flutter_wallet_card 3.0.2 copy "flutter_wallet_card: ^3.0.2" to clipboard
flutter_wallet_card: ^3.0.2 copied to clipboard

Flutter wallet card for iOS devices. Generate Apple Pass card using either locally stored file or download it from web via url.

Flutter Build Actions Pub Package

flutter_wallet_card #

Flutter plugin which allows users to create their own Apple Wallet Passes (as well as Google Cards).

Getting Started #

Fetch from URL #

Provide URL object for the .passkit file (hosted on www). Library will automatically download it, unpack and add to Apple Wallet if the passkit is valid. It saves all the passkits inside Application Directory and the directory is cleared when next pass is added to save device memory.

import 'package:flutter_wallet_card/flutter_wallet_card.dart';

/// It returns [PasskitFile] object
final passkitFile = await FlutterWalletCard.generateFromUri(
  scheme: 'https',
  host: 'example.com',
  path: '/wallet.pkpass',
  parameters: {
    'someQueryParameter': 'someQueryValue'

Fetch from file #

Provide absolute path to the .passkit file. Library will automatically unpack it add prepare object that will be ready to add into Apple Wallet if the passkit is valid. It saves all the passkits inside Application Directory and the directory is cleared when next pass is added to save device memory.

import 'package:flutter_wallet_card/flutter_wallet_card.dart';

/// It returns [PasskitFile] object
final passkitFile = await FlutterWalletCard.generateFromFile(
  id: 'example-pass',
  file: File('path-to-file.pkpass'),

Generate from scratch #

Currently there is no way to generate signature within mobile application althrough, You can find Signer class that is using OpenSSL under-the-hood which allows to generate such a signature certificate. On real device unfortunately, there is no possibility to generate it (yet). For more information check Signer class reference.

import 'package:flutter_wallet_card/flutter_wallet_card.dart';

final passkitGenerated = await FlutterWalletCard.generatePass(
  id: 'example-id',
  pass: PasskitPass(), // class instance
  signature: File('signature'),
  manifest: File('manifest.json'),
  iconImage: PasskitImage(), // class instance

final passkitFile = passkitGenerated.passkitFile;

Save it into wallet #

Once the passkitFile will be generated, use this command to add it into Apple Wallet. This command will return status whether operation succeeded or not.

/// It accepts [PasskitFile] class instance and returns [bool] 
final completed = await FlutterWalletCard.addPasskit(passkitFile);

Contribute #

Please feel free to fork, improve, make pull requests or fill issues. I'll be glad to fix bugs you encountered or improve the extension.

Roadmap #

At this moment some of key features are not working as intended to:

  • ❌ Add support for in-app passport generation

Changelog #

Refer to the Changelog to get all release notes.

pub points


unverified uploader

Flutter wallet card for iOS devices. Generate Apple Pass card using either locally stored file or download it from web via url.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


archive, cli_script, crypto, dio, equatable, flutter, path, path_provider, uuid


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