flutter_workoutkit 0.0.11 copy "flutter_workoutkit: ^0.0.11" to clipboard
flutter_workoutkit: ^0.0.11 copied to clipboard


A Flutter plugin that leverages Apple's WorkoutKit SDK to create, preview, and sync custom workouts with the Apple Watch Workout app.

flutter_workoutkit #

pub points pub package platform License: MIT

Attention: This plugin is exclusively for iOS 17.0+ devices and requires an Apple Watch paired with the iOS device. Android devices are not supported.

A Flutter plugin that leverages Apple's WorkoutKit SDK to create, preview, and sync custom workouts with the Apple Watch Workout app. This plugin enables seamless integration between Flutter apps and WatchOS workout functionality, allowing developers to programmatically define and manage workout routines that users can access directly on their Apple Watch.

🚨 Active Development! #

This plugin is currently under active development. Things may break and breaking changes may be introduced until version 1.0.0 is released. Use this in production at your own risk. Please report any issues or feature requests on the GitHub repository.

🔑 Key Features #

  • Create, preview, and sync custom workouts with the Apple Watch Workout app.
  • Define custom, single goal, pacer or swim-bike-run workout routines with a variety of workout types using widgets.
  • Set goals for each workout step, such as time, distance, or repetitions.
  • Set variety of alerts, such as heart rate zones, pace, and power zones.
  • Works seamlessly with the Workout app on Apple Watch.

🎥 Preview #

Demo 1

📸 Screenshots #

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

📝 Example Workout #

final CustomWorkout speedCyclingWorkout = CustomWorkout(
  activityType: WorkoutActivityType.cycling,
  location: WorkoutLocationType.outdoor,
  displayName: "Speed Cycling",
  warmup: WorkoutStep(
    alert: HeartRateZoneAlert(zone: 1),
    goal: const WorkoutGoal(
      type: WorkoutGoalType.time,
      targetDuration: Duration(minutes: 10),
      unit: WorkoutGoalUnit.minutes,
  blocks: [
      type: IntervalBlockType.work,
      iterations: 1,
      steps: [
          alert: SpeedRangeAlert(
            lowerBound: 28,
            upperBound: 32,
            unitSpeed: UnitSpeed.kilometersPerHour,
            metric: WorkoutAlertMetric.average,
          purpose: IntervalStepPurpose.work,
          goal: const WorkoutGoal(
            type: WorkoutGoalType.distance,
            targetValue: 24,
            unit: WorkoutGoalUnit.kilometers,
  cooldown: WorkoutStep(
    alert: HeartRateZoneAlert(zone: 1),
    goal: const WorkoutGoal(
      type: WorkoutGoalType.time,
      targetDuration: Duration(minutes: 10),
      unit: WorkoutGoalUnit.minutes,

📥 Installation #

In your pubspec.yaml file within your Flutter Project add flutter_workoutkit under dependencies:

  flutter_workoutkit: <latest_version>

This plugin requires HealthKit to be enabled in your project. Ensure you have the necessary permissions in your Info.plist file:

<string>Allow access to health data to track workouts.</string>
<string>Allow update of health data to track workouts.</string>

And ensure you have the necessary capabilities in your Xcode project:

Xcode Capabilities

📚 Usage #

You can define a workout using one of the four Workout classes:

  • CustomWorkout
  • PacerWorkout
  • SwimBikeRunWorkout
  • SingleGoalWorkout

You can preview examples of each workout in the lib/sampleWorkouts folder in the plugin package or in the example app.

To preview and sync a workout, you can use the WorkoutPreviewButton widget:

WorkoutPreviewButton(workout: speedCyclingWorkout);

The WorkoutPreviewButton widget will automatically call the native workoutPreview() method to preview the workout and allow the user to save the workout to their Apple Watch.

Before previewing a workout, you must request health permissions:

import 'package:flutter_workoutkit/flutter_workoutkit.dart';

await Workoutkit.hasHealthPermissions();
await Workoutkit.requestHealthPermissions();

🎨 Customizing the preview button #

The WorkoutKit framework currently only provides a native button to trigger the workout preview modal. There is no API available to programmatically trigger the preview without user interaction.

To accommodate this limitation, this plugin provides a WorkoutPreviewButton widget that renders the native iOS button, therefore customizing the button is limited for now. Check the WorkoutPreviewButton widget for available customization options.

🚧 Roadmap #

  • ✅ Add support for WorkoutPreviewButton for previewing workouts
  • ✅ Add basic customization options for WorkoutPreviewButton widget
  • ❌ Add more advanced customization options for WorkoutPreviewButton widget
  • ❌ Add support for WorkoutScheduler for scheduling and managing workouts
  • ❌ Add support for ScheduledWorkoutPlan for scheduling workout plans
  • ❌ Add support for poolSwimDistanceWithTime for workout goals.
  • ❌ Add graceful degradation for older iOS versions.
  • ❌ Improve examples and example app
  • ❌ Improve documentation
  • ❌ Add tests
  • ❌ (Long term) Explore options for supporting Android

📝 License #

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

📧 Contact #

For questions or feedback, please contact me at a@adamkramer.dev

💰 Buy me a coffee #

If you find this plugin useful, please consider buying me a coffee:



verified publisheradamkramer.dev

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A Flutter plugin that leverages Apple's WorkoutKit SDK to create, preview, and sync custom workouts with the Apple Watch Workout app.

Repository (GitHub)
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#workoutkit #apple-watch #healthkit #fitness #workouts


API reference


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Apache-2.0 (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


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