flutter_uploader 1.2.1
flutter_uploader: ^1.2.1 copied to clipboard
background upload plugin for flutter
Flutter Uploader #
A plugin for creating and managing upload tasks. Supports iOS and Android.
This plugin is based on WorkManager
in Android and NSURLSessionUploadTask
in iOS to run upload task in background mode.
This plugin is inspired by flutter_downloader
. Thanks to Hung Duy Ha & Flutter Community for great plugins and inspiration.
iOS integration #
Note: This is written in swift when you create the flutter project use -i swift option #
- Enable background mode.

Optional configuration: #
- **Configure maximum number of connection per host ** the plugin allows 3 simultaneous http connection per host running at a moment by default. You can change this number by adding following codes to your
<!-- changes this number to configure the maximum number of concurrent tasks -->
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- Configure maximum number of concurrent upload operation: the plugin allows 3 simultaneous upload operation running at a moment by default. You can change this number by adding following codes to your
<!-- changes this number to configure the maximum number of concurrent tasks -->
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- Configure request timeout: controls how long (in seconds) a task should wait for additional data to arrive before giving up
<!-- changes this number to configure the request timeout -->
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- Localize notification messages: the plugin will send a notification message to notify user when all files are uploaded while your application is not running in foreground. This message is English by default. You can localize this message by adding and localizing following message in
file. (you can find the detail ofInfo.plist
localization in this link)
<string>All files have been uploaded</string>
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Android integration #
Optional configuration: #
- Configure maximum number of concurrent tasks: the plugin depends on
library andWorkManager
depends on the number of available processor to configure the maximum number of tasks running at a moment. You can setup a fixed number for this configuration by adding following codes to yourAndroidManifest.xml
android:exported="false" />
<!-- changes this number to configure the maximum number of concurrent tasks -->
android:value="3" />
<!-- changes this number to configure connection timeout for the upload http request -->
<meta-data android:name="com.bluechilli.flutteruploader.UPLOAD_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS" android:value="3600" />
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- Localize notification messages: you can localize notification messages of upload progress by localizing following messages. (you can find the detail of string localization in Android in this link)
<string name="flutter_uploader_notification_started">Upload started</string>
<string name="flutter_uploader_notification_in_progress">Upload in progress</string>
<string name="flutter_uploader_notification_canceled">Upload canceled</string>
<string name="flutter_uploader_notification_failed">Upload failed</string>
<string name="flutter_uploader_notification_complete">Upload complete</string>
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- Firebase integration: there's a conflict problem between
library (related toGuava
library). The problem is expected to be resolved in new version ofGuava
build tools. For now, you can work around it by adding some codes to yourbuild.gradle
allprojects {
configurations.all {
exclude group: 'com.google.guava', module: 'failureaccess'
resolutionStrategy {
eachDependency { details ->
if('guava' == details.requested.name) {
details.useVersion '27.0-android'
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Usage #
Import package:
import 'package:flutter_uploader/flutter_uploader.dart';
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Initialize uploader:
- This is a singleton object
final uploader = FlutterUploader();
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Create new upload task:
final taskId = await uploader.enqueue(
url: "your upload link", //required: url to upload to
files: [FileItem(filename: filename, savedDir: savedDir, fieldname:"file")], // required: list of files that you want to upload
method: UploadMethod.POST, // HTTP method (POST or PUT or PATCH)
headers: {"apikey": "api_123456", "userkey": "userkey_123456"},
data: {"name": "john"}, // any data you want to send in upload request
showNotification: false, // send local notification (android only) for upload status
tag: "upload 1"); // unique tag for upload task
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listen for upload progress #
final subscription = uploader.progress.listen((progress) {
//... code to handle progress
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listen for upload result #
final subscription = uploader.result.listen((result) {
//... code to handle result
}, onError: (ex, stacktrace) {
// ... code to handle error
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note: when tasks are cancelled, it will send on onError handler as exception with status = cancelled
Cancel an upload task:
uploader.cancel(taskId: taskId);
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Cancel all upload tasks:
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