flutter_widgets 0.1.12 flutter_widgets: ^0.1.12 copied to clipboard
Flutter widgets that are developed by Google but not by the core Flutter team.
Major Update! #
This package has been broken down into smaller packages and some of the widgets have been removed as there are better alternatives.
visibility_detector has been moved to https://pub.dev/packages/visibility_detector
linked_scroll_controller has been moved to https://pub.dev/packages/linked_scroll_controller
scrollable_positioned_list has been moved to https://pub.dev/packages/scrollable_positioned_list
feature_discovery is removed. An alternative can be found here.
html_widget is removed. An alternative can be found here.
responsive_ui is removed. It was rarely used.
tagged_text is removed. It was rarely used.
This package (flutter_widgets) will continue to be available but will no longer updated.
Flutter widgets #
This repository contains the source code for various Flutter widgets that are developed by Google but not by the core Flutter team.
Issues #
Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests in the this repo.
Contributing #
If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing widgets in this repo, please review our contribution guide, and send a pull request.