fontstyles 1.0.0+1 fontstyles: ^1.0.0+1 copied to clipboard
A flutter package that has the necessary code.
Changelog #
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
[Unreleased] #
Added #
- Feature A: Description of Feature A.
- Feature B: Description of Feature B.
Changed #
- Change A: Description of Change A.
- Change B: Description of Change B.
Deprecated #
- Deprecated Feature X: Description of deprecation.
Removed #
- Removed Feature Y: Reason for removal.
Fixed #
- Issue #1: Description of the fix.
- Issue #2: Description of the fix.
[Version X.Y.Z] - YYYY-MM-DD #
Added #
- New feature: Description of the new feature.
- Another new feature: Description of another new feature.
Changed #
- Improved algorithm X for better performance.
- Updated dependency Y to version Z.
Fixed #
- Issue #N: Description of the fix.
[Version A.B.C] - YYYY-MM-DD #
Added #
- Added support for platform X.
- New API endpoint added.
Changed #
- Improved user interface for better usability.
- Tweaked configuration settings.
Fixed #
- Issue #M: Description of the fix.