forestvpn_api 3.11.3
forestvpn_api: ^3.11.3 copied to clipboard
A package to interact (manage vpn profiles / check usage statistics / manage locations / ...)
forestvpn_api #
ForestVPN defeats content restrictions and censorship to deliver unlimited access to video, music, social media, and more, from anywhere in the world.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Requirements #
- Dart 2.12.0 or later OR Flutter 1.26.0 or later
- Dio 4.0.0+
Installation & Usage # #
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
forestvpn_api: 3.2.0
Github #
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
Local development #
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/forestvpn_api
Getting Started #
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:forestvpn_api/forestvpn_api.dart';
final api = ForestvpnApi().getAdsApi();
final CreateAdUnitRequestLogRequest createAdUnitRequestLogRequest = ; // CreateAdUnitRequestLogRequest |
try {
final response = await api.createAdUnitRequestLog(createAdUnitRequestLogRequest);
} catch on DioError (e) {
print("Exception when calling AdsApi->createAdUnitRequestLog: $e\n");
Documentation for API Endpoints #
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AdsApi | createAdUnitRequestLog | POST /ads/request-logs/ | Create ad unit request log |
AdsApi | listAdPlacements | GET /ads/placements/ | Get ad placement list |
AppApi | getCurrentUserDevice | GET /app/devices/current/ | Get user device info |
AppApi | updateCurrentUserDevice | PATCH /app/devices/current/ | Update user device |
AppleApi | verifyAppStoreReceipt | POST /purchase/apple/verify/ | App store receipt verification |
AuthApi | loginToken | POST /auth/token/login/ | Login with JWT token |
AuthApi | migrateLegacyAuth | GET /legacy/auth/ | Legacy auth migration |
AuthApi | obtainToken | GET /auth/token/obtain/ | Obtain JWT token |
AuthApi | updateUserProfile | PATCH /auth/profile/ | Update profile |
AuthApi | userProfile | GET /auth/profile/ | Profile |
AuthApi | whoAmI | GET /auth/whoami/ | Who am I |
BillingApi | getBillingBundle | GET /billing/bundles/{bundleID}/ | Bundle info |
BillingApi | getBillingPaymentMethod | GET /billing/payment-methods/{paymentMethodID}/ | Payment method info |
BillingApi | getBillingProduct | GET /billing/products/{productID}/ | Product info |
BillingApi | listBillingBundles | GET /billing/bundles/ | Billing bundles list |
BillingApi | listBillingFeatures | GET /billing/features/ | Billing feature list |
BillingApi | listBillingPaymentMethods | GET /billing/payment-methods/ | Billing payment methods list |
BillingApi | listBillingProducts | GET /billing/products/ | Billing products list |
CheckoutApi | applyCouponCheckoutSession | POST /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/apply_coupon/ | Apply coupon to session |
CheckoutApi | createCheckoutSession | POST /checkout/sessions/ | Create checkout session |
CheckoutApi | expireCheckoutSession | POST /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/expire/ | Expire checkout session |
CheckoutApi | getCheckoutSession | GET /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/ | Checkout session details |
CheckoutApi | getStripeCheckoutSession | GET /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/stripe/checkout/session/ | Stripe checkout session details |
CheckoutApi | getStripePaymentIntent | GET /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/stripe/payment/intent/ | Stripe payment intent details |
CheckoutApi | processCloudPaymentsAuth | POST /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/cloud-payments/auth/ | Cloud payments auth |
CheckoutApi | processCloudPaymentsPost3ds | POST /checkout/sessions/{sessionID}/cloud-payments/post3ds/ | Cloud payments post3ds |
DeviceApi | createDevice | POST /devices/ | Create new device |
DeviceApi | createDevicePortForwarding | POST /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/ | Create new device port forwarding |
DeviceApi | deleteDevice | DELETE /devices/{deviceID}/ | Delete Device |
DeviceApi | deleteDevicePortForwarding | DELETE /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/{portForwardingID}/ | Delete Device's Port Forwarding |
DeviceApi | getDevice | GET /devices/{deviceID}/ | Device Info |
DeviceApi | getDeviceStats | GET /devices/{deviceID}/stats/{statsID}/ | Device's stats detail |
DeviceApi | getDeviceWireGuard | GET /devices/{deviceID}/wireguards/{wireGuardID}/ | Device's wireguard profile detail |
DeviceApi | listDeviceBindings | GET /devices/{deviceID}/bindings/ | Device bindings |
DeviceApi | listDeviceConnectionModes | GET /devices/{deviceID}/connection-modes/ | Device connection modes |
DeviceApi | listDeviceDetailStats | GET /devices/{deviceID}/detail-stats/ | Device's detail stats list |
DeviceApi | listDevicePortForwardings | GET /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/ | Device Port Forwarding List |
DeviceApi | listDeviceStats | GET /devices/{deviceID}/stats/ | Device's stats list |
DeviceApi | listDeviceWireGuardPeers | GET /devices/{deviceID}/wireguards/{wireGuardID}/peers/ | Device's wireguard peers |
DeviceApi | listDeviceWireGuards | GET /devices/{deviceID}/wireguards/ | Device's wireguard profiles list |
DeviceApi | listDevices | GET /devices/ | Device List |
DeviceApi | updateDevice | PATCH /devices/{deviceID}/ | Update device properties |
DeviceApi | updateDevicePortForwarding | PATCH /devices/{deviceID}/port-forwarding/{portForwardingID}/ | Update device's port forwarding |
FcmApi | createFCMDevice | POST /notification/fcm/ | Device registration for push notification through out Firebase Cloud Messaging |
FcmApi | deleteFCMDevice | DELETE /notification/fcm/{registrationID}/ | Delete fcm device |
FcmApi | getFCMDevice | GET /notification/fcm/{registrationID}/ | Device info |
FcmApi | updateFCMDevice | PATCH /notification/fcm/{registrationID}/ | Update device fcm properties |
FriendshipApi | acceptFriendshipInvitation | PATCH /friendship/invitations/{code}/ | Accept friendship invitation |
FriendshipApi | createFriendshipInvitation | POST /friendship/invitations/ | Create friendship invitation |
FriendshipApi | deleteFriend | DELETE /friendship/friends/{id}/ | Delete friend |
FriendshipApi | getFriend | GET /friendship/friends/{id}/ | Friend details |
FriendshipApi | getFriendshipInvitation | GET /friendship/invitations/{code}/ | Friendship invitation details |
FriendshipApi | listFriends | GET /friendship/friends/ | Get friends list |
FriendshipApi | rejectFriendshipInvitation | DELETE /friendship/invitations/{code}/ | Reject friendship invitation |
GeoApi | listCountries | GET /geo/countries/ | Countries list |
GeoApi | listCurrencies | GET /geo/currencies/ | Correncies list |
GeoApi | listLocations | GET /locations/ | Location list |
GoogleApi | verifyPlayStorePurchase | POST /purchase/google/verify/ | Play store purchase verification |
NewsApi | getNotification | GET /news/notifications/{notificationID}/ | Get notification content |
NewsApi | getNotificationsUnreadCount | GET /news/unread_count/ | Get unread notifications count |
NewsApi | listNotifications | GET /news/notifications/ | Get notifications list |
NewsApi | updateNotificationMarkRead | PATCH /news/notifications/{notificationID}/mark_read/ | Mark notification as read by user |
NewsApi | updateNotificationMarkReadAll | PATCH /news/notifications/mark_read_all/ | Mark all notifications as read by user |
WireguardApi | getWireGuardPeerInfo | GET /wireguard/peers/{pubKey}/ | Wireguard peer info |
WireguardApi | listWireGuardPeers | GET /wireguard/peers/ | Wireguard peers list |
Documentation For Models #
- AdPlacement
- AdProvider
- AdReward
- AdUnit
- AppStoreReceiptVerificationRequest
- BillingFeature
- Bundle
- CheckoutSession
- CheckoutSessionProduct
- CloudPaymentsAuth
- CloudPaymentsPost3ds
- CloudPaymentsSecure3d
- ConnectionMode
- Constraint
- Country
- CouponCheckoutSession
- CreateAdUnitRequestLogRequest
- CreateCheckoutSessionProduct
- CreateCheckoutSessionRequest
- CreateCloudPaymentsAuth
- CreateCloudPaymentsPost3ds
- CreateCouponCheckoutSession
- CreateFCMDeviceRequest
- CreateOrUpdateDeviceRequest
- CreateOrUpdateDeviceRequestInfo
- CreateOrUpdatePortForwardingRequest
- CreateTokenLogin
- Currency
- Device
- DeviceStats
- DeviceType
- Environment
- Error
- FCMDevice
- FeaturedImage
- Friendship
- FriendshipInvitation
- LegacyAuthMigrationToken
- Location
- NetworkService
- Notification
- NotificationDetail
- NotificationUnreadCount
- PaymentMethod
- PlayStorePurchaseVerificationRequest
- PortForwarding
- Price
- Product
- Recurring
- Server
- StripeCheckoutSession
- StripePaymentIntent
- TokenLogin
- TokenObtain
- UpdateFCMDeviceRequest
- UpdateUserDeviceRequest
- User
- UserDevice
- WireGuard
- WireGuardPeer
- WireGuardPeerDevice
- WireGuardPeerInfo
- WireGuardPeerUser
Documentation For Authorization #
bearerAuth #
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
wireguardAuth #
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header