foodb_objectbox_adapter 0.11.0 copy "foodb_objectbox_adapter: ^0.11.0" to clipboard
foodb_objectbox_adapter: ^0.11.0 copied to clipboard

Foodb database persistance using object

foodb_objectbox_adapter #

A new Flutter package project.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Running unit test. #

  1. As this repo is using objectbox, it is very advisable to go through

  2. You'll also need to run

    bash <(curl -s
  3. (MacOS) Manually create lib directory if you face this error. Chances are it created executable lib file.

    ls: /usr/local/lib/*: Not a directory
    Error installing the library - not found
  4. Create temp at the same level of lib and test.

  5. Create .env at the same level of lib and test.

  6. Define COUCHDB_TEST_URI variable in .env with your own couchdb instance.

Running couch db with docker #

  1. Docker images options:
    1. couchdb official
    2. apache couchdb
  2. You might face lots of error when you view it in terminal. To resolve the errors, continue.
  3. Create directory to mount volume:
    $ mkdir ~/data
    $ docker run -p 5984:5984 --volume ~/data:/opt/couchdb/data --env COUCHDB_USER=admin --env COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password apache/couchdb:2.1.1
  4. Update user
    $ curl localhost:5984
    {"couchdb":"Welcome","version":"2.1.1","features":["scheduler"],"vendor":{"name":"The Apache Software Foundation"}}
    $ curl -X PUT http://admin:password@localhost:5984/_users
    $ curl -X PUT http://admin:password@localhost:5984/_replicator
    $ curl -X PUT http://admin:password@localhost:5984/_global_changes
  5. Update COUCHDB_TEST_URI to COUCHDB_TEST_URI=http://admin:password@localhost:5984.

Reference: #
