8.0

2.4.3 - 2024-07-09 (retracted) #

  • Stop using JsonKey(ignore: true) in favour of JsonKey(includeFromJson: false, includeToJson: false) (thanks to @lrsvmb)

2.4.2 - 2024-07-02 #

  • Require Dart >=3.0.0
  • Support latest collection

2.4.1 - 2023-07-12 #

  • The generic type of @With/@Implements now defaults to Object? instead of dynamic
  • Allow enabling/disabling all when/map variants at once (thanks to @gaetschwartz)

2.2.0 #

  • Re-introduced @With.fromString and @Implements.fromString to allow unions to implement generic types. (thanks to @rorystephenson)

2.1.0 #

  • Add support for de/serializing generic Freezed classes (Thanks to @TimWhiting)

2.0.3 #

– fix: build.yaml decoding crash

2.0.1 #

  • Fixed a bug where the generated when/map methods were potentially invalid when using default values
  • Fixed a bug where when/map methods were generated even when not necessary

2.0.0 #

  • Breaking: freezed_annotation no-longer exports the entire package:collection

  • Breaking Removed @Freezed(maybeMap: ) & @Freezed(maybeWhen: ) in favor of a separate:

    @Freezed(map: FreezedMap(...), when: FreezedWhenOptions(...))
    copied to clipboard
  • Feat: Add screaming snake union case type (#617) (thanks to @zbarbuto)

  • Added @unfreezed as a variant to @freezed, for mutable classes

1.1.0 #

Added support for disabling the generation of maybeMap/maybeWhen (thanks to @Lyokone)

1.0.0 #

freezed_annotation is now stable

0.15.0 #

  • Breaking Changed the syntax for @With and @Implements to use a generic annotation. Before:

    copied to clipboard


    copied to clipboard

0.14.3 #

Upgraded to support last json_annotation version

0.14.2 #

  • Added the ability to specify a fallback constructor when deserializing unions (thanks to @Brazol)

0.14.1 #

0.14.0 #

  • Stable null safety release

  • removed @nullable. Instead of:

    factory Example({@nullable int a}) = _Example;
    copied to clipboard


    factory Example({int? a}) = _Example;
    copied to clipboard
  • removed @late. Instead of:

    abstract class Person with _$Person {
      factory Person({
        required String firstName,
        required String lastName,
      }) = _Person;
      String get fullName => '$firstName $lastName';
    copied to clipboard


    abstract class Person with _$Person {
    factory Person({
      required String firstName,
      required String lastName,
    }) = _Person;
    late final fullName = '$firstName $lastName';
    copied to clipboard

0.13.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Migrated to null safety

  • removed @nullable. Instead of:

    factory Example({@nullable int a}) = _Example;
    copied to clipboard


    factory Example({int? a}) = _Example;
    copied to clipboard
  • removed @late. Instead of:

    abstract class Person with _$Person {
      factory Person({
        required String firstName,
        required String lastName,
      }) = _Person;
      String get fullName => '$firstName $lastName';
    copied to clipboard


    abstract class Person with _$Person {
    factory Person({
      required String firstName,
      required String lastName,
    }) = _Person;
    late final fullName = '$firstName $lastName';
    copied to clipboard

0.12.0 #

  • Added Assert decorator to generate assert(...) statements on Freezed classes:

    abstract class Person with _$Person {
      @Assert('name.trim().isNotEmpty', 'name cannot be empty')
      @Assert('age >= 0')
      factory Person({
        String name,
        int age,
      }) = _Person;
    copied to clipboard
  • Added a way to customize the de/serialization of union types using the @Freezed(unionKey: 'my-key') decorator.

    See also

0.11.0 #

  • Added @With and @Implements decorators to allow only a specific constructor of a union type to implement an interface:

    abstract class Example with _$Example {
      const factory Example.person(String name, int age) = Person;
      const factory name, int population) = City;
    copied to clipboard

    Thanks to @long1eu~

0.7.1 #

Minor change to @Default to fix an issue with complex default values.

0.7.0 #

Add @Default annotation

0.6.0 #

Added @late annotation.

0.4.0 #

Added a @nullable annotation.

0.3.1 #

Change version of collection to work with flutter_test.

0.3.0 #

Initial release of the annotation package.




Weekly Downloads

2024.09.11 - 2025.03.26

Annotations for the freezed code-generator. This package does nothing without freezed too.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


collection, json_annotation, meta


Packages that depend on freezed_annotation