fragment 0.4.0 copy "fragment: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
fragment: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

Easily prevent unnecessary build() calls in StatefulWidget and its subtrees.

fragment #

Build Status

Prevent unnecessary build() calls in StatefulWidget and its subtrees in a readable way.

If you know React, you may consider this as a shouldComponentUpdate or Memo alternate for Flutter.

Usage #

// Add a mixin to your state and call `fragment` method in the build method of your state
class _SState extends State<S> with Fragments {
  String text;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return fragment((prevTextWidget, prevKeys) { // previous result & previous deps. Both null on the first run
      return Text(text); // widgets subtree to cache
    }, deps: [text]); // values used in subtree. 
    // or
    return Fragment((context, fragment) {
      return fragment((prevTextWidget, prevKeys) { // works like above but caches in parent Fragment widget
        return Text(text);
      }, deps: [text]);
    // Either way, Text() will be preserved across builds unless text is updated

The Text widget will be cached, until text is updated to a different string.

deps accepts an Iterable, so you can declare multiple dependencies for your fragment.

For most situations, fragment would be called multiple times in a build call, in that case, deps are compared in order: first fragment call would compare its deps to previous build's first fragment call's deps, etc.

fragment also accepts an additional named parameter group, the above logic runs for each group independently, see documents for more details.

Q & A #


What's the difference between the mixin API fragment and the widget API Fragment?


Sadly, there's probably no prefect way to cache a widget's subtrees. Each of them have its own pros and cons.

The mixin API fragment allows you to return anything from your builder: a List, a PreferredSizeWidget, a builder function... which makes it the only way to go in some situations like caching a Material AppBar, where the parent widget Scaffold is expecting a special subtype of Widget instead of a Widget .

The widget API Fragment also has its own pros: you can use context in your builder and everything would work as expected, e.g. when you want to use InheritedModel in your subtree, or to respect Flutter's widget update logic for caches instead of depending on the order of calling fragment.

TL;DR: use Fragment widget when you want to use context in your subtree, use fragment when you want to cache something other than a Widget.

Future Plans #

Add more tests.



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Easily prevent unnecessary build() calls in StatefulWidget and its subtrees.

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collection, flutter


Packages that depend on fragment